Why do I feel so hot inside my body?

One complaint that I sometimes hear from patients is that they often feel either too hot or too cold all the time. Every body is different, so the answer to this question isn’t always the same. Here’s what you should know:

Why am I always hot (or cold)?

Feeling cold could be a symptom of several different conditions including anemia, a condition often caused by not having enough iron in your blood, and hypothyroidism, a condition in which the body does not make enough of the thyroid hormone to help it control basic metabolic functions.

On the other end of the spectrum, an overactive thyroid called hyperthyroidism can cause you to feel hot. When the body produces too many hormones it can affect the regulatory system and cause you to overheat. Another reason for feeling hot all the time may be linked to hormonal changes that accompany your menstrual cycle. Levels of the hormone progesterone increase during the latter half of your cycle, so you’re more likely to feel warmer than usual during the time you ovulate. Stress, pregnancy and menopause (i.e. hot flashes) also can cause the body to overheat.

When patients mention they either feel too hot or too cold, I usually assess their symptoms based on their age and gender. For example, for younger women who are of reproductive age I proceed to ask questions that relate to thyroid and anemia. We also may perform a pregnancy test in reproductive age women because of the hormonal shifts that occur during this time. For older women, I also think about thyroid disease, but I make sure to ask about menstrual history since menopause can produce hot flashes.

Other causes of feeling cold may include Raynaud's syndrome (a rare blood vessel disorder),  anorexia and B12 deficiency. Other causes of feeling hot may include stress, heavy caffeine use and being overweight.

Generally, female patients deal with temperature control more often than men, and the cause is usually metabolic-related, such as diabetes, thyroid disease or anemia.

What Can I Do?

I usually advise patients to make a separate appointment to discuss their symptoms. I will also ask them to write a diary about episodes relating to cold or heat intolerance (i.e. when do they feel symptoms or when do certain things trigger them?).

One thing that is really helpful to know is how long you’ve had symptoms. Some people say, "I’ve been cold or hot all my life, since childhood." So metabolic causes may not be the primary cause. Knowing other symptoms is also helpful to narrow down the diagnosis, especially when it can be one of two conditions. If you have ongoing symptoms, keeping a diary to log them will be really helpful and may guide us toward the right diagnosis. I typically suggest blood tests, so we can rule out some metabolic causes.

The body is a powerful thing, and it has a way of telling us when something is wrong. Feeling hot or cold all the time may be an indicator that there’s an underlying health issue you need to address. If you’re uncomfortable or have no idea what’s causing your symptoms, it’s best to schedule an appointment with your doctor. We can evaluate you and do a blood test, if necessary, to identify the issue and get you the right care. 

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Is it hot in here ... or is it just you? If you’ve been kicking the bed sheets off while your partner is bundled all cozy, or slipping on a T-shirt while your friends don sweatshirts, you may be wondering if there's more to why you feel so hot all the time.

There's good news: If a temperature change isn’t that noticeable — or you’ve been this way your whole life — you may just run a little warmer than your friends, says Nilem Patel, M.D., an endocrinologist at Adventist Health White Memorial in Los Angeles. But if it's a new symptom or you feel significantly hotter than everyone else, then there could be something else going on. Here are the most likely culprits for why things are getting toasty.

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1. You're drinking too much coffee.

That morning cup of coffee isn't just responsible for turning you into a fully-functioning human being — it could also be raising your ambient temperature. That's because caffeine is a stimulant, so it increases heart rate and blood pressure, says Rob Danoff, D.O., program director for family practice residency at Jefferson Health in Philadelphia. The result? Feeling warmer than you otherwise would. (Side note: If you're going through menopause, a recent study found that your cup of joe could be the reason your hot flashes feel worse.)

2. You're pregnant.

As if morning sickness and sore breasts weren't enough, it turns out that pregnancy can also make women feel like they're a portable heater because of those drastic hormone fluctuations, says Jill Stocker, D.O. a practicing physician at The Body Well in West Hollywood. Oh, and hot flashes? Menopausal women aren't the only ones to experience them. A study published in Fertility and Sterility found that out of the 429 pregnant women they followed, 35 percent reported feeling the sweaty, uncomfortable brushes with heat stroke. Sometimes the flashes continue after pregnancy too, as 29 percent said they experienced more post-delivery.

3. You're super stressed.

Feeling like there's a lot on your plate could be the reason you need to turn the thermostat down. When you're stressed, your heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, and you start to feel a little toasty, Dr. Danoff says. If you've ever gotten flush before a big work presentation, it's the same thing.

4. You have an overactive thyroid.

An overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, can lead to heat intolerance. “What that means is that you feel warm when other people don't," Dr. Patel says. "You're in an air conditioned room and you're sweaty.” The Cleveland Clinic says that weight loss, increased appetite, menstrual changes, and rapid heartbeat are also commonly associated with hyperthyroidism, so if you're experiencing any of those while also feeling hot all the time, talk to your doctor about potentially running some tests.

5. You're experiencing perimenopause.

If, instead of feeling hot all the time, you experience moments of heat that come and go, then you could be experiencing perimenopause — AKA symptoms that precede the end of menstruation. “The estrogen levels start to fluctuate and decrease…[which] might cause the body to overheat and feel warm,” Dr. Danoff explains. The Office on Women’s Health says perimenopause usually begins around age 45, so if you’re in that age range, you could be transitioning into a new life stage.

6. Your medications are raising your body temp.

Stomach medications, antidepressants, antibiotics, even antihistamines and over-the-counter anti-inflammatories — these could all be responsible for making you feel hot because they can potentially change how you regulate heat, Dr. Danoff says. If you've started a new prescription recently, tell your doctor about your symptoms to see if there are any remedies.

7. You have hyperhidrosis.

If your main symptom is simply that you’re sweating all the time, it could be hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes people to sweat a lot more than usual, Dr. Stocker says. And we're not talking about just a little bit of sweat: Think soaked clothing, drenched bedsheets, and never-ending palm sweat. While it mostly occurs on its own, the Mayo Clinic says that hyperhidrosis can result from other conditions too, including diabetes, infections, and thyroid problems. It's also possible that it runs in your family, so if you’ve got a parent or sibling with the sweats, well, maybe buy each other some cold compresses for Christmas.

Colleen is a health and travel writer in Seattle, Washington. Her work has been featured in Outside, SELF, The Seattle Times, Brit+Co, and others. Find her at colleenstinchcombe.com.

What does it mean when your body feels hot on the inside?

Book Appointment. When the skin feels warm to the touch, it often means that the body temperature is higher than normal. This can occur because of infection or illness, but it can also be caused by an environmental situation that increases body temperature.

Why do I feel hot inside my body but no fever?

Feeling feverish or hot may be one of the first signs of having a fever. However, it's also possible to feel feverish but not be running an actual temperature. Underlying medical conditions, hormone fluctuations, and lifestyle may all contribute to these feelings.


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