What day is april 18

American television personality and businessman Dick Clark, who was the longtime host of American Bandstand (1957–87), died in California. Sort fact from fiction in our quiz about pop culture

© Kobal/REX/Shutterstock.com

Abandoning her Hollywood career, American actress Grace Kelly wed Rainier III, prince de Monaco, in a civil ceremony; an opulent religious ceremony took place the following day. Test your knowledge of A-list actors

Abbie Rowe. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston (JFKWHP-AR6607-D)

During the U.S. invasion of the Japanese island of Okinawa in World War II, American war correspondent Ernie Pyle was killed on nearby Ie Island by Japanese gunfire. How much do you know about World War II?

U.S. Department of Defense

U.S. Lieutenant Colonel James H. Doolittle led 16 B-25 bombers on a spectacular surprise attack on Tokyo and other Japanese cities; the Doolittle Raid, as it became known, caused little damage but boosted Allied morale. Sort fact from fiction in our quiz about World War II

U.S. Navy Photograph, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

American defense lawyer, public speaker, debater, and writer Clarence Darrow—among whose high-profile court appearances was the Scopes Trial, in which he defended a Tennessee high-school teacher who had broken a state law by presenting the Darwinian theory of evolution—was born. Read about 10 “trials of the century.”

Courtesy of Chicago History Museum

April 18: Day of the Week

April 18, 2022 was the 108th day of the year 2022 in the Gregorian calendar. There were 257 days remaining until the end of the year. The day of the week was Monday.

If you are trying to learn Spanish then this day of the week in Spanish is lunes.

Hey! How’s your lovelife today? Get a free love reading with the most frank answers. Start to seize love opportunities in your life! Try it today and improve your lovelife. Did I mention it’s F-R-E-E? (Sponsored link; 18+ only)

Here’s the April calendar. You can also browse the full year monthly calendar.

Zodiac & Birthstone

Aries is the zodiac sign of a person born on this day. Diamond is the modern birthstone for this month. Opal is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.

Holy Toledo! Did you know that coffee and word games are an excellent combination to sharpen your vocabulary? Let’s give it a quick spin. Within 30 seconds, how many words can you think of from these letters OGMURNLAVMVA? Check your answers here: Word solver OGMURNLAVMVA. (Sponsored by WordFinder.Cafe)

April 18 Historical Event(s)

Who were born on April 18?

Now try another date like anniversaries, birthdays of someone you know or any other date that is special to you. Don’t forget to share the info to your friends, loved ones or social media followers. Who knows, they might appreciate and thank you for it.

2022 Daily Holidays that fall on April 18, include:

  • Adult Autism Day 
  • Animal Crackers Birthday 
  • Boston Marathon - April 18, 2022 (Third Monday of April)
  • Dyngus Day - April 18, 2022 (The Monday After Easter)
  • Easter Monday - April 18, 2022
  • Healthy Kids Day - (2022 TBA) (See Kerry's Healthy Kids section on her Healthy Diet Habits website!) 
  • Income Tax Pay Day - April 18, 2022
  • International Amateur Radio Day 
  • International Day for Monuments and Sites 
  • International Juggler's Day 
  • National Lineman Appreciation Day 
  • National Newspaper Columnists Day 
  • National Transfer Money to Your Daughter's Account Day 
  • National Velociraptor Awareness Day 
  • Patriot's Day - April 18, 2022 (Massachusetts and Maine) (Third Monday of April)
  • Peeps Day - April 18, 2022 (Monday after Easter)
  • Pet Owners Independence Day 
  • Pinata Day
  • Tax Day - April 18, 2022 (April 15 unless it falls on a weekend)
  • White House Easter Egg Roll - April 18, 2022 (Day After Easter)

2022 Weekly Holidays that include April 18, are:

  • Animal Cruelty / Human Violence Awareness Week - April 17-23, 2022 (Third Week in April)
  • Chemists Celebrate Earth Week - April 17-23, 2022
  • Cleaning for a Reason Week - April 18-24
  • Consumer Awareness Week - April 18-23
  • Fibroid Awareness Week - April 17-23, 2022 (Fourth Week in April)
  • National Coin Week - April 17-23, 2022 (Third Full Week of April)
  • National Crime Victims' Rights Week - April 17-23, 2022
  • National Egg Salad Week - April 18-24, 2022 (Week after Easter)
  • National Environmental Education Week - April 18-22, 2022
  • National Green Week - February 6 - April 30, 2022 (Start First Full Week in February to April 30)
  • National Karaoke Week - April 17-23, 2022  (Fourth Week of April)
  • National Park Week - April 16-24, 2022
  • National Paperboard Packaging Week - April 17-23, 2022
  • National Pet ID Week - April 17-23, 2022 (Third Week of April)
  • National Student Leadership Week - April 17-23, 2022 (Third Week of April)
  • National Volunteer Week - April 17-23, 2022
  • Orthodox Holy Week - April 17-23, 2022
  • Orthodox Lent - March 7 - April 23, 2022
  • Passover (also known as Pesach) - Evening of April 15 - Evening of April 23, 2022
  • Pesach (also known as Passover) - Evening of April 15 - Evening of April 23, 2022
  • Police Officers Who Gave Their Lives in the Line of Duty Week - April 18-23
  • Ramadan - Evening of April 2, 2022 - Evening of May 2, 2022
  • Undergraduate Research Week - April 18-22, 2022
  • World Hula Week - April 17-23, 2022 (Begins on Easter Sunday)

2022 Monthly Holidays that include April 18, are:

There are too many monthly holidays to include here, so please check out our April Holidays page to see all of the holidays that are celebrated the entire month of April.


  1. A page on each holiday will be coming soon and linked above.
  2. If a date is a movable holiday, that is different every year, I'll include the year as well as the date rule above. Otherwise, the holiday falls on the same date each year.

World Festivals and Events
(Date Order)

  • Invictus Games - April 16-22, 2022
  • Boston Marathon - April 18, 2022 (Third Monday of April)
  • White House Easter Egg Roll - April 18, 2022 (Day after Easter)

Astrological Sign

The Astrological Sign for April 18 is Aries.

Birth Flower of the Month

The Birth Flower(s) for the Month for April are:

  • Daisy - signifies innocence, loyal love, and purity
  • Sweet Pea - signify blissful pleasure, but are also used to say good-bye.


The Birthstone(s) for April is the diamond, a symbol of enduring love.

Famous Birthdays

  • 1947 - James Woods, American actor and producer (Against All Odds)
  • 1956 - Eric Roberts, American actor
  • 1963 - Eric McCormack, Canadian-American actor and producer (Will & Grace)
  • 1963 - Conan O'Brien - TV host (Late Night)
  • 1967 - Maria Bello, American actress and singer (Coyote Ugly, Touch)
  • 1976 - Melissa Joan Hart, American actress (Sabrina, Melissa & Joey)

Famous Deaths

  • 1904 - Sumner Paine, American target shooter who competed in the 1896 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece. (b. 1868)
  • 1955 - Albert Einstein, German-American physicist (b. 1879)
  • 2012 - Dick Clark, American TV Host and producer, who founded Dick Clark Productions (American Bandstand and Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve) (b. 1929)

Famous Weddings and Divorces

  • 1951 - Charles M. Schulz, cartoonist, weds Joyce Halverson 
  • 1956 - Gracy Kelly marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco in a civil ceremony

Quote of the Day

Charles Schulz, married on this day in 1951.  He was an American cartoonist, best known for the comic strip Peanuts.

Recipe of the Day or a Healthy Diet Habit Tip of the Day

The Holidays and Observances Healthy Diet Habits Recipe/Food Tip of the Day for April 18, is to try to add new fruits and vegetables to your diet.

So....find out some Pomelo tips - what they are, when you can buy them, and watch a video on how to cut them! 

This Day in History

  • 1797 - France and Austria sign a cease fire
  • 1831 - The University of Alabama is founded
  • 1868 - San Francisco Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is formed
  • 1881 - Billy the Kid escapes from the Lincoln Country jail in Mesilla, New Mexico
  • 1902 - Denmark is the 1st country to adopt finger printing to identify criminals
  • 1906 - An 8.25 earthquake and fire kill nearly 4,000 and destroy 75% of San Francisco, CA
  • 1924 - Simon & Schuster publish the first crossword puzzle book
  • 1925 - The World's Fair opens in Chicago
  • 1945 - Over 1,000 bombers attack the small island of Heligoland, Germany
  • 1955 - The 1st Walk/Don't Walk lighted street signals are installed
  • 1977 - Alex Haley, the author of "Roots", is awarded a Pulitzer Prize
  • 1978 - The US Senate votes to turn Panama Canal over to Panama, on Dec 31, 1999
  • 1983 - The US embassy in Beirut, Lebanon is attacked by a suicide bomber, who kills 63 people
  • 1994 - Former President Richard Nixon suffers a stroke and dies 4 days later
  • 2013 - A cafe bombing in Baghdad, Iraq kills 27, and injures 65

This Day in Music

  • 1975 - John Lennon release 'Stand By Me'
  • 1980 - Pink Floyd's, 'Another Brick in the Wall (part II)' hits #1 in the US
  • 1987 - Aretha Franklin's duet with George Michael, 'I Knew You Were Waiting for Me' hits #1
  • 1992 - Annie Lennox has her debut solo album 'Diva' hit #1 on the UK album chart
  • 2003 - Etta James receives a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  • 2009 - The Black Eyed Peas single, 'Boom Boom Pow' hits #1 in the US and stays on top for 12 week
  • 2009 - Keith Urban's fifth studio album 'Defying Gravity', hits #1 on the US album chart

Keith Urban's single 'Kiss A Girl' was one of his singles from his Defying Gravity Album.

This Day in Sports

  • 1923 - 74,000 people are on hand for the opening of Yankee Stadium
  • 1981 - The longest professional baseball game in suspended at 4:00am, the next morning and completed on June 23rd, in Pawtucket, Rhode Island
  • 1982 - The Atlanta Braves win their record 11th straight opening game
  • 1995 - Quarterback Joe Montana announces his retirement from football

Word of the Day from Wiktionary

Oubliette (noun)

1. A dungeon only accessible by a trapdoor at the top.

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