What is bessie short for


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snowangels1 · 26/01/2011 08:55

I'm getting close to due date and DH and I really want to have at least an idea of chosen baby name.

I really like Bessie (it was my gmas name), and, DH was going along with this as a finalist until the not-afraid-to-say-what-she-thinks-MIL said she didn't like it. DH suddenly also changed his mind about it (think I might be able to pursuade it back though


What do people think about it as a name? Do you automatically associate it with aunt bessies yorkshire puddings?

I know it's originally an abbreviation name but my gma had it as a name in its own right. Thinking of using Iona as middle name btw.

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deemented · 26/01/2011 08:57

I do actually like it.

But it's forever Yorkshire puds and roast spuds - sorry.

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PlanetLizard · 26/01/2011 09:18

I like it. It's a pretty name and a more unusual (these days) version of Elizabeth.

No, I didn't think of Yorkshire puddings (although I have heard of Aunt Bessie's).

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kreecherlivesupstairs · 26/01/2011 09:43

Awful, I didn't associate it with yorkshires, but with a fat smelly woman who lived up the road when I was a child.
What about Beth?

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snowangels1 · 26/01/2011 10:08

Well we did wonder about using 'Elizabeth' and then us just abbreviating it to Bessie, then, down the line she could change it to Beth/Liz etc of she wanted, but, our surname begins with an E so it doesn't quite sound right.

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tummytickler · 26/01/2011 11:01

I like it - we considered it for dd. I like Bess as a given name, and Bessie as a nn for that. Bess just sounds thta bit more serious for when she becomes an astrophysicist.

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mopsyflopsy · 26/01/2011 11:02

Lovely! Agree that Bess is a more grown up sounding name. Bessie is cute as a nickname for a small girl imo.

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strandednomore · 26/01/2011 11:05

I like it - wasn't there a Bessie in the Farwaway Tree?

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smother · 26/01/2011 12:00

Love this name, considered it for DD, would have used fullname Bess.

I associate it with Bessie Smith!

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kreecherlivesupstairs · 26/01/2011 12:18

Stranded, there was a Mr Saucepanhead too or something to do with pots and pans. I belive Fanny made an appearance as well.

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strandednomore · 26/01/2011 12:23

There was a Bessie (sadly I looked it up) as well as a Fanny - now there's a name that probably won't be making a come back any time soon. Yes Mr Saucepan and Moon Face. Also a fairy called Silky? And a cousin called Dick who came to stay - so they could have a Dick and a Fanny togehter. Did Enid Blyton have a sense of humour????

Oh I loved those books.....

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Hedwig3 · 26/01/2011 13:27

Go for it!

The MIL thing would just make me love it more!

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snowangels1 · 26/01/2011 13:30

hedwig must admit MIL did have that effect on me!

Never heard of this faraway tree you speak

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strandednomore · 26/01/2011 14:21

Snowangels - The Faraway Tree - I guess I must be showing my age (although I didn't read them in the 1940's but in the 1970's!). I see in later editions Fanny has become Frannie and Dick is now Rick! Also Bessie becomes Beth as it is a more common abbreviation of Elizabeth.

I would go with Bessie though!

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pinkhebe · 26/01/2011 14:24

I love Bess/Bessie, my Grandma was called Bessie nn for Elizabeth

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rachel1970 · 26/01/2011 14:50

Lovely name - I'd use Bess, nickname Bessie.

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freerangeeggs · 26/01/2011 19:41

I love it and agree that I'd use Bess on the birth certificate.

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fragglerocks · 26/01/2011 21:17

I love it, my dog is called Bessie but I wish we hadn't used it for her as I now want it on my shortlist!!

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reddaisy · 26/01/2011 21:29

I like it but maybe go for Elizabeth with Bessie as a nickname.

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mathanxiety · 26/01/2011 23:33

Makes me think of stout middle aged women. And cows. And Dick Turpin's horse.

Betty is lovely though, and so are Bette, Lizzie, Eliza, Liza, imo - but Bess I just don't like.

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