Why do rabbits hop and not walk


Have You Ever Wondered...

  • Why do bunnies hop?
  • How fast can rabbits run?
  • How high can rabbits jump?

Do you love rabbits? We do! Who wouldn't? They're super soft, furry, and adorable. With those big ears and eyes and tiny twitching noses, bunnies can melt our hearts in seconds, making us want to cuddle and hug them.

What do you know about rabbits? They supposedly love carrots, right? You see them everywhere you look when Easter rolls around. What about how they move? Do they walk like humans? Of course not! Everyone knows what bunnies do: they hop!

Have you ever stopped to WONDER why bunnies hop instead of walk like humans? The simple answer is: they were made to hop. A rabbit's foot is quite different from a human foot. After all, you don't see people walking around with human feet on their keychains for good luck!

Rabbits boast back legs that are long and quite strong. They can leap forward great distances with a single push from their back legs. They usually land on their front legs, which help them balance while their back legs spring forward into position to push off for another leap forward.

Humans call this particular way of moving hopping, and it's simply the natural way rabbits were born to move given the way their bodies are made. If your legs were built like a rabbit's, then you would hop instead of walk, too!

You would also probably like how strong your legs were. Rabbits have such strong legs that they can move as quickly as 50 miles per hour in short bursts.

Their strength is also good for leaping into the air and forward over the ground. Rabbits can easily leap almost four feet into the air and nearly 10 feet forward in a single bound. This is an important ability for rabbits, since many other animals hunt them as prey. Rabbits must be able to get away from predators in a hurry, and their unique back legs allow them to do that.

A rabbit's back legs aren't just for hopping, though. They can also be used as a weapon for self-defense. If a predator threatens a rabbit, it will often get a swift and painful kick from the rabbit's hind legs as a warning to back off!

In addition to self-defense, you may also see rabbits thumping their legs on the ground from time to time. They do this as a way to signal to other rabbits in the area that danger may be near. When rabbits feel the thump of another rabbit nearby, they're likely to put those back legs to use as they run for shelter.

So the next time you see a cute little bunny rabbit hopping around, just think about how powerful its back legs are to allow it to move so quickly. If you're up for it, challenge it to a race and see whose legs are superior!

Wonder What's Next?

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Try It Out

Did today's Wonder of the Day get you hopping? We hope so! Keep the fun going when you grab a friend or family member and check out the following activities:

  • Ready for a little exercise? Hopping bunnies inspired a dance long ago that millions of kids have enjoyed at one time or another. Have you ever done the Bunny Hop dance? Try it out today! Click on the link to watch a kindergarten class doing the Bunny Hop dance with adorable bunny ears!
  • Want to make your very own set of Bunny Rabbit Ears? All you'll need is some paper, tape, scissors, and crayons! Follow the easy instructions to make your own bunny rabbit ears that you can wear around the house or while you're hopping around the backyard! Who knows? Maybe you'll meet some real rabbits and make new friends!
  • Do you know any superstitions that involve rabbits? We bet you do! If you want good luck, what might you carry around on your keychain? That's right! A rabbit's foot! But have you ever WONDERed why a rabbit's foot is considered lucky? Do some independent research today to find out the answer. When you're finished, share what you learned with a friend or family member. For fun, think about some other animals and what parts could be lucky. Maybe you can start your own superstition! The next thing you know, you might see people carrying around a badger's tooth or a horse's mane or a dog's tail!

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Why do bunnies hop instead of walk?

Humans call this particular way of moving hopping, and it's simply the natural way rabbits were born to move given the way their bodies are made. If your legs were built like a rabbit's, then you would hop instead of walk, too! You would also probably like how strong your legs were.

What does it mean when my rabbit hops?

Pet bunny hopping or dancing Hopping or dancing is a sign of pure joy and happiness. The bunny's “dancing” can include leaping, doing a binky (jumping straight up and spinning in the air) and racing around.

Do rabbits hop or walk?

Some rabbits can't hop, and a single gene is the reason why. Mutations in this gene cause defects in the rabbits' spinal cords, which mean they can't coordinate their limbs well enough to perform a hop.

Why do rabbits jump?

Rabbits binkying look a bit like a person gleefully jumping into the air and clicking their heels together. While rabbits don't actually do that Fred Astaire heel click, they do leap into the air and twist their bodies to show that they are happy or excited.


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