What happens when subcultures emerge that have shared values opposite from the dominant culture of an organization quizlet?

Find programs and support to help you feel safe and stay engaged in your community. Contact your local Youth Outreach Worker Program.

Find out how we’re working toward eliminating systemic, race-based disparities by increasing opportunities for Black children, youth and families in Ontario.

Learn about members of the council and how they are helping young people achieve their economic goals.

Learn about Student and Family Advocates and how they will support Black students and families.

If you or someone you know is a victim of violence or human trafficking, or if you suspect that you know someone who may be a victim of human trafficking, the Youth Violence and Human Trafficking Prevention Program can help by providing culturally-focused education and prevention programs and recovery and resilience supports.

Students and young people who are looking for a job can get help from many programs, regardless of your background or circumstances.

Health and wellness

If you’re 24 or under and you don’t have a private plan, you can get prescription drug coverage if you have a health card and an eligible prescription.

Find mental health support, helplines and resources for people under the age of 18.

Education and learning

Learn about going to elementary school and secondary school in Ontario.

The low-down about learning at Ontario’s public universities, colleges or registered private career colleges.

Find out how you can get help paying for college or university. Find out if you’re eligible and how much you can get.

Youth who are in trouble with the law

Ontario’s youth justice system provides programs and services for youth between the ages of 12 and 17 who come into trouble with the law.

Find out what happens when young people between ages 12 and 17 get in trouble with the law.

If you’re a parent or guardian, find out:

Gang prevention and intervention

Get help if you are involved with a gang, if you could become involved with a gang or if you want to leave one.

Cannabis related offenses

If you have come into contact with the law because of a cannabis related offense, police or the courts could refer you to the Youth Cannabis Diversion Program instead of charging you, going ahead with a prosecution or imposing a fine. It’s an online program that will teach you about:

  • the risks associated with cannabis use
  • laws related to cannabis
  • the impacts of cannabis use to help you make positive choices

Support for youth-led and youth-focused organizations

Get financial support: Youth Opportunities Fund

If you’re part of a youth-led grassroots group or youth-focused community organization that helps at-risk youth, you can apply to get an annual grant and capacity building support. The fund invests in initiatives that allow young people to build the skills they need to:

  • stay engaged in school
  • advance 21st century hard and soft skills
  • build strong and healthy peer relationships
  • navigate and expand resources in their communities

Research and evaluation exchange: YouthREX

The grassroots youth sector can learn about research evidence and evaluation practices, including a knowledge hub, community board and digital café.

Guides and reports

Review our comprehensive developmental framework to support children ages 6 to 12. It is based on up-to-date evidence on middle childhood development.

Read the strategic framework to help Ontario’s middle years children thrive. The middle years (ages 6–12) are a developmental turning point and a critical period of transitions from early childhood to the teen years.

Read the strategic framework to guide the delivery of high quality supports and services for youth aged 12 to 25 across Ontario. Stepping Stones is designed to help anyone who works with or cares for youth to identify and respond to their needs at each stage of their development.

Use this guide for decision-making, program planning and partnerships so that everyone involved in supporting youth between 12 and 25, can work together through a common, shared approach.

Read the 2016 Stepping Up Annual Report to learn about our progress in supporting Ontario youth since the release of Stepping Up in 2013. The report includes case studies, and the 2016 Profile of Youth Wellbeing

shareholders, directors, and officers.In practice, these key players have the most power in corporate governance.

  • Shareholders.
  • Directors.
  • Officers.
  • What happens when subcultures emerge that have shared values opposite from the dominant culture of an organization?

    What happens when subcultures emerge that have shared values opposite from the dominant culture of an organization? Individuals lose sight of overall goals and begin working at cross-purposes. Behavioral controls involve the appropriate balance and alignment among the culture, rewards, and boundaries of a firm.

    Which of the following are appropriate conditions for using the traditional approach to strategic control?

    Which of the following are appropriate conditions for using the traditional approach to strategic control? The environment is relatively simple. Goals and objectives can be measured with certainty.

    Which of the following is a benefit of continuous monitoring quizlet?

    The benefits of continuous monitoring include: time lags are dramatically shortened; changes in the competitive environment are detected earlier; and the ability of the organization to respond with speed and flexibility is enhanced.

    Which stakeholder is the primary focus of the shareholder model of corporate governance?

    The board of directors is the primary direct stakeholder influencing corporate governance. Directors are elected by shareholders or appointed by other board members, and they represent shareholders of the company.

    What are the three ongoing processes involved in the strategic management process?

    According to the text, the strategic management process entails three ongoing processes: A) analysis, actions, and synthesis.

    Which of the following best describes the corporate governance responsibilities of members of the Board of Directors?

    Which of the following best describes the corporate governance responsibilities of members of the board of directors? Establish long-term strategic objectives for the company. Which of the following is least likely to be useful in evaluating a company’s corporate governance system for investment analysis purposes?

    What is the hierarchy of organizational goals quizlet?

    An organization’s hierarchy of goals refers to goals ranging from, at the top, those that are less specific yet able to evoke powerful and compelling mental images, to, at the bottom, those that are more specific and measurable.

    Which of the following are part of the traditional approach sequence?

    Which of the following are part of the traditional approach sequence? Strategies are formulated and goals are set by top management. Performance is measured against the predetermined set of goals.

    Which is the primary drawback of traditional strategic control systems?

    they lack the flexibility needed to adjust to changes in the environment. A. goals and objectives that are uncertain prevent opportunism.

    Why are effective strategic control systems so important in today’s economy?

    Why are effective strategic control systems so important in today’s economy? In most environments, organizations should strive to provide a system of rewards and incentives, coupled with a culture strong enough that boundaries become internalized.

    Which one of the following is a benefit of continuous monitoring quizlet?

    The benefits of continuous monitoring include: time lags are dramatically shortened; changes in the competitive environment are detected earlier; and the ability of the organization to respond with speed and flexibility is enhanced.

    When comparing the traditional approach to strategic control vs the contemporary approach to strategic control the key difference is?

    Which of the following are part of the traditional approach sequence? Strategies are formulated and goals are set by top management. Performance is measured against the predetermined set of goals.

    When subcultures emerge that have shared values opposite from the dominant culture of an organization?

    The traditional approach to strategic control is interactive; the contemporary approach to strategic control is sequential. The traditional approach to strategic control relies on feedback from performance measurement to strategy formulation. You just studied 76 terms!

    Which of the following is used for continuous monitoring of logs?

    Audit logs are essential in continuous monitoring because they record system activity, application processes, and user activity. Audit logs are essential in continuous monitoring because they will automatically defragment an information system to increase its speed and response time to user input.

    What is the major benefit provided by snapshots?

    A key benefit of snapshots is that they allow a faster roll-back to a previous point-in-time than from backups. Another plus is that snapshots allow much more frequent protection than backup.

    Which of the following is a primary means for monitoring managerial behavior?

    Which of the following is a primary means for monitoring managerial behavior? Behavioral controls involve the appropriate balance and alignment among the culture, rewards, and boundaries of a firm.

    Which of the following are the greatest target for our adversaries?

    While adversaries are interested in anything that will strengthen their advantage whether it is a military, competitive, or economic advantagetechnology assets are the greatest target. Both classified and unclassified technologies are targeted.

    Who are the stakeholders involved in corporate governance?

    Some examples of key stakeholders are creditors, directors, employees, government (and its agencies), owners (shareholders), suppliers, unions, and the community from which the business draws its resources.

    What is the shareholder model of corporate governance?

    The shareholder model of the corporation is a term referring to a theory of corporate governance that argues the people who own shares of a corporation’s stocks, shareholders, should own and manage the corporation with a view to maximizing the financial returns on their investments.

    What is stakeholder model of a corporation?

    Stakeholder Theory is a view of capitalism that stresses the interconnected relationships between a business and its customers, suppliers, employees, investors, communities and others who have a stake in the organization. The theory argues that a firm should create value for all stakeholders, not just shareholders.

    Which stakeholder is the primary focus of the shareholder model of corporate governance quizlet?

    Which stakeholder is the primary focus of the shareholder model of corporate governance? society. This statement exemplifies which approach? Which of the following is least likely to be a use of internal controls in an organization?

    What are the 3 strategic management process?

    Strategic Management involves 3 steps: Planning, Execution Monitoring.

    What is step 3 in the strategic planning process?

    Having reviewed your current situation and the challenges and changes which will affect your future development, the next stage in strategic planning is to come to a common agreement regarding what the future should look like.

    What are the steps involved in strategic management process?

    The five stages of the process are goal-setting, analysis, strategy formation, strategy implementation and strategy monitoring.

    • Clarify Your Vision. The purpose of goal-setting is to clarify the vision for your business.
    • Gather and Analyze Information.
    • Formulate a Strategy.
    • Implement Your Strategy.
    • Evaluate and Control.


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