Which coffee is most effective for weight loss?

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If you’re anything like me, coffee is a non-negotiable part of my everyday morning routine. The benefits of an early caffeine boost are obvious (think staying awake during your a.m. meetings), but did you know that your morning cup of joe can also help you lose weight? A new study conducted by the University of Nottingham has found just that: a link between coffee consumption and fat loss.

Researchers discovered that drinking coffee activates brown adipose tissue, a type of fat, which they conclude “has the potential to improve lipid and carbohydrate homeostasis as well as contribute to weight loss strategies.” So, if you needed another reason to drink more coffee, this beverage’s fat burning benefits are a healthy excuse. And don’t fret: we’ve rounded up six of the best coffee beans to help kick-start your journey to a trimmer physique.

1. Death Wish Coffee Organic Dark Roast

“The World’s Strongest Coffee” will keep you awake and keep your body burning that unwanted fat with twice the caffeine of your typical cup of coffee. This dark roast is a “bold, smooth brew,” so you get optimum flavor, and it is Fair Trade and USDA Certified Organic, so you don’t have to compromise ethics to get all of the flavor and health benefits of this morning (or midday) beverage.

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2. Koffee Kult Dark Roast Coffee

This dark roast coffee is a 100% Arabic blend sourced from Brazil, Colombia and Sumatra. It features a heavy body and smooth finish, with hints of cinnamon and cocoa, which is a great choice for someone who enjoys a subtly sweet flavor. It can be enjoyed as an espresso shot or with your favorite creamer, but either way, it’s sure to keep you going throughout the day.

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3. Volcanica Tanzania Peaberry Coffee

If you’re looking for a full bodied coffee, but want to retain more of the coffee bean’s original flavor (as opposed to a dark roast), this medium roast is a delicious option. Volcanica’s coffee is sourced from volcanic regions all over the globe, and the Tanzania Peaberry Coffee is grown directly on Mount Kilimanjaro. This coffee has notes of lemongrass and plum, with wine-like overtones, and its flavor is highly rated among reviewers.

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4. Kicking Horse Three Sisters Coffee

These coffee beans are another medium roast with unique flavors. This coffee features notes of sweet tobacco, stone fruit and cocoa, making it ideal for coffee drinkers who appreciate slightly sweet yet bold flavors. Plus, it is sustainably grown in Indonesia and Central and South America and is Fair Trade Certified.

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5. Real Good Coffee Co Breakfast Blend

Need something a little easier on the taste buds to get you going in the morning? Real Good Coffee Co’s Breakfast Blend is a light roast with a smooth flavor: these coffee beans feature flavorful hints of citrus and a subtle aroma of milk chocolate and cream, making this coffee a sweet way to start your day. Plus, you won’t be compromising caffeine content in the name of taste: light roasts contain virtually the same amount of caffeine as their darker counterparts.

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6. Caribou Coffee Daybreak Morning Blend

Another tasty light roast option is Caribou Coffee’s Daybreak Morning Blend. This coffee has a nutty caramel flavor that will gently coax you from the early morning fog. Its soft, easy flavors are ideal for regular consumption, so you can drink more coffee and burn more fat without having to brave the bolder flavors of the darker roasts. Plus, all Caribou Coffee beans are Rainforest Alliance Certified, so you know you’re being a responsible consumer when purchasing this coffee.

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