Why is freedom of speech important to students

Current Events Conversation

Credit...Laura Greene/The High Point Enterprise, via Associated Press

  • Sept. 20, 2018

This week, we saw excellent comments across our site about vegetarianism, how to best discipline children, memories of looking up at the night sky and more. But we chose to highlight the three prompts below because they offer insight into some of the hardest-hitting issues that teenagers are thinking about today.

The comments are analytical, personal and emotional. Best of all, they attempt to understand each subject from multiple viewpoints, not just their own.

We also want to give a special welcome to the conversation this week to classes from Burlington, Vt., Classical High School, Fanin County Middle School and Oxford Middle School.

Please note: All student comments have been lightly edited for length, but otherwise appear exactly as they were originally submitted.


Why Is Freedom of Speech an Important Right? When, if Ever, Can It Be Limited?


Credit...Hunter Dyke/The Ann Arbor News, via Associated Press

In honor of Constitution Day on Sept. 17, we partnered with the National Constitution Center to write a special Student Opinion question and related lesson plan on the protections and limits of the First Amendment.

This writing prompt asked students to do quite a bit of work: analyze the First Amendment, read several articles and interpret the Constitution. The responses below show how earnestly and thoroughly teenagers are thinking about freedom of speech.

An essential right

Freedom of speech is one of, if not the most essential first amendment right in the running of a successful democracy. Freedom of speech is what allows for debate and what, along with freedom of the press, allows for the transfer of information, and is also the most powerful right for affecting social and political change.

— Aeddon, Providence

Freedom of speech lies at the core of democracy. It is a right so crucial to freedom and the function of our government that it was the first right listed on our Bill of Rights. Free speech creates an environment for people to freely discuss their ideas and develop them with the input of others. Without it, our country would almost undoubtedly be without the freedom we treasure so much. When a totalitarian ruler is trying to take power, one of the first things they limit is their freedom of speech. This goes to show that freedom of speech is the cornerstone of our entire governmental system.

— Jake Hession, Wilmington, N.C.

Freedom of speech is an important right because a person’s voice is sometimes all that person has. To take away a person’s thoughts and opinions is to diminish their values and strip their life away.

— Yessenia, Rhode Island

The problem of hate speech

I think that free speech is free speech only if the presentation of opinions is respectful and nonviolent. If opinions are not presented in a respectful manner — such as heckling a speaker because of opposing political views — then it doesn’t constitute free speech, because in a way, by disrespecting the speaker, you deny their right to free speech. In the same way, violence to state a point is not free speech, because you are not only denying the free speech of whom the violence is against, but you also possess a mindset that only your opinion is right, and people who disagree should be attacked.

— Ben S., Sunnyvale

Our right to speak is also our right to express ourselves, meaning that it should not be against the law to express your beliefs, whether it be on your clothing or made in a speech. Comments made by the Ku Klux Klan, for example, are made out of hate; hate comments made by hate organizations or any comments that threaten violence should not be interpreted as being acceptable under the First Amendment. However, comments with the intent to criticize are a part of our functioning democracy and are thus under our right to speak our minds.

— Caroline Gracia, Providence, R.I.

Our Supreme Court has ruled that there is “high” and “low” first amendment value to certain speech. I think that making an ambiguous high to low scale rating how much the first amendment applies to speech is wrong. Speaking is speaking, even if it is offensive or misleading. Inciting violence or physical assault on someone, however, is the one type of speech that I consider to be no longer protected under the first amendment. This is only because inciting violence is more similar to assault than it is to speech. It is not sharing ideas or information — it is calling for an attack.

— Aaron Leventhal, Massachusetts

Everyday First Amendment issues

In protecting unpopular speech it shows that others can have differing views on subjects, with those differing views come debates and exchanges of ideas. Many colleges are restricting freedom of speech by not letting controversial speakers talk on their campus. Even if they may carry a controversial opinion, I see it as unconstitutional to not let the person speak there due to their views on certain subjects seen as “controversial.” Every type of speech holds the same amount of value, even if they are seen in bad taste.

— kery, Providence

Depending on what platform you speak on is another subject that could be difficult to talk about. Social media can be a public platform but it is owned by a private company that can regulate its own rules. It can silence people so that the image of the company isn’t ruined. Everyone can speak so everyone should be allowed to speak but if you decide to shut down a public hearing that’s when turns from free speech to aggressive tyranny.

— Robert V, Rhode Island


Does Your Teacher’s Identity Affect Your Learning?


Credit...Reed Saxon/Associated Press

A significant body of research reveals that students, especially nonwhite students, tend to benefit from having teachers who look like them. In this Student Opinion question, we asked students how these studies compared with their own experiences in school.

While the data did resonate with many commenters, the majority agreed with another premise of the article — that no matter their race or gender, the best teachers are those who care about and believe in their students.

Personality and passion are most important

Although I find this article very interesting and can see why it has merits I believe I resonated with my favorite teachers not because we share race or gender, but because they are passionate about the subject they are teaching and consequently so am I. In my experience the reason I connected with my favorite teachers was because of our personality types, not because of identity factors.

— Mairead, VT

Honestly I do not feel like I learn more or perform better when a teacher shares their race or gender. I really think it all depends on personality, how the class is taught, interest in the class, and how the teacher interacts with the students on a personal level. For me, it is easier for me to learn when I am comfortable in a class and the teacher has a good personality. If I feel like I can not get help from the teacher or the class is boring, I am not going to do well.


The only factors that contribute to my learning are the teacher’s ability to be passionate about the subject they are teaching, or their ability to retell something in different words for people who do not understand. When a teacher is eager to teach a lesson, you can tell how heartfelt they are about the topic. Being passionate increases my interest in what is being taught and sometimes even leaves me thinking about it outside of school. It lightens the mood of the class and relieves some pressure for me, knowing that I will definitely comprehend the lesson by the end of the class.

— Marc Matos-Figueroa, Providence, R.I.

Diversity makes a difference

This article especially resonated with me as a black female student. I believe I am more interested in learning when I can relate to a teacher. It is not absolutely necessary as long as a teacher is able to make all students feel welcome, but it is definitely beneficial to have an adult I feel like I can make a connection with and trust. I’ve found my black teachers are the ones I most look up to, and inspire me to be resilient.

As a student, I’ve experienced white teachers that have been ignorant of issues black people face, and have suffered in school because of it. There were times I felt unwelcomed or singled out in the classroom. Teachers are people, and we all have subconscious bias, but as authority figures and role models in the community, they should be trained to recognize their biases in order to create a safer and better learning environment for all students.

— Alysia, Hackensack

When I look back at grade school. I remember math most predominately. I needed some extra help in the subject. It wasn’t that I did not like math, I actually loved it. I just had trouble with it sometimes. I always had male math teachers in my early school years and always remember not doing well.

Then I approached high school and it became more substantial I learn it. I had a female teacher and was able to ask her for extra help. I made an extra effort to come in early to do a private lesson with her. I can say I was more comfortable with this and learned much better one on one with her. This was only because I was comfortable for asking her for that extra help.

— Marielle, Burlington

Diversity within the education system may be one of the most important factors in increasing students’ understandings of the world. Going through education with only white female teachers is setting up children to involuntarily stereotype white people and women as educators. … Increasing diversity in student’s educational work space is essential to opening up their minds to the regularity of diversity in everyday life and erasing stereotypes from centuries past.

— sophia fox, Providence

It makes sense that students do better when they have teachers they identify with. Although I am not exactly sure why. It may be because they trust the teacher more to accurately educate them. It may be because students see themselves in their teachers. Majority of my teachers have been white and female, however I have had two black male teachers, an Asian teacher, and a Hispanic teacher. I feel that having a diversity of teachers made me more excited to learn.

— Kayla, Providence

A teacher who cares about their students and who is passionate about what they teach is the best kind of teacher. Although as a black female student I do think it is nice to see people who are the same color or gender as me in charge. It shows us that we too can have jobs and teach like them too.

— Madison, Providence, R.I.


What Is This Image Saying?


Credit...Harry Campbell

Our Picture Prompt “Pieces of a Flag” asked students to interpret this image in light of current events.

Our favorite part about the wide-ranging interpretations is how they interrogate the soul and meaning of the American project. Is ours a society founded on the value of diversity or one being driven apart by our differences?

Embracing our differences

This picture shows the spirit of the American people, as anybody of any race or group can contribute and ultimately create a booming society full of diversity and culture. It shows how special America is. Anybody from anywhere coming from anything can come together to form and develop a society in which we can all prosper.

— kery, Providence

This image to me shows how everyone and anyone who lives in America makes up the country. Regardless of race, sex, gender identity, religion or age we are all one because we get to live in America. And yes America has its flaws and also some people who don’t think the same as I do but that’s okay because that is what makes up America, having the freedom to think whatever you want even if others don’t agree with you.

— Lizbeth, Providence

… I think the image represents how America should have no limitations. Everyone can be American, even if you are a different race, gender, sexuality, age, religion, or any other factor should not make you less of an American than anyone else. Everyone is free to contribute to the American society. Everyone should be welcome to “take a piece” of America. If you live here, no matter what, you are an American just like the rest of us.

— Elise J, Oxford Middle School

A nation divided

Looked at from a different viewpoint, the people are taking something America not building on to it. The country’s vast resources are being seized upon. Upon first glance, this illustration looks like a clear cut burst of colorful patriotism. A moment’s pause reveals a deeper, darker layer that has more to say about the corruption of a crumbling country.

— Dylan Itkin, Providence, R.I.

I think that the Pieces of a Flag drawing is trying to show us the effects the bad things that are going on in the U.S. Those people are breaking apart our country piece by piece until there is nothing left like a puzzle. They are attacking various states which is why some stars are being removed and some former colonies. And by attacking it doesn’t mean using brute force. Things like racism could be attacking the country or political decisions.

— Abdoul, Philadelphia

Two sides of the same coin

This image can be viewed in two ways. The first way, which is the way I saw initially, is people taking the American flag apart. Seeing it like this, it makes me think the illustration is saying how the country is being divided apart due to all the politics and differences in opinion everyone has. On the other hand, you can also view it as people putting the flag together. Seeing it like this, to me, represents how everyone puts their own ‘special recipe’ into the melting pot of America.

— Sam, Providence, R.I.

When I initially saw this image, it looked to me as though people were uniting to put our flag back together. I began to think of all of the events that have occurred within the past couple of years: mass shootings, political debates, natural disasters, hate-crimes. All of these events have allowed our nation to realize the importance of reuniting our once great country. Some may say that the image depicts people taking apart our flag. While events such as political debates and hate crimes have occurred and caused us to unite, they have also driven us apart. In my opinion, I’d rather look at this image in a positive light and say that it shows our nation’s citizens putting America back together again.

— Jasmine Moran, Providence, R.I.

Why freedom of speech is important?

Freedom of speech protects your right to say things that are disagreeable. It gives you—and everyone else—the right to criticize government policies and actions.

How do students use freedom of speech?

You have the right to speak out, hand out flyers and petitions, and wear expressive clothing in school — as long as you don't disrupt the functioning of the school or violate school policies that don't hinge on the message expressed.


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