Which situation could be represented by the graph students in the childrens choir

Which situation could be represented by the graph? Students in the children's choir are at least 8 years old but no more than 11 years old. Babysitters earn between $ 8 and $ 11 per hour. A program at a community college can be completed in no fewer than 8 months, but must be completed in less than 11 months. The dogs at a veterinary clinic are all 8 years old or under or are older than 11 years.



Grade 9 · 2021-07-16

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Which situation could be represented by the graph?
Students in the children's choir are at least Which situation could be represented by the graph? - Gauthmath years old but no more than 11 years old.
Babysitters earn between \$8 and \$11 per hour.
A program at a community college can be completed in no fewer than 8 months, but must be completed in less than 11 months.
The dogs at a veterinary clinic are all 8 years old or under or are older than 11 years.




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