Which cells are commonly found wedged between simple columnar epithelial cells?

The reason that intervertebral discs exhibit a large amount of tensile strength to absorb shock is because they possess ________.

A) elastic fibers
B) collagen fibers
C) reticular fibers
D) hydroxyapatite crystals

  • The presence of lacunae, calcium salts, and blood vessels would indicate ________.

    A) fibrocartilaginous tissue
    B) areolar tissue
    C) osseous tissue
    D) cartilage tissue

  • Hyaline cartilage is different from elastic or fibrocartilage because ________.

    A) it is more vascularized
    B) fibers are not normally visible
    C) it has more elastic fibers
    D) it contains more nuclei

    B) fibers are not normally visible

  • Epithelial tissue ________.

    A) has a basement membrane
    B) is usually acellular
    C) is highly vascularized
    D) contains a number of neuron types

    A) has a basement membrane

  • Which of the following would be of most importance to goblet cells and other glandular epithelium?

    A) microvilli
    B) lysosomes
    C) multiple nucle
    D) Golgi bodies

  • Mammary glands exhibit a glandular type called ________.

    A) compound alveolar
    B) simple alveolar
    C) simple tubular
    D) compound tubular

  • Simple columnar epithelium of the digestive tract is characterized by ________.

    A) fibroblasts
    B) dense microvilli
    C) a rich vascular supply
    D) cilia

  • Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium ________.

    A) is not an epithelial classification
    B) possesses no goblet cells
    C) lines the respiratory tract
    D) aids in digestion

    C) lines the respiratory tract

  • A single-celled layer of epithelium that forms the lining of serous membranes is ________.

    A) simple cuboidal
    B) simple transitional
    C) simple squamous
    D) simple columnar

  • Which statement best describes connective tissue?

    A) usually contains a large amount of matrix
    B) always arranged in a single layer of cells
    C) usually lines a body cavity
    D) primarily concerned with secretion

    A) usually contains a large amount of matrix

  • Matrix is ________.

    A) fibers and ground substance
    B) ground substance and cells
    C) composed of all organic compounds
    D) cells and fibers

    A) fibers and ground substance

  • Cell types likely to be seen in areolar connective tissue include all except: ________.

    A) fibroblasts
    B) mast cells
    C) macrophages
    D) chondrocytes

  • The tissue type that arises from all three embryonic germ layers is ________.

    A) epithelial tissue
    B) connective tissue
    C) nervous tissue
    D) muscle tissue

  • The fiber type that gives connective tissue great tensile strength is ________.

    A) elastic
    B) collagen
    C) reticular
    D) muscle

  • Organized groups of cells (plus their intercellular substances) that have a common purpose form a(n) ________.

    A) organ
    B) tissue
    C) organism
    D) organ system

  • The shape of the external ear is maintained by ________.

    A) adipose tissue
    B) elastic cartilage
    C) hyaline cartilage
    D) fibrocartilage

  • Inability to absorb digested nutrients and secrete mucus might indicate a disorder in which tissue?

    A) simple squamous
    B) transitional
    C) simple columnar
    D) stratified squamous

  • Glands, such as the thyroid, that secrete their products directly into the blood rather than through ducts are classified as ________.

    A) exocrine
    B) endocrine
    C) sebaceous
    D) ceruminous

  • Which of the following is true about epithelia?

    A) Simple epithelia are commonly found in areas of high abrasion.
    B) Endothelium provides a slick surface lining all hollow cardiovascular organs.
    C) Stratified epithelia are associated with filtration.
    D) Pseudostratified epithelia are commonly keratinized.

    B) Endothelium provides a slick surface lining all hollow cardiovascular organs.

  • Chondroblasts ________.

    A) within the cartilage, divide and secrete new matrix
    B) never lose their ability to divide
    C) located deep to the perichondrium divide and secrete new matrix on the internal portions of the cartilage
    D) are mature cartilage cells located in spaces called lacunae

    A) within the cartilage, divide and secrete new matrix

  • ________ epithelium appears to have two or three layers of cells, but all the cells are in contact with the basement membrane.

    A) Stratified columnar
    B) Stratified cuboidal
    C) Transitional
    D) Pseudostratified columnar

    D) Pseudostratified columnar

  • A multilayered epithelium with cuboidal basal cells and flat cells at its surface would be classified as ________.

    A) simple squamous
    B) simple cuboidal
    C) stratified squamous
    D) transitional

  • An epithelial membrane ________.

    A) contains simple or stratified epithelia and a basement membrane
    B) usually involves transitional epithelium
    C) never contains mucus-forming cells
    D) is formed of epithelium and smooth muscle

    A) contains simple or stratified epithelia and a basement membrane

  • Multicellular exocrine glands can be classified ________.

    A) functionally into secreting or nonsecreting types
    B) functionally into merocrine, holocrine, and apocrine divisions
    C) structurally into vascular and avascular types
    D) structurally into alveolar and acinar types

    B) functionally into merocrine, holocrine, and apocrine divisions

  • Which of the following is true about the mode of secretion of exocrine glands?

    A) These glands are ductless.
    B) Holocrine cells are slightly damaged by the secretory process, but repair themselves.
    C) Merocrine glands are not altered by the secretory process.
    D) Apocrine cells are destroyed, then replaced after secretion.

    C) Merocrine glands are not altered by the secretory process.

  • Which of these is not considered connective tissue?

    A) adipose
    B) cartilage
    C) muscle
    D) blood

  • What are glycosaminoglycans?

    A) positively charged polysaccharides
    B) negatively charged proteins
    C) negatively charged polysaccharides
    D) positively charged proteins

    C) negatively charged polysaccharides

  • Which is true concerning muscle tissue?

    A) cuboidal shape enhances function
    B) highly cellular and well vascularized
    C) is a single-celled tissue
    D) contains contractile units made of collagen

    B) highly cellular and well vascularized

  • The first step in tissue repair involves ________.

    A) formation of scar tissue
    B) inflammation
    C) proliferation of fibrous connective tissue
    D) replacement of destroyed tissue by the same kind of cells

  • Select the correct statement regarding multicellular exocrine glands.

    A) The secretory cells of holocrine glands release their product by rupturing.
    B) Compound glands are so called because they are constructed from more than one cell type.
    C) Exocrine glands always lack ducts.
    D) Merocrine glands release their secretion by pinching off part of the cell.

    A) The secretory cells of holocrine glands release their product by rupturing.

  • The three main components of connective tissue are ________.

    A) collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers
    B) alveoli, fibrous capsule, and secretory cells
    C) fibroblasts, chondroblasts, and osteoblasts
    D) ground substance, fibers, and cells

    D) ground substance, fibers, and cells

  • Which of the following statements is true of connective tissue?

    A) Elastin fibers are sometimes called white fibers.
    B) Collagen fibers provide high tensile strength.
    C) Reticular fibers form thick, ropelike structures.
    D) When connective tissue is stretched, collagen gives it the ability to snap back.

    B) Collagen fibers provide high tensile strength.

  • Select the correct statement regarding the cells of connective tissue.

    A) Connective tissue cells are nondividing.
    B) Chondroblasts are the main cell type of connective tissue proper.
    C) Connective tissue does not contain cells.
    D) "Blast" cells are undifferentiated, actively dividing cells.

    D) "Blast" cells are undifferentiated, actively dividing cells.

  • Select the correct statement regarding tissue repair.

    A) The clot is formed from dried blood and transposed collagen fibers.
    B) Inflammation causes capillaries to dilate and become permeable.
    C) Granulation tissue is highly susceptible to infection.
    D) Granulation tissue is another name for a blood clot.

    B) Inflammation causes capillaries to dilate and become permeable.

  • Select the correct statement regarding epithelia.

    A) Simple epithelia form impermeable barriers.
    B) Stratified epithelia are present where protection from abrasion is important.
    C) Pseudostratified epithelia consist of at least two layers of cells stacked on top of one another.
    D) Stratified epithelia are tall, narrow cells.

    B) Stratified epithelia are present where protection from abrasion is important.

  • Select the correct statement regarding adipose tissue.

    A) It is composed mostly of extracellular matrix.
    B) Mature adipose cells are highly mitotic.
    C) Most of the cell volume is occupied by the nucleus.
    D) Its primary function is nutrient storage.

    D) Its primary function is nutrient storage.

  • ________ are commonly found wedged between simple columnar epithelial cells.

    A) Goblet cells
    B) Macrophages
    C) Mast cells
    D) Cilia

  • Select the correct statement regarding factors that affect the tissue repair process.

    A) Nutrition does not seem to influence tissue repair.
    B) The type of tissue injured is not an important factor.
    C) The health of an individual does not seem to make any difference in the speed of repair.
    D) The age of the person is a factor in the repair process.

    D) The age of the person is a factor in the repair process.

  • In adults, new surface epithelial cells and the epithelial cells lining the intestine are derived from _________.

    A) components of the connective tissue
    B) underlying epithelial cells
    C) stem cells
    D) mitotic division of existing epithelial cells

  • What would be a substance you would expect to find expelled from a compound alveolar gland?

    A) salivary fluid
    B) acid
    C) oil
    D) milk

  • Mesenchymal cells are most commonly found in ________ connective tissue.

    A) areolar
    B) reticular
    C) dense regular
    D) embryonic

  • The shock-absorbing pads between the vertebrae are formed of fibrocartilage. True or False
    True False

  • Brown fat is frequently deposited between the shoulder blades of infants. True or False
    True False

  • Achilles was wounded by damage to the tendon connecting his calf muscles to his heel. This and all tendons are composed mainly of dense irregular connective tissue. True or False
    True False

    False; dense regular connective tissue

  • Macrophages are found in areolar and lymphatic tissues. True or False
    True False

  • Goblet cells are found with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. True or False
    True False

  • Epithelial tissues always exhibit polarity; that is, they have a free surface and a basal surface. True or False
    True False

  • Simple cuboidal epithelia are usually associated with secretion and absorption. True or False
    True False

  • Depending on the functional state of the bladder, transitional epithelium may resemble stratified squamous or stratified cuboidal epithelium. True or False
    True False

  • Stratified cuboidal epithelium is moderately rare in the body and found only in the pharynx, larynx, and anorectal junction. True or False
    True False

    False; sweat and mammary glands

  • Endothelium covers and lines internal cavities such as the pleural and peritoneal cavities. True or False
    True False

  • Merocrine glands produce their secretions by accumulating their secretions internally and then rupturing the cell. True or False
    True False

  • Salivary glands exhibit simple tubuloalveolar glandular arrangement. True or False
    True False

  • Connective tissues that possess a large quantity of collagen fibers often provide the framework for organs such as the spleen and lymph nodes. True or False
    True False

  • The basic difference between dense irregular and dense regular connective tissues is in the amount of elastic fibers and adipose cells present. True or False
    True False

    False; arrangement of collagen fibers

  • A major characteristic of fibrocartilage is its unique amount of flexibility and elasticity. True or False
    True False

    False; tensile strength with the ability to absorb compressive shock

  • Cartilage tissue tends to heal less rapidly than bone tissue. True or False
    True False

  • Intercalated discs and striations suggest the presence of skeletal muscle. True or False
    True False

  • Smooth muscle cells possess central nuclei but lack striations. True or False
    True False

  • Most connective tissues have regenerative capacity, while most epithelial tissues do not. True or False
    True False

  • Squamous cells are flattened and scalelike when mature. True or False
    True False

  • Functions of connective tissues include binding, support, insulation, and protection. True or False
    True False

  • Sweat glands are apocrine glands. True or False
    True False

  • Endocrine glands are often called ducted glands. True or False
    True False

  • Blood is considered a type of connective tissue. True or False
    True False

  • Nervous tissue consists mainly of neurons and collagen fibers.
    True False

    False; neurons and glil cells

  • The epithelial membrane that lines the closed ventral cavities of the body; makes up the pleura and pericardium

  • The epithelial membrane that lines body cavities open to the exterior; found in lining the digestive and respiratory tracts

  • Consists of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

    Cutaneous membrane or skin

  • Lines blood vessels and the heart

  • Structural support of the external ear and other structures that need support with flexibility

  • Forms much of the fetal skeleton and covers the articular surfaces of long bones

  • Embryonic connective tissue that arises from mesoderm and produces all types of connective tissues

  • Source of new cells in mature connective tissue

  • Forms internal supporting framework of soft organs such as the spleen

  • ________ tissue forms the framework for the lamina propria of mucous membranes.

    Areolar or loose connective

  • Osteocytes exist in a tiny void called a ________.

  • Cardiac muscle tissue is single nucleated, has intercalated discs, and is ________.

  • ________ muscle cells are multinucleated.

  • ________ live in the lacuna of cartilage.

  • The uppermost layer of skin is composed of ________.

    keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

  • Kidney tubules are composed of ________ epithelium.

  • Multiple rows of cells covering a tissue in which the cells are the same shape from the basement membrane to the surfaces would be ________ epithelia.

  • All epithelial tissue rests upon a ________ composed of connective tissue.

  • The salivary glands are a good example of a ________ exocrine gland.

  • Macrophage-like cells are found in many different tissues, and may have specific names that reflect their location or specializations. What is the one functional characteristic common to all macrophage-like cells?

  • All of the following statements refer to events of tissue repair. Put the events in proper numbered order according to the sequence of occurrence. The initial event, the injury, is already indicated as number one.

    Which cells are commonly found wedged between simple columnar epithelium cells quizlet?

    ________ epithelium appears to have two or three layers of cells, but all the cells are in contact with the basement membrane. Which cells are commonly found wedged between simple columnar epithelial cells? Goblet cells are found with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium.

    What cells are found in simple columnar epithelial cells?

    Simple Columnar Epithelium is made up of Glandular Goblet cells which secrete mucins to form mucin. the rest of the cell is made up of cytoplasm with membrane bound secretory granules which secrete the mucin, and are found towards the apical surface of the cell.

    Which cells are commonly found between simple columnar epithelial cells like those lining the digestive tract?

    For example, a goblet cell is a mucous-secreting unicellular “gland” interspersed between the columnar epithelial cells of mucous membranes (Figure 3).

    Where is simple columnar epithelium commonly found?

    Simple columnar epithelium This type of epithelia lines the small intestine where it absorbs nutrients from the lumen of the intestine. Simple columnar epithelia are also located in the stomach where it secretes acid, digestive enzymes and mucous.

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