What does sinusitis feel like Reddit

I get a lot of pressure around the top of my nose (I can feel it twitching too) and around my eyes, but my nose is clear and I can breathe perfectly fine.

I’ve been to the doctors and they’ve looked up my nose and also said it looks fine.

So what can be causing this pressure then? I hate it as it gives me pretty bad brain fog and I just feel stupid whilst I have it.

Is it allergies? Migraines? (I do suffer from a lot of migraines, especially vestibular migraines). I get a lot of dizziness too.

What is going on?

Did anyone here have a confirmed case that only presented like a cold/sinus infection? I have had a sore throat (mainly in the mornings from post nasal drip), not too congested throughout the day but occasionally need to blow my nose, had a low grade fever (99.1) in the mornings, some aches, a complete loss of smell, and a dulled sense of taste.

I did get a test but the results are taking forever. I’m just curious to see if any positive person had a case like this? My symptoms fit the bill word for word for a cold/sinus problem but can also easily be mild COVID. Just curious to see.

What your sinus looks like inside your face from coolguides
How Sinus Infection Causes Headache from educationalgifs

I tried asking my doctor about this 2 weeks ago and he doesn’t seem to know anything about it and just prescribed me with Omeprazole. Been taking it for 2 weeks (twice daily 30mins in morning and 30mins before meals) and issue persist. I’m lost now… does anyone know what this condition is called and why am i getting this?

I never had this before until recently. I thought it was acid reflux but ive been taking Omeprazole for weeks now which reduces/fixes acid reflux so ot can’t be acid reflux? Also did a gastroscopy (upper gi) and it didn’t show anything but still waiting on the biopsy.

the pulp always gets stuck/sticked in my left/right side of throat and stays there for hours then eventually goes down. Drinking lots of water doesnt help and gargle salt water doesnt help either. Everytime it gets stick/sticked to my sides of my throat, it irritates my throat causing me to cough, tears etc

Please help? I want to know what this condition is called and what is causing this pulp gets stuck/sticked in my left/right side of throat everytime i drink fruit juices with pulp. This also applies when i swalllw rice and smoothies that contain fruit seeds like kiwi fruit.

P.s. I do however have chronic overproduction of mucus/phelgm and have been having this for 3 years now…also use floxonase nasal sprays and saline spray (daily for 2 months now) but the nasal sprays often goes down to throat.

TIL an untreated sinus infection can develop into Meningitis or other brain infections from todayilearned
Trolls, I have my first sinus infection ever. Keep feeling like mucus draining is drowning me, and doc said the only thing to do is wait it out :( from TrollXChromosomes

Would like to hear some descriptions of what you feel like when you have sinusitis.

Do you get any brain fog? Are you fatigued? Any vision issues? Such as blurry vision?

How I feel right now with a full blown sinus infection. from funny


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