Where is the share button on TikTok

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Find a video on TikTok that you really like and want to share with your friends? You can share public TikTok videos on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or you can download videos to your phone or tablet to share them however you'd like. This wikiHow will show you how you can share a TikTok video with your friends, as well as how to download someone's video from the app.

  1. 1

    Open TikTok. This app icon looks like a white, blue, and red music note on a black background. You can find this on either your Home screen, in the app drawer, or by searching.

  2. 2

    Navigate to a video you want to share. You can either browse Home or search for a tag in Discover.


  3. 3

    Tap the share icon

    . You'll see this on the right side of the video near the bottom. The icon might change between a small Instagram or Facebook icon, depending on the popular method that video has been shared.

  4. 4

    Tap the sharing method you want. You can tap to share the TikTok through Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Tumblr, and more. To see apps that aren't listed in the pop-up menu, tap Other and a menu will slide up from the bottom of your screen showing you apps through which you can share the TikTok video.

    • Facebook and Facebook News Feed are two different icons, so if you don't find the method of sharing that you want, look in Other from the main sharing menu.

  5. 5

    Send your post, message, or tweet. If you haven't shared with the selected app before, (such as Instagram), you'll be prompted to log in to connect the apps. Once you're signed in and a new post or message is created, edit the video (optional) and add any text you wish before posting or sending.

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  1. 1

    Open TikTok. This app icon looks like a white, blue, and red music note on a black background. You can find this on either your Home screen, in the app drawer, or by searching.

  2. 2

    Navigate to a video you want to share. You can either browse Home or search for a tag in Discover.

  3. 3

    Tap the share icon

    . You'll see this on the right side of the video near the bottom. The icon might change between a small Instagram or Facebook icon, depending on the popular method that video has been shared.

  4. 4

    Tap Save video. This is usually under the icons to share the TikTok to other social media.

    • Depending on your phone or tablet, you may have to choose a saving location before the download begins.
    • You'll see a progress bar over the video as it downloads to your phone or tablet. When it's done downloading, you can tap to share the video in popular apps in a menu at the bottom of your screen.

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Article SummaryX

1. Link your TikTok and Instagram accounts.
2. Navigate to a video you want to share to your Facebook Story.
3. Tap the share icon.
4. Tap the sharing method you want.
5. Log in to that account if prompted.

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Why does my TikTok have no share button?

If you can't share a video from TikTok, the user likely disabled the sharing feature for the said video. To confirm this, browse your 'For You' page and try sharing other videos. On the other hand, you can also try to find the same video on TikTok uploaded by a different user and hope that the share feature is enabled.

What is the share icon on TikTok?

The new Repost button is found in the “Share” menu where you could otherwise send the video to friends through messages, texts or social media posts elsewhere. Except, instead of sharing the video with friends directly, the Repost button promotes the video to your friends on TikTok.

What does share button look like on TikTok?

TikTok introduces new yellow button to share videos In short, this button It helps users who follow you know which videos you recommend.. In other words, when you click on this button, TikTok will notify all your subscribers (by means of a notification) that there is a video that you should see.


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