Will insurance pay for tummy tuck with hernia repair

An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is often viewed as a purely cosmetic procedure that can help you slim your waistline. While it is true that the surgery can give you a shapelier figure, the procedure can also be an opportunity to address certain medical conditions.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lisa Hunsicker is skilled and experienced in body contouring procedures. She understands that every patient is unique, and she is very thorough in gathering the information she needs to make quality medical and aesthetic recommendations for you. With this foundation, Dr. Hunsicker delivers a high level of care and beautiful results.

Can a Tummy Tuck Help my Umbilical Hernia?

Umbilical hernia repair can be done with a tummy tuck procedure to achieve a more aesthetic midsection. An umbilical hernia may be congenital or may develop in adulthood as a result of multiple pregnancies, obesity, or other medical conditions. Generally, umbilical hernias in adults are the result of a weak abdominal wall, which can be tightened in a tummy tuck procedure.

Umbilical hernias appear as a bulge near your belly button. You may experience discomfort and pressure in your abdomen, and you may be self-conscious about the appearance of the hernia.

If you have additional concerns about your midsection, a tummy tuck procedure may be a good solution to both repair your umbilical hernia and address issues such as:

  • Loose, sagging skin – Pregnancy and weight fluctuations can cause skin to lose elasticity. Skin folds can rub together and get irritated, and it can be difficult to look and feel your best in form-fitting clothes or beach wear.
  • Diastasis recti (separated abdominal muscles) – This condition can occur as a result of pregnancy or significant weight fluctuations. When the abdominal muscles are stretched or torn, your stomach will protrude. Dr. Hunsicker can tighten and repair these muscles to firm and flatten your abdominal area.
  • Excess fat – A tummy tuck procedure allows Dr. Hunsicker to remove stubborn fat from your abdominal area to slim your waistline.

Combining a Tummy Tuck with Umbilical Hernia Repair

If Dr. Hunsicker finds an umbilical hernia during your exam, she will refer you to a general surgeon to determine if it can be repaired during your tummy tuck procedure.  If your general surgeon finds that it is safe to combine the procedures, he or she will will be present at your tummy tuck surgery to perform the hernia repair.

The combined procedure begins with the tummy tuck incision, which is made around the navel and extends from hip to hip. The general surgeon will place the herniated tissue or organ behind the abdominal wall to repair the hernia. Dr. Hunsicker will tighten the weak or damaged abdominal muscles. She will also remove excess skin and fat and then place the skin and tissue to create a smoother, firmer abdomen. The final step is to close the incision.

Will Insurance Cover my Hernia Surgery and Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty is generally not covered by insurance. We offer several financing options, including a deferred interest plan, so you can select a payment method that works for you.

Your insurance may cover your hernia repair if it is medically necessary.  The general surgeon’s office can assist in determining coverage for this procedure.

Call Us to Schedule your Tummy Tuck Consultation in Littleton

Dr. Hunsicker and the team at Revalla Plastic Surgery & Medical Aesthetics are passionate about exceeding each patient’s expectations and providing unrivaled care from your initial consultation, through your full recovery.

If you are considering a tummy tuck with umbilical hernia repair, please call us at 720-283-2500 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Hunsicker.

Feel free to discuss about all the costs related to your surgery, and the possible financing options if it is going to be an elective (cosmetic) tummy tuck procedure. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Matthias Solomon provides tummy tuck surgery to patients in Dallas, Frisco, Sherman, Texas, and surrounding communities.  

Factors Affecting the Cost 

The cost of tummy tuck plastic surgery may sometimes vary from one practice to another and even from a patient to another in some cases. Where the practice is located will impact the costs because the real estate costs vary from place to place and the average cost of living is also likely to differ between two cities.  

The skills and experience of your surgeon and anesthesiologist could make a difference to the fee they charge for their services. It is best to choose a board certified plastic surgeon, while keeping considerations such as the surgeon’s fee as a secondary priority. Surgery center charges may also differ according to the type of services and quality standards available at a facility. 

Tummy Tuck and Insurance Coverage 

In exceptional cases, a tummy tuck plastic surgery may be covered under your health plan. If you are suffering from conditions such as a concurrent epigastric umbilical, ventral, or incisional hernia, which can be corrected with this surgery, a part of your procedure could be covered by insurance. 

For your hernia repair, your insurance company may require documents from your operating surgeon certifying this functional corrective procedure. 

If you have undergone a bariatric surgery, resulting in massive weight loss, you may have excessive loose skin around your abdomen. This may sometimes create functional problems, such as rashes or dermatitis below the large pannus or pain in your back. A circumferential abdominoplasty may be necessary in this case, which may be covered by your insurer.   

Insurance coverage for tummy tuck may also be available in situations where it is necessary to perform the procedure as part of a breast reconstruction surgery. If the surgeon uses DIEP Flap technique, they may obtain excess skin and fatty tissue from the abdomen to construct the breast.  

You should be prepared to discuss these possibilities with your insurance company well in advance of your tummy tuck surgery. The staff at your surgeon’s office might be able to guide you about the insurance conditions and requirements.  


When insurance coverage is not possible, you can consider various financing options for your tummy tuck surgery. Your surgeon’s office may accept payments for tummy tuck through major credit cards, and you can pay back to your credit card company in a staggered manner.  

You can also have your tummy tuck procedure financed through a professional medical care financing form that is offering loans specifically for medical purposes. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Matthias Solomon receives patients from Dallas, Frisco, Sherman, Texas, and nearby areas for tummy tuck surgery. 

Schedule a Consultation with Texas Plastic Surgeon Dr.  Solomon

For more information on Plastic Surgery and Non-Surgical Medical Spa Procedures and Treatments in Offices in Dallas, Frisco, Sherman, Texas and surrounding areas please contact the offices of Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Matthias Solomon by clicking here or calling 214-983-0213.

Serving patients in Highland park, University Park, Preston Hollow, McKinney, Prosper, Allen, Southlake, Denton, Irving, Flower mound, Little Elm, Fort Worth, Texas and surrounding areas.

Is tummy tuck covered if you have hernia?

Will insurance pay for a tummy tuck if you have a hernia? Most insurance agencies will only cover the costs of the tummy tuck if the procedure is deemed medically necessary. In MOST cases, insurance will only cover the cost for the hernia repair.

What is a medically necessary reason for having a tummy tuck?

So, when is a tummy tuck necessary? After significant weight loss or multiple pregnancies, your stomach muscles may not return to their original positions. Tummy tuck procedures tighten or repair weak muscles while removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen.

Can you get a tummy tuck if you have hernia mesh?

Answer: Mesh hernia tummy tuck Yes you can, however you need to inform your surgeon that you've had this procedure and preferably provide him with an operative note to better understand the extent of the surgery and type of mesh used. There is a slight possibility of the mesh getting infected during this operation.

Can a plastic surgeon fix a hernia during a tummy tuck?

The tummy tuck should be performed by a board certified plastic surgeon. Yes, a plastic surgeon will know how to repair a hernia. Plastic surgeons are also known for their aesthetic suturing results.


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