What if you cut cat whiskers Reddit?

I was giving my cat a haircut with electric trimmers. I accidentally buzzed through her whiskers on the left side. I cut like all of them in half. She growled at me. I feel terrible. Is she in pain?

So my little brother (7) cut of my cats whiskers, they're short now, maybe 1-2 centimeters long, he is an indoor cat, but i am worried, can this have any negative affects on him?

So my cat is fluffy and has a little mat on his cheek and I very carefully was cutting it with safety clippers and when I was done he turned his head and I cut off 1/4th of a couple whiskers:( did this hurt him and will it cause problems to his health? I know this question is dumb but I was resided by a hoarder who didn’t take care of our pets and I really want to give my cat a good life and I’m scared I did some sort of damage here

My Maine Coon tabby mix had knots appear in her fur at the onset of summer. We brought her to a Groomer before it became uncomfortable.. and they trimmed her whiskers on top of shaving her.

I'm sure she's miserable enough being shaved but the whiskers seemed to put her over the edge.

What can I do to help her be her old self? Should I confront the groomer and report them?

The cat is long-haired so I need to go at it with a buzzer to get mats out of it's fur. I wasn't as careful as I should have been and gave her whiskers a trim. She didn't react and has been fine since but I want to know if there is anything I should be concerned about.

I realize that it's a known fact that cats need their whiskers, and having them cut or crunched is really bad for their perception.

Recently my cat sniffed a candle (I'm guessing, I didn't see it happen, but it was during a power outage) and her eyebrow whiskers got a little seared.

They're still all there, just a little crunchy looking. Anyways, the reason I ask this is because my mum said she wanted to cut them off because they didn't look good. I stopped her immediately and informed her that cutting off cats whiskers was very bad!

Which leads to this post. HOW bad is it? Especially since her whiskers are already compromised...

Just curious! Thanks!

TIL that you should never cut a cat's whiskers as they are very sensitive and cats use them to feel around. Cutting whiskers cash cause cats to become disoriented and scared, and might cause it to get stuck easily from todayilearned

Pls don't cut the whiskers of your cat to answer my question

I accidentally cut my cats whiskers on one side down from about 6 inches to about 2 when i was cutting knots out of her hair (she is very long haired and the vet advised us to do this otherwise they rip out and hurt her) and i’m freaking out does she need them for anythingggg 😭😭

UPDATE - Got her some warm milk to make her feel better, I understand that some female cats can be lactose intolerant but she never usually gets it, i just feel like she deserves it. ( Dont mind that she’s on a treadmill ahahahha she loves it for some reason ) Also Linked her whiskers:( Cleo


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