You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him Reddit

As someone who does do things for others despite them not doing anything for me, I must say I think along the lines,

"Be nice to others, for you never know where you might need their help."

(Sorry don't know the exact quote, or if there is one, but you get the idea)

My dad was married to a woman for about 20 years, had two kids with her, got divorced, and the woman ended up introducing my mom and dad.

The weird thing is that my dad's family liked my dad's former wife more than my mom. So the former wife was invited to all the family functions even though she wasn't at all related. The worst part was that she remarried and had a kid who was my age, and that kid was always invited to my birthday parties. He didn't like that I was getting presents, so he would always open them and take my toys away.

Needless to say, when my dad died, I didn't have much contact with that side of the family after that.

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Posted by9 months ago


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level 1

· 9 mo. ago

My neighbor does nothing for me and I do nothing for my neighbor, this does not make us bad, this make us have just seperate lives.


level 2

· 9 mo. ago

Missing the point


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Created Feb 24, 2020






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My dad lives by this.

He was once torn between hiring two candidates for a managerial position: both were equally qualified in terms of skill and experience, so he and some other senior executives decided to take each candidate out to dinner (separately, of course) to get to know them more.

Both were brilliant, but they discovered the second guy was far more charismatic and personable. After dinner with Guy B, my dad was all set to offer him the job.

Then Guy B decided to call for the check by snapping his fingers and whistling at a nearby waiter. My dad hired the first guy, because he had no need for someone who didn't have a basic level of respect for others.

tl;dr: the jackass didn't get hired.

I sort of disagree with that one too, and the original quote has a decent enough example. Imagine Hitler had a secret zoo that he and only he would ever know about. I wouldn't put it past him to have been incredibly caring too everything in that zoo, but he still wants to have vast numbers of people slaughtered. A less extreme and trite feeling example would be someone that is an incredible and good person, that also happens to wish all of x race to be removed from the earth. There are people like that.


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