What is an example of dogged?



Someone who's dogged is stubbornly persistent. In the old Looney Tunes cartoons, Wile E. Coyote's pursuit of the Road Runner is dogged. He simply will not give up.

You can see the word dog within the word dogged. It's no trick. If you're dogged, you are as obstinate and tenacious as a dog who smells a bone. An earlier definition of this adjective was more general, meaning "having the qualities of a dog." Today, though, if someone describes you as dogged, they simply mean that you won't stop until you get what you want.

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[more dogged; most dogged]

: having or showing the attitude of a person who wants to do or get something and will not stop trying : stubborn and determined

  • Her dogged efforts eventually paid off.

  • a dogged pursuit of power

— doggedly


  • He worked doggedly to maintain his lead.

  • The press doggedly pursues him wherever he goes.

— doggedness

noun [noncount]

  • Having or showing tenacity and grim persistence.

    ‘success required dogged determination’

    • ‘From 1981 to 1997, no one played with as much tenacity and dogged determination as Mullen.’
    • ‘This dogged persistence and determination to see it through has taken its toll, both on his finances and his emotional well being.’
    • ‘They simply want to get things done, and it's that steady, dogged persistence that winds up being viewed as stubbornness.’
    • ‘There's no drive or energy here, just a sense of dogged persistence.’
    • ‘For a man whose playing career was characterised by dogged resilience and bloody-minded determination, the manager cuts a very different figure.’
    • ‘They negotiated their gold ransom for the kidnapped girl with all the dogged, gormless determination of a ticket collector extracting an excess fare.’
    • ‘He has a dogged determination to improve his life.’
    • ‘Those who knew George knew of his dogged determination to see things through to the end.’
    • ‘The persistence, the dogged attention, the caring were what counted.’
    • ‘From August on, the German companies will have to fight for customers against a dogged rival that has already proven it can beat them in the U.S. market.’
    • ‘At one point he said, ‘Praise be to God, with dogged perseverance we should be able to solve our economic problems.’’
    • ‘Yet his dogged determination carried him through thousands of experiments, seventeen books, and a hundred scientific papers.’
    • ‘Its sheer joy and wonder reside neither in tension nor resolve, neither verse nor chorus, but simply in dogged perseverance.’
    • ‘For months it has been a media-driven story, fueled by dogged journalists committed to facts rather than opinions.’
    • ‘He's also dogged in his determination to see his own artistic vision fulfilled.’
    • ‘She was dogged in her condemnation of those who went too far too soon.’
    • ‘He performs Sly with his usual care and dogged efficiency, but he never gets under the skin of the part, and the results are very bland.’
    • ‘Howard, love him or detest him, has earned respect as a leader with incredible staying power, and dogged consistency over the years.’
    • ‘Reilly's story, one of loyalty, brotherhood, and dogged determination, captures and holds the reader's attention.’
    • ‘He has dogged determination to win his pro card in 2002.’

    tenacious, determined, resolute, resolved, purposeful, persistent, persevering, pertinacious, relentless, intent, dead set, single-minded, focused, dedicated, committed, undeviating, unshakeable, unflagging, indefatigable, untiring, never-tiring, tireless, unfailing, unfaltering, unwavering, unyielding, unbending, immovable, obdurate, strong-willed, firm, steadfast, steady, staunch, stout-hearted

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