Who said failure is the first step to success

“Failure is the first step towards success” is one of the most heard quotes and is again and again told to us in every step of life, but how often do we realize its importance or live by its mantra? Honestly, we don’t! We just expect the fruit to come to us without working over its plant. Getting up requires falling. If a nine month old gave up trying to walk after his first fall, he would never be able to walk again, simply because he gave up. We can relate this to anything we do or anything we try to.

To succeed in something, we need to keep this in our mind that we are going to fall. A very famous quote regarding this explains very clearly that “ITS NOT THE FALLING PART THAT’S HARD, IT’S THE GETTING UP” . The only way we can learn to rise is when we have been through certain circumstances. When we know what we did wrong in the first place, when we have tried every known method that’s exactly when it will dawn on us – the right way to get up. Success depends on you.

If you have fallen time after time, its time to build a different strategy for getting up, you will succeed! Many people have a serious misconception when it comes to "failure" because they put negative labels on people they deem to have failed. It's important to understand that any time we fail at something, whether it's large or small; we are one step closer to success. Nothing ends in failure, if you don't let it, and your attitude is what will lead you into turning failure into success.

Order custom essay Failure Is the First Step to Success. (2017, May 30). Retrieved from //phdessay.com/failure-first-step-success/

I’m a big Simpsons fan… or at least I was when I used to watch the show.  I even wrote my high school thesis on Homer.  One quote of Homer’s that’s been running through my head lately is “Trying is the first step towards failure”.  I’ve been thinking about this because I am about to “try” a whole bunch of new things over the next few months.  I am going to try to move to a bigger place in another city.  I am going to try and start my own business.  I am going to try and start up a few side projects that I’m hoping will bring in some money on the side.  I am going to try and grow my blogs and build a bigger readership.  And most of all, I am going to try and spend more time with my family.

Homer was right when he said that trying leads to failure but what he forgot to mention is that failure is on the road to success.  No one can expect to “try” something new and be successful every time.  Every new thing that you attempt comes along with new challenges that you never would have considered before starting.  You live, learn, try, fail and if you stick it out long enough, you succeed. 

Have you ever failed, stuck it through and ultimately succeeded? 

We say these phrases to ourselves many times! As a human being, we are too afraid to try and it is a normal tendency.

Do you know that failure is the first step towards success?

If all the great minds started fearing and quitting, they would never reach where they are! Life is about taking risks and never thinking about the outcome.

Why do we plan and plot our actions? Why can’t we take risks and see what our future holds for us?

When we think too much about the outcome, we miss the opportunity that knocks on our door.

Let us take a small example of trying river rafting! You might be scared of water and you think you cannot do it.

Your friends try to convince you that it will be okay but you are too scared of trying it. So, you stay back in the resort and wait for your friends to come back and they have a great time.

They come back alive and also have succeeded to create memories of a lifetime.

There are bigger issues in life and this is just to explain you that the fear is irrelevant. It is there but you should not let it cause any hindrance in your day to day life.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: it is the fear of failure.’’
― Paulo Coelho

Never Settle for Less

We really need to sit down and think about our life.

Why do we settle for less?

It is because we fear that the outcome would not be as per our heart’s wish.

Bidding adieu to fear of failure is important to succeed in life.

What if you fail? That’s your first thought, No?

My question is – What if you succeed?

Life is about taking risks and never thinking too much about the outcome. If all our actions become so calculative, we would never be able to cease the day!

“Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try something.’’
― Frederick W. Smith

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Failure is the First Step Towards Success – Give it a Shot!

What if it really works out?

Let us take the example of a relationship.

We think too much about the future and fear that our man/woman may not commit to us. We ruin our present when we think too much about the future.

You have to give it a try to actually see whether it brings joy to your life or not.

People must have faith in their dreams, relationships and actions. If you do not believe in these, you will never be able to succeed.

Even in a relationship, you must have patience and faith in your partner in order to reach the destination. Forcing it out of the fear of failure, you might lose something forever.

What if you give it a chance and wait? It might lead to marriage or a beautiful union.

The fear of failure is a serious block in your life! You must bid adieu to these feelings and chase your dreams.

Give it time and have faith because these two ingredients are important for being successful. Also, you would need to work hard.

Not trying is worse than attempting it and failing. Just so you know, failure is the first step towards success.

Always know that life is about taking risks and if you do not take them, you would never find out whether you would have succeeded or failed.

Give it your best shot and put your best foot forward! With little baby steps and faith, you will reach your destination!

“Give it a try! If you do not try, you shall regret the decision for the rest of your life. Great minds have achieved so much in life through faith, patience and hard work. I am not saying that it will be easy but not trying is an act of a coward! Put your best foot forward and make it happen! Never let the fear of failure come in the way!’’
― Anshu Choudhary



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    Who said every failure is a step to success?

    William Whewell - Every failure is a step to success.

    Who said failure is the seed of success?

    "Failure is success in progress," Albert Einstein once said. The great scientist was on to something. Encountering our fears and failures prompts the most necessary changes in our lives and our businesses.

    Why failure is the first step to success?

    What is another reason failure is the first step to success? Failure gives you experiences that you can apply the next time you try. This means that you can avoid the same pitfalls that hindered you from initially reaching your goal. A simple example of this is getting lost while driving.

    What is a famous quote about failure?

    Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” —Richard Branson. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” —Winston Churchill. “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” —Paulo Coelho.


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