What are 100 things I love?

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This list of 100 things to love about yourself is meant to inspire more self-love and appreciation. There is so much to love about yourself – don’t forget to!

Self-love is not always easy. In fact, self-love can be one of the hardest forms of love to cultivate.

If you struggle with confidence, body image, self-love, or self-worth, know that you’re not alone. Also, know that it can get better for you!

It’s okay if loving yourself doesn’t come naturally to you. It may take some extra work to get there – and that’s what this list of things to love about yourself is for.

By giving you a list of 100 things to love about yourself, I’m hoping to spark some thought and inspire you to continue and personalize this list for your own self-love journey.

Don’t feel like you have to magically find self-love overnight.

This can take work, practice, and persistence. There will likely be some days where self-love feels very hard, especially if you are at the beginning of your journey.

On those days, be gentle with yourself and consider opting for simple self-acceptance or self-respect instead.

There are so many things to love about yourself (or even things to like about yourself if love feels too extreme right now).

Let’s dive into this list of 100 beautiful and unique things to love about yourself.

Whether physical, mental, or emotional, there are so many amazing things to love and appreciate about yourself. You have amazing qualities and you are beautiful – inside and out.

Internal Things to Love About Yourself

Let’s dive deep into all the inner beauty that you hold. After all, that’s the most important!

Start with the simple phrase “I love my…” and continue with any variation of the things below.

I Love My…

  1. Kind-hearted nature
  2. Sense of humor
  3. Passion for my work
  4. Infectious laugh
  5. Empathy
  6. Creativity
  7. Unique skills and abilities
  8. Dedication
  9. Loyalty
  10. Open-mindedness
  11. Ability to make someone smile
  12. Willingness to try new things
  13. Conversation skills
  14. Drive
  15. Motivation to improve my life
  16. Grateful attitude
  17. Generosity
  18. Little things that make me who I am
  19. Love of books
  20. Daily routine
  21. Laugh
  22. Easy-going nature
  23. Ability to look on the bright side
  24. Deep love for those around me
  25. Compassion for others
  26. Intelligence
  27. Commitment to self-improvement
  28. Ability to overcome my fears
  29. Punctuality

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  1. Respect for other people
  2. Ability to see things from all points of view
  3. Humility
  4. Zest for life
  5. Organization skills
  6. Type-A personality
  7. Quirks and kinks that make me unique
  8. Confidence
  9. Cooking skills
  10. Social skills
  11. Artistic ability
  12. Love for nature
  13. Ability to dream big
  14. Connection with animals
  15. Memories
  16. Priorities
  17. Love of traveling
  18. Commitment to my relationships
  19. Love of trying new things
  20. Big heart
  21. Collections of meaningful things
  22. Self-care practice
  23. Independence
  24. Goal-oriented attitude
  25. Ability to set boundaries

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  1. Sensitivity
  2. Individuality
  3. Intuition
  4. Ability to follow my heart
  5. Ability to trust my mind
  6. Growth
  7. Willingness to admit when I’m wrong
  8. Comfortability with my uniqueness
  9. Insecurities
  10. Attention to detail
  11. Commitment to learning to love myself

External Things to Love About Yourself

Although the inside is what matters most, it’s wonderful to love physical things about yourself too! Here are some external things to appreciate and love about yourself.

I Love My…

  1. Eye color
  2. Smile
  3. Legs
  4. Natural hair
  5. Freckles
  6. Dimples
  7. Body shape
  8. Skin
  9. Hair color
  10. Long eyelashes
  11. Makeup-free face
  12. Nose shape
  13. Strong thighs
  14. Painted toenails
  15. Stretch marks
  16. Bellybutton

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  1. Mole(s)
  2. Tan lines
  3. Booty in my favorite pair of jeans
  4. Big/small breasts
  5. Hip dips
  6. Long fingernails
  7. Arms
  8. Hair when it’s curled
  9. Waist
  10. Eyebrows
  11. Cheekbones
  12. Shape of my body from the side
  13. Belly pooch
  14. Voice
  15. Teeth
  16. Shape in a bikini
  17. Silhouette
  18. Muscle tone
  19. Body

What do you love about yourself?

The beauty of asking this question is that there is NO wrong answer. There are endless things you can love about yourself – big, small, physical, or internal.

Feel free to start small when building your list of things you love about yourself.

It doesn’t have to be a grand list of “100 things I love about myself”. Instead, start by brainstorming just a few.

What are 5 Things You Love About Yourself?

Start there. Think about it. Journal on it. We all start somewhere on our self-love journey.

I hope this list inspired you to get thinking about all the amazing things to love about yourself.


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Most of my friends have kids and one thing I’ve noticed is how interested they are in telling you all the things they like. Dinosaurs, Paw Patrol, bananas, their friend Oliver, when they get to see grandma on the weekend, grass, cheese… all that rad stuff.

It’s freaking adorable and also unbelievably healthy.

Sometimes I think adults spend way too much time thinking about the things they don’t like. Traffic, work, that news reporter that irritates them, running out of milk… rather than thinking about all of the good stuff.

Imagine spending a good chunk of your day thinking about all the things you like. How is that NOT going to put you in a good mood? I wrote a list of 47 things I like a few years ago and surprisingly not much of the things have changed but I thought it could use a good ol’ update. So here’s 100 things I really like… do you like these things too?

1. Sneezing

2. Leaf tea (not bags)

3. True crime (murders, not drug and gang crime)

4. Benedict Cumberbatch

5. Caroline Kepnes novels (which have now been turned into a TV series!)

6. Cafes that give you a little biscuit with your coffee

7. Afternoon naps on the couch

8. Winter

9. Sea salt hairspray

10. Simply Crochet magazine

11. When people laugh too hard to tell their own jokes

12. Neighborhood cats that come to visit (we currently have Tony and Louie that drop by most days)

13. Kines coffee 

14. Australian native flowers

15. When Mr Smaggle puts his arms around my waist and hugs me from behind

16. Rainy days

17. Those teeny tiny bottles of Tabasco sauce you get sometimes when you order seafood at fancy restaurants

18. Lasagne

19. Cher

20. Fresh mint

21. Prosecco

22. Clover crochet hooks

23. Blueberries

24. Wooden soled shoes

25. Taking my socks off using just my feet

26. The Last Five Years

27. Men with twisty styled moustaches

28. Colouring in with textas

29. Brightly patterned cocoon dresses

30. Post It notes

31. Puppies that look like teddy bears

32. Crunchy bars

33. Going to the theatre

34. Listening to podcasts while cleaning the house

35. My Crochet Coach Facebook group and my beautiful Crochettes

36. Matte white nail polish on my toes

37. Exercise pants that don’t fall down

38. Judge Judy

39. Walking – anywhere, I just really like walking

40. When Phil Clark says ‘Carly and Ben from Fitzroy have it!’ on the Nightlife quiz

41. Yogurt

42. Hot pink lipstick

43. Working (really – I like working a lot)

44. Black and white stripes

45. Shiraz

46. Sour cream and chives

47. My mum scratching my back with her long nails

48. Gordon Ramsay

49. Getting lost in a good book

50. Having a shower, popping on some clean PJs and THEN getting into a freshly made clean sheet day bed, the ultimate trifecta

51. Interesting looking people

52. Alpacas

53. Popping blisters (gross but true)

54. Ice cream

55. Cordless vacuum cleaners (I will never be wall tethered again)

56. F45

57. Better Call Saul

58. Grill’d low carb burgers

59. Bringing Mr Smaggle cups of tea in the morning (he’s always so grateful, it’s adorable)

60. @elsielarson on Instagram

61. Watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S every evening at 6pm

62. Collecting vintage crochet patterns

63. When people whistle when they walk down the street

64. Homemade roasted vegetable salads with goats cheese and pine nuts

65. My pressure cooker

66. Macadamia and mango Weiss bars

67. When a really good movie is on TV

68. Dumplings

69. My friend’s dog Molly

70. Coming home from a night out and having a cup of tea with Mr Smaggle

71. Avocado… forever

72. Baking… but not eating baked goods weirdly, they’re not really my bag

73. Musicals – Les Mis, Phantom, JC Superstar and Rent are firm favourites

74. Uber Eats

75. Vintage shopping in country towns

76. Dogs that stop to say hello to me on the streets

77. The owners of those dogs trying to sell me that particular breed of dog – ‘You HAVE to get a Cavoodle, literally the best dogs IN THE WORLD!’

78. Avalanche Sugar-Free hot chocolate

79. Liam Neeson

80. Headscarves

81. New age stores (I’m not woo in the slightest but I just can’t walk past a candle shop full of spell books and crystals)

82. My blogging crew, they keep me sane and they’re so supportive

83. When my bones crack when I’m stretching (I know I’m not supposed to like it but it’s SO SATISFYING)

84. Toto’s Africa (haters be damned, there’s nothing like belting that song out with a bunch of toasty mates)

85. Everything and anything Danish – the furniture, the clothes, the people

86. Michael Jackson

87. Reading books about Morman polygamists (can’t explain it, it’s just a weird thing I’m totally fascinated by)

88. Catherine Baba

89. Touching down on the tarmac after a plane flight (I’m not a bad flyer by any means but I never feel totally comfortable when I’m up in the air, I’m definitely a creature of the earth)

90. Frankie Magazine

91. Scary movies 

92. Dry body brushing

93. Clogs

94. Hoop earrings

95. My brother’s jokes, he cracks a whopper every time I see him

96. Hearing about the history of buildings, I was in a gorgeous gift shop the other day that used to be an 1800s billiards room and the lady who owned it showed me old photos of it

97. Ghost stories

98. Board games

99. Hugs from my sister-in-law, she hugs like she really means it

100. When kids on a bus wave at you and you wave back and they all cheer

So those are the things I like… tell me… what do you like?

Seriously, take a moment to write a few things you like in the comments. It will make you feel like a million bucks, I swear.

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