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From: Artificial Intelligence and Business Value: a Literature Review

Author(s) and date Definition
Kolbjørnsrud et al. (2017) AI is defined as computers and applications that sense, comprehend, act, and learn.
Afiouni (2019) AI is the general concept for computer systems able to perform tasks that usually need natural human intelligence, whether rule-based or not
Lee et al. (2019) Artificial Intelligence: Intelligent systems created to use data, analysis, and observations to perform certain tasks without needing to be programmed to do so
Wang et al. (2019) AI is a broad concept that captures the intelligent behavior of the machine
Makarius et al. (2020) Artificial Intelligence: a system’s capability to correctly interpret external data, to learn from such data, and to use those learnings to achieve specific goals and tasks through flexible adaption
Schmidt et al. (2020) Artificial Intelligence: The endeavor to mimic cognitive and human capabilities on computers
Demlehner and Laumer (2020) Artificial Intelligence: a computer system having the ability to percept, learn, judge, or plan without being explicitly programmed to follow predetermined rules or action sequences throughout the whole process.
Wamba-Taguimdje et al. (2020) Artificial Intelligence: defined as a set of "theories and techniques used to create machines capable of simulating intelligence. AI is a general term that involves the use of computer to model intelligent behavior with minimal human intervention"
Mikalef and Gupta (2021b) AI is the ability of a system to identify, interpret, make inferences, and learn from data to achieve predetermined organizational and societal goals.


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