What impact does Lennie and Georges entrance have on the peaceful setting previously described in Chapter 1?

The Significance of the Opening in Of Mice and Men The novel opening is scene setting; Steinbeck wrote it with lots of descriptive words with many colour words, "yellow sands" and "white, recumbent limbs." The first page concentrates on natural beauty, with no mention of anything man-made. The beginning of the text must be calm and peaceful to contrast with the more violent and upsetting end. The opening scene is important and stressed upon so that when it is used again at the end you can see that the novel is cyclical. Steinbeck makes the scene easily recognisable by talking about the "Gabilon Mountains" and "Salinas River." The landscape is constant and permanent and the same imagery is used…show more content…
The opening of the text is approximately 1 day long, which compared to the four day long text is quite a long time. The first section therefore is quite important. You see many contrasts in the first part: George V Lennie, nature V man and peace V intrusion. It is this opening scene where we first meet George and Lennie. "Two men wandered up from the highway, their entrance disturbing the peace and harmony of the deep, green forest. They approached in single file, one behind the other." Immediately it is obvious that George is the leader of the duo. Lennie follows George's lead, "even in the open." They are dressed identically, both wearing "denim trousers and denim coats with brass buttons." From first impressions, it seems that the two are remarkably alike until Steinbeck physically describes them. George is a small, defined man, "quick and dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. Lennie on the other hand is his complete opposite. He is "a huge man, shapeless of face, with large pale eyes and wide, sloping shoulders. Even in their movements, they are complete opposites. George is quick and compact, he moves with confidence and composure. Lennie tries to do likewise but ends up walking "heavily, dragging his feet a little." In the

Name: _______________________Of Mice and MenChapter 1 Questions(You must cite directly from the text as much as possible).1.What impact does Lennie and George’s entrance have on the peaceful setting previouslydescribed?

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2.What do we learn about the two main characters and their relationship, in this openingchapter?

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3.Does Lennie admire George? You must back up your answer with evidence from the text.

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