Why are JoJo stands different in subtitles?

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Posted by4 years ago


The only examples I can think of are Giorno and Josuke's stands. In the manga and what Giorno says aloud his stand's name is "Gold Experience", but the subs translate it to "Gold Wind" and I think I've heard people irl also just call it that. Haven't read the manga for part 4,but in the subbed anime Josuke says "Crazy Diamondo" while it is translated to "Shining Diamond" in the subs. What's going on?

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level 1

Preface: all/most stand names/attacks are in some way referencing something related to the western music scene, I.e. Killer Queen, Bite The Dust, Red Hot Chilly Pepper.

Copyright. If they used the original names, the people who owned the rights to those names can sue Araki / David Productions.

level 2

But why can you copyright NAMES? That's retarded. Why can't I sue everyone who has the same name as me then?

level 1

· 4 yr. ago · edited 4 yr. agoHobbit-lore: an obscure branch of knowledge.

This can't be answered in universe.

The answer is copyright. All the names are music references, when translated to English they slightly change the name to avoid Copyright problems.

So "Crazy Diamond" becomes "Shining Diamond".
"Bad Company" becomes "Worse Company."
"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" becomes "Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price"
Etc etc

Yes that last one is real.

level 2

You got the first example reversed, "Crazy Diamond" is the original name

level 2

Question. Does that name change also happen in the Viz Media Manga? I recently started collecting them but haven’t gotten to the part where stands appear. Does the manga translation keep the original stand names ? :)

level 1

how do you write the [ from jojo like

『 i copy and pasted this btw but the

『 not the other stuff

i wanna do it so bad

like for ex.

『W O A H A M E F A T and the end of it

Why are JoJo Stand names different in English?

The copyright laws are extremely strict and if the names are not altered, it could lead to the publishers getting sued, and most companies do not want to incur losses over something that can be easily avoided. So, in order to stay clear of such problems, publishers alter the names of the Stands.

Why were Boingo renamed Oingo?

Due to copyright laws, Oingo and Boingo were renamed Zenyatta and Mondatta respectively in the VIZ translation, after The Police album of the same name. In the anime, however, they are still referred to by their Japanese names on Tohth's cover.

Why do they use stands instead of Hamon?

5/10 STANDS ARE BETTER: They Give Their User An Ally This level of assistance is much more valuable. It's like having a second mind. Hamon is just an energy force that moves through the user, but Stands literally give them another ally or shield in battle.

Why is Dio and Jotaro's Stand the same?

While never actually explained, the most likely reason their stands are the same type is their macabre family connection. Jotaro shares a bloodline with the body Dio currenlty posesses (through the world's first vampire to human head transplant).


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