Where the Red Fern Grows loyalty quotes?

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By this time, my fighting blood was boiling. It's hard for a man to stand and watch an old hound fight against such odds, especially if that man has memories in his heart like I had in mine. (1.8)

Oooh, it sounds like there's a story here—and we bet it has something to do with dogs. This early incidents preps us to hear a good tale about love, loyalty, and—yep—dogs.

I figured the lion had scented my pups. The more I thought about anything harming them, the madder I got. I was ready to die for my dogs. (5.121)

Maybe Billy shouldn't be so quick to dismiss his mom, because this feeling that he's describing sounds a lot like a mom being ready to fight to protect her children.

"I made a bargain with my dogs. I told them that if they would put one in a tree, I'd do the rest. Well, they fulfilled their part of the bargain. Now it's up to me to do my part, and I'm going to, Papa. I'm going to cut it down. I don't care if it takes me a year." (8.121)

Okay, fine, Billy is loyal and determined. But we have to ask—the dogs can't really understand what he's saying, so isn't this more about fulfilling his bargain with himself?

My whole life was wrapped up in my dogs. Everywhere I went they went along. (10.8)

Obsession can be ugly, Shmoopers. We're thinking that this kind of blind devotion and loyalty has a negative side, too—one that makes Billy neglect his family, keep his mom up all night with worry, and make him ready to put his dogs in danger to prove how awesome they are. Sometimes it's good just to take a chill pill.

Old Dan, seeing the fate of his little friend, had quit the chase and come back to help her. (11.31)

It's no wonder Billy is so loyal—he's got a little furry example to show the way. Old Dan somehow knows to drop the chase and come help Little Ann, just like any loyal friend. Hey, we're not even sure our friends would do this for us.

"No, Grandpa," I said. "They've always been that way. They won't take anything away from each other, and everything they do, they do it as one." (15.18)

When Billy first gets the dogs, he sees them as two separate creatures. By the end, though, they've become one unit—so loyal to each other that one won't even keep on living when the other dies.

"Did you know they won't hunt with anyone but him, not even me?" (17.140)

There's something special about hunting, evidently, because the dogs will work for Billy's parents around the farm, but won't go hunting with anyone but Billy. You can't go killing raccoons with just anyone, after all.

"What I can't understand is why they stayed with that tree," Mr. Bensen said. "I've seen hounds stay with a tree for a while, but not in a northern blizzard." (18.65)

Okay, in anyone else, we'd think that this kind of stubbornness was a little dimwitted, since, you know, we're talking about a blizzard here. But in Old Dan and Little Ann, it's just further proof of their loyalty to Billy.

I never saw my dogs when they got between the lion and me, but they were there. Side by side, they rose up from the ground as one. They sailed straight into those jaws of death, their small, red bodies taking ripping, slashing claws meant for me. (19.27)

Old Dan and Little attack the mountain lion that was about to take Billy out. What's impressive here is that they do it together. Check it out: "they," "they," "they," and "their." All the pronouns here emphasize just how much of a unit these little dogs are.

I knelt down and put my arms around them. I knew that if it hadn't been for their loyalty and unselfish courage I would have probably been killed by the slashing claws of the devil cat. (19.60)

At the beginning of the novel, Billy declared that he would die for his pups. We see that his dogs are just as willing to die for him—and they actually go through with it. Ugh. Seriously, this makes us tear up every time.

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Well, you'd expect a species that earned the nickname "man's best friend" too be loyal. And boy, are these two little hounds loyal to Billy. Old Dan's loyalty might only be matched by his stubbornness. The thing is, you might as well call this kid "dog's best friend" cause he is one loyal owner. He never leaves his dogs behind, he chops down the biggest tree in the woods for them, and he even swears to lay down his life for them. The sad thing is, they're the ones who end up laying down their lives for him. In Where the Red Fern Grows, loyalty is serious—and deadly—business.

Questions About Loyalty

  1. Where do you think Billy's sense of loyalty comes from? Family? Faith? His dogs?
  2. What does loyalty mean to Billy? How would he define it? 
  3. It is clear that Billy is loyal to his dogs. In what ways does he show his loyalty to his family?

Chew on This

Billy's loyalty to his dogs has nothing to do with Old Dan or Little Ann specifically. It comes from how hard he had to work to get them.

Because Billy's loyalty to his dogs conflicts with his loyalty to his family, it puts Billy in dangerous, sometimes life-threatening positions.

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How is loyalty shown in Where the Red Fern Grows?

When Billy first gets the dogs, he sees them as two separate creatures. By the end, though, they've become one unit—so loyal to each other that one won't even keep on living when the other dies.

Where the Red Fern Grows red fern quote?

'" "I'm sure the red fern has grown and has completely covered the two little mounds. I know it is still there, hiding its secret beneath those long, red leaves, but it wouldn't be hidden from me for part of my life is buried there too.

Where the Red Fern Grows quotes meet God halfway?

Grandpa: And if you want them bad enough, you'll get them, Billy. And if you want God's help bad enough, you'll meet him half way.

What is the lesson learned in Where the Red Fern Grows?

As a coming-of-age story, Where the Red Fern Grows deals with the classic theme of maturity as Billy learns to work hard, be a leader, and ultimately deal with the death. But the book also engages with other classic American themes including self-reliance and man's relationship to nature.


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