What is cognitive message strategy?

After this module, you will be able to put into practice the theoretical approaches to advertisement design. You will be able to learn about possible message strategies, advertising appeals and executional frameworks through a lot of examples. Additionally, you will see professionals’ points of view on the creative process.

Cognitive Message Strategy- presents rational arguments or pieces of information to consumers. Seeks to describe the products attributes/benefits. Generic message- advertisement that directly promotes the products attributes/benefits w/o any claim of superiority. Help stimulate brand awareness.Preemptive messages- claim of superiority based on products specific attribute w/intent of preventing competition form making the same/similar statement.

Unique selling proposition- explicit, testable claim of uniqueness or superiority that can be supported or substainedComparative advertising- allows advertiser to directly or indirectly compare a product to the competition on some product attribute or benefit. Affective Message Strategies- advertisements trying to evoke feelings or emotions and match those feelings with the good, service, or company feature. Attempt to enhance the likeability of the product, recall of the appeal, or comprehension of the advertisement. Resonance- connecting a brand with a consumers experience in order to develop stronger ties between the product and the consumer. Emotional affective approach- attempts to elicit powerful emotions that lead to product recall and choice. Conative Message Strategies- seek to lead directly to a consumer response. They can support other promotional efforts such as coupon redemption programs, cash-back rebates, or encourage consumers to access a website. Seven Types of Advertising Appeals-1.Fear2.Humor3.Sex4.Music5.Rationality6.Emotions7.ScarcityIntrinsic/extrinsic rewards- i= come from gaining social acceptance. E= savings on cost of cigarettes vs nicodermExecutional Framework/Execution- signifies the manner in which an ad appeal will be presented and a message strategy conveyed.AnimationSlice-of-lifeStorytellingTestimonialAuthoritativeDemonstrationFantasyInformativeChapter Seven

Media Strategy- involves analyzing and choosing media for an advertising and marketing campaign.

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Advertising, advertising campaign, consistent brand message, Conative Message Strategies


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