Which muscle would be considered underactive, leading to the excessive forward trunk lean during the overhead squat assessment?

The way our body moves as well as natural movement compensations are a really great indicator of muscle imbalances (overactive and underactive). It’s really important that you identify and work to correct these muscle imbalances to ensure the most successful and injury-free training plan and protocol.

There are a few tests I learned during my training at the National Academy of Sports Medicine (where I became a Certified Personal Trainer & Fitness Nutrition Specialist), but the one I will focus on today is the overhead squat assessment. This is a common tool used by fitness professionals to identify and correct muscle imbalances in clients. But, with the help of a friend to film you, or a video in selfie mode, you can identify some of these muscle imbalances yourself and learn which proactive measures you can take today to help build a more balanced neuromuscular system.

Step 1: Find someone to film you or a way to film yourself

Set up your camera in selfie mode or ask someone nicely if they will film you doing this exercise. You will need to be filmed from both the front (anterior) and side (lateral) view.

Step 2: Do an overhead squat

Reach your arms up overhead, palms facing each other, and stand with your feet hip width apart. Keeping your arms up overhead, sit back and perform a squat. Keep in mind that your knees should not go beyond your toes.

Step 3: Review your videos

Now comes the time to watch and see how your body moves. I am going to teach you how to identify your imbalances and how to correct them.

Step 4: Identify your imbalances and start correcting them

Aim to do the recommended stretches and exercises 2-3 x per week on nonconsecutive days. Think of these stretches and exercises as part of your warm-up. You might have to give yourself a bit more time (or cut your regular workout a bit shorter) in order to make time for this longer warm-up – but it’s so important.

Here’s what your overhead squat assessment should look like:

Common movement compensations, what they mean and how to fix them:

1. Excessive forward lean

What does this mean?

This is a really common movement compensation I see in a lot of people. This excessive forward lean is probably due to overactive calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus), hip flexors and/or abs (rectus abdominis, external oblique) as well as underactive glutes (gluteus maximus), shins (anterior tibialis) and/or medial back (erector spinae).

What can you do to help correct this?


  • Calf stretch

  • Hip flexor stretch

  • Ball abdominal stretch


  • Ball Squat

2. Arms fall forward

What does this mean?

You might be surprised how challenging it feels to keep your arms raised overhead while performing a squat. This is probably due to overactive back muscles (latissimus dorsi, teres major) and/or chest muscles (pectoralis major and minor) as well as underactive upper back muscles (mid and lower trapezius, rhomboids) and/or rotator cuff.

What can you do to help correct this?


  • Latissimus dorsi stretch

  • Pectoral stretch

Your pectoral (chest) muscles are shaped like a fan, so you can position your arm above, below or in line with your shoulder in order to stretch a slightly different part of the muscle.

Foam rolling

  • Thoracic spine


  • Floor cobra

  • Squat to row

3. Low back arch

What does this mean?

The most likely overactive muscles causing this movement compensation are the hip flexors (a lot of us sit all the time!) and/or back (latissimus dorsi and erector spinae) as well as underactive glutes (gluteus maximus), hamstrings and/or the intrinsic core stabilizer muscles (i.e. transverse abdominis, internal obliques and pelvic floor muscles).

What can you do to help correct this?


  • Hip flexor stretch (see above)
  • Latissimus dorsi stretch (see above)
  • Erector spinae stretch


  • Ball squat (see above)
  • Floor bridge

4. Knees move inward

What does this mean?

I see this one a lot, especially in individuals who try to perform squats fast instead of in a controlled fashion, as well as people who are already fatigued and try to keep going! This one needs to be corrected for sure before you start increasing your squat weight. Luckily, most gyms have mirrors in front of the squat racks or in the weight rooms – so be sure to check yourself out 🙂 The knees moving inward is probably due to overactive thighs (biceps femoris, adductors/inner thighs, TFL, vastus lateralis) and underactive glutes (gluteus maximus and medius) and/or VMO (also located in the thigh).

What can you do to help correct it?


  • Adductor stretch

  • Hamstring stretch

  • TFL stretch


  • Lateral tube walking

  • Ball bridge with abduction

5. Foot turns out

What does this mean?

When your foot (or feet) turn out, this means that you probably have some overactive calf muscles (soleus and lateral gastrocnemius) and bicep femoris (part of your quadricep) as well as underactive calf muscles (medial gastrocnemius), hamstrings and adductors.

What can you do to help correct it?


  • Calf stretch (see above)
  • Hamstring stretch (see above)


  • Single leg balance and reach

So, do you feel like a pro now? Try out this overhead squat assessment yourself and see if you can identify and correct your muscle imbalances.


Lunden Souza Lunden Souza is an Online Fitness & Lifestyle Transformation Coach. She helps people all over the world create a sustainable healthy lifestyle, so they'll never have to "start over" again! Connect with @lifelikelunden for real-life strategies to get on track for long-term health in both body and mind. View all posts by Lunden Souza »

What causes excessive forward lean during squat?

A common movement pattern deviation observed during the squat is the excessive torso lean. This misalignment in form is often the result of weak back extensors (erector spinae) and hips. However, tight calf muscles (gastrocnemius/soleus) and hip flexors may also be contributing to the problem.

Which muscles are typically underactive in association with lower cross syndrome?

The lower crossed syndrome involves weakness of the trunk muscles: rectus abdominis, obliques internus abdominis, obliques externus abdominis and transversus abdominis, along with the weakness of the gluteal muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.

Which muscles are typically underactive in association with upper crossed syndrome?

In upper crossed syndrome, this causes weak muscles in the front of the neck (cervical flexor muscles) and in the lower shoulders (rhomboid and lower trapezius muscles). The condition gets its name from the “x” shape that develops when regions of overactive and underactive muscles overlap.

Which muscles are typically underactive with knee valgus during the overhead squat?

A common improper movement pattern observed during a squat is knee valgus (knees caving inward). This is typically the result of strong hip adductor muscles (located on the inner thigh) overpowering the weak hip abductors (gluteus minimus and gluteus medius).


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