Why is Edward Scissorhands a 12?

July 28, 2022

Beautiful Story, Beautiful Characters and Full of Heart and Soul

This is one of the most beautiful stories I've ever seen. So, well written and an amazing cast. You can't go wrong with Johnny Depp, He's my absolute favorite acter and my Idol. I look forward to watching any movie with Johnny Depp in it. And Tim Burton is so creative with all of his work, and you know it will be a great movie when the two of them work together. If I could give it more than five stars I would. I hope you like the movie and I'll see you at the next one. Till then, I'm the ProundRaven'sClaw and thank you for reading my review.

This title has:

Educational value

Great messages

Great role models

1 person found this helpful.

July 9, 2022

dont let kids under 16 wach

very scary my kid wached it and wont sleep anymore

1 person found this helpful.

September 4, 2020

Timely for a 2021 exploration of social norms and biases - autism spectrum disorder

Families and classrooms can use the movie as a way to discuss bigotry, bias, empathy, exploitation, the attributes of autism, or what it can feel like socially for a person who has a developmental disorder. Once you recognize the autism spectrum disorder in the title character, it's a powerful demonstration of a truth which is tragically counter-intuitive to most of our society . People with autism are just as emotional and crave connection just as much as neurotypical people. They often are unable to outwardly display the emotion in typical ways, and are unable to read social cues such as body language and facial expression. I highly recommend this movie as part of any SEL (social-emotional learning) program, anti-bias education, or discussion of identity-based bullying. This kind of education can and should start at a very early age, and this movie can also be quite accessible at a young age, when it accompanies this kind of discussion. The smallest children could find Edward's scissor/goth costume scary or off-putting, but with discussion they can learn that it's meant to make us feel that way, and why. His costume is buffered with quite a bit of whimsy. This very short review is a worth a read. "Johnny Depp’s ‘Edward Scissorhands’: A Study in Stigmatization of Mental Illnesses" (//www.hollywoodinsider.com/edward-scissorhands-johnny-depp-victor…) In this excerpt, the reviewer reveals the character beautifully: " In the film, Edward displays some of the more commonly recognized symptoms, including his difficulties with socializing, self-isolation, neutral facial expressions, lack of verbalization, overly literal nature, and misunderstanding of sarcasm. Edward is also incredibly focused and talented in a specific area, his creative artwork. Throughout the film, this is seen in his beautiful, detailed, and practically crafted hedges and ice-sculptures. Above all, Edward has feelings and is highly compassionate: something that both society and the townspeople of Burton’s fictional suburb ignorantly fail to understand about those with ASD."

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

1 person found this helpful.

October 28, 2022

Beautiful, but tough finale

Beautiful story, well narrated and shot. However, the finale is far too violent and gruesome for younger viewers (under 13), specially because they empathize with the main characters. Besides there is a quite uncomfortable scene with a woman trying to seduce the protagonist.

October 21, 2022

Seduction scene and mention of Rape was a little much

This title has:

Too much violence

Too much sex

October 4, 2021

Pretty wierd

Its a good movie. it is fairly weird but the theme of it is a good one. Its a classic

July 17, 2021

Unsettling but still a great Movie

My kids took notice of the movie’s choice of colour and art style. My eldest child was very invested in the movie. I was surprised about the emotional toll the movie took upon my kids (they both agreed the movie was way too “depressing”). It was a memorable movie, albeit not a ‘feel good’ movie.

March 8, 2021


Violence 2.5/5 Sex 1/5 Language 2/5 Drinking/Drugs/Smoking 1.5/5

August 14, 2020

such a cute little movie!

there isn’t much inappropriate stuff in this movie. in the televised version, language is cut out. the only thing to be worried about is that a character tries to seduce edward and starts undressing, although you never see anything due to the undergarments she is wearing that she never took off. there is also a kind of scene where that same woman is getting her hair cut and she is enjoying it a bit too much, making sure everyone knows how she felt during the hair cut.

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much sex

April 7, 2020

Amazing Bittersweet Movie

Can a 12 year old watch Edward Scissorhands?

The Tim Burton classic received a rating of PG-13, which feels exactly right. Pre-teens will absolutely appreciate the themes of this film, but there's a bit of sexuality (when one woman tries to seduce Edward) and some violence in the movie that might make it too mature for younger kids.

Does Edward Scissorhands not age?

Edward is an artificial and ageless man who acts as the main protagonist of Edward Scissorhands. Despite his artificial nature, his emotions are quite real and the love he has for those he cares for is very strong.

Is Edward Scissorhands a PG movie?

The distributor submitted the same cut version of Edward Scissorhands on video in December 1991 and it also passed at PG.

What age is Edward Scissorhands in the movie?

Edward Scissorhands is an ageless being and was made to look the same way for as long as he lives, and as Johnny Depp was 26 years old when filming, it would be fair to say that Edward was made to look like a young man in his 20s.


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