What is medium base paint used for

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Hi, I’m Randy Charles, the creator and chief editor of this site Paintcentric. I’m a businessman now by profession, but I used to work as...Read more

Paints are generally chemical compounds used today for various purposes in different niches, such as art, real estate, engineering, etc.

These chemical products come in different forms and are used for preservation, beautification, design, etc. Today we’d be looking at deep base vs medium base paint.

Many people usually make a common error when they confuse medium-base paint with deep-base paint, even though they are significantly different.

Even though it doesn’t take a genius to tell the differences quickly, a fair amount of basic knowledge is required to tell these two unique forms of paint apart. In this piece, we will go over that elaborately.

What Is Base Paint?

The base paint is not complete paint yet. It needs to be tinted with colorant. It is a foundation used to create colored paints using colorants. Base paint makes the paint opaque, firmer, and elastic, and prevents cracks.

A base paint contains white pigment as a result of the quantity of titanium dioxide. The base paint is different from the primer. Unlike primer, base paint is not used as a base coat.

Base paint forms a major part of creating the body of paint. Base paints are specially designed for combining colors. The base paint is a vital component of ordinary paint. The base paint is the starting point of the work to create a particular color of the tint.

Before you can use base paint, a colorant needs to be added to it. This gives you your preferred solid tint.

Deep Base Vs Medium Base Paint

Deep-base and Medium base paints share significant disparities; however, when it comes to which paint is the better one, it all boils down to user preferences, the project in view, and other factors that may come into play during paint selection. Below is a contrast of deep base and medium base paint characteristics.

Deep Base Vs Medium Base Paint

Medium Based PaintsDeep Based Paints
Creates a color between light and darkProduces a darker color of paint
It contains more white base than deep base paints but lesser than plain white paints.It contains even lesser (if any) amounts of white base pigments
The number of white base pigments present in medium base paints enables it to reach the desired level of saturation neededThe number of white base pigments present in deep base paint enables it to be tinted to match very darkly, vibrant colors
Fairly durable and resistant to stain.It is usually resilient to friction and can hold up under the scrubbing needed to remove any dirt or stains.
More opaque due to the amount of titanium oxide present in medium-base paintsLess opaque because deep base paints contain lesser amounts of titanium oxide

Before we continue, let’s take a quick study to know more about paints. The various forms of paint reflect their functions: industrial paint is used for industrial coating and preservation of industrial materials, decorative paint is used for decoration and protection of buildings, and art paint watercolor, acrylics, and oil paint are used for creating artworks.

This article examines decorative paint used for decorating and preserving buildings. This type of paint is further segmented into accent, light, medium, deep, and extra deep base paints.

For reading purposes, it is crucial to understand that paints are chemical products and contain chemical compounds that may develop allergic reactions in certain individuals, so it is advisable to use the necessary protective equipment when handling these products. With that being said, happy reading!

About Deep Base Paint

What Is A Deep Base Paint?

Deep base paints generally paint with little to no amount of white or lighter fragments that help them effectively portray their true tones and shades. When we talk about deep or medium bases of paint, the base refers to the colors that the paint is tinted with.

Deep base and ultra-deep base paints are built on darker colors and tones. As a result, the deeper the foundation of paint utilized, the darker the hue.

Deep Base Paint

The minute amount or quantity of white pigment in deep base paint permits it to take more colorant and produce deeper colors when tinted. It dries transparent without colorant and provides little to no coverage.

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What Are Deep Base Paints Used For?

It is prudent to classify deep base paints based on the type of colors that deep base paints usually are. However, like any other form of paint, the painter or user reserves the discretion to utilize deep base paints in whatever way they deem fit.

Because there are fewer white pigments than white bases, the most luxurious colors such as black, brown, burgundy, navy blue, dark green, copper, and others can be achieved.

However, based on these shades of colors they exude, deep-based paints are usually used in a closed environment where the user wants to achieve a darker and more vibrant ambiance. This could range from bedrooms, studios, dens, cinemas, etc.

Since deep-base paints create darker shades, it is important to note that deep base paints depend solely on the user/painter and what they want to achieve.

What Is Deep Base Paints Used For

Deep Base Paints Price List

Depending on the location and current market demand, extra deep base painting usually costs around $15 – $20 per liter.

How and When To Use Deep Base Paint?

Deep base paints can be used across many settings to provide a dark and colorful environment. Because of the little white fragments present in deep base paints, it is usually a go-to choice when looking to achieve burgundy and mild ambiance.

This type of painting design is required for libraries and bedrooms, but it is not limited to these settings. Painters or homeowners can quickly require this burgundy ambiance for various other places.

Steps to use deep paint:

1. Tinting

The first thing to do is select a color and have a painting professional apply the deep base paint for you. As we’ve established already, this paint doesn’t come to all set-up. Many people purchase this paint thinking it’s already prepared and good to go or that it’s white paint, only to be disappointed after applying it.

Regardless of the color, you have in mind to paint; you must tint the deep base paint. If you try doing it yourself, you might eventually put either excessive or insufficient tint. This will negatively impact the paint’s resilience, drying time, sheen, and other components of the deep paint. For an optimum result, have the store-man do it for you there in the store, before taking it home.

2. Priming

After getting your paint ready, you’d need to choose the right primer for the deep base paint. Noted, a deep base paint requires a great quality and halt-tinted primer to be used as its base coat. This is important because deep base paint has the least white pigments and a marginalized coverage.

Furthermore, the added tint will play a big role in any coverage you desire to cover. Thus, using only a deep base paint, you’d require nothing less than 6 layers of deep base paint to cover the existing color of the wall or surface. On the other end, using a tinted primer boosts the deep base paint’s coverage such that the entire color beneath varnishes. Thus, saving you the additional cost.

3. Finishing

Another key area you need to pay much attention to is the finishing. This is because, due to its low coverage abilities, the deep base paint can show flaws and paint imperfections. So, you need to be keen and paint the surface as uniformly as you can to prevent overlapping lines.

One of the ideal techniques to apply deep base paint is to use back brushing and vertical rolling. Approximately two to three deep base paints are good enough for full coverage.

About Medium Base Paint

As explained earlier, when it comes to painting bases, classifications such as deep, accent, extra deep, medium, and light refer to the different colors the paint is tinted with. However, this is not the unique difference between these variations of paint.

Each of these paints can have a fixed quantity of bases when it comes down to it. Still, the differences between them that allow one to be a medium base and another to be an extra deep base depend on the amount of titanium white in the base.

Usually, when the paint is produced, it gives off the desired color with the base alone. However, this color would be mostly thin, unreflective of light, and would not coat as properly as it should.

This might be a good feature when trying to achieve most colors or a certain type of painting. There are, however, specific shades of paint and paint types required for most paints today, and it is titanium white —, though, in varying quantities, helps to achieve this efficiently.

Generally, depending on the type of paint that has to be achieved, —medium base, deep base, etc., the finely ground space metal —titanium is added to these various bases. The base paint into which the pigment is mixed is different to allow the final color to be possible.

What Is A Medium Base Paint?

This type of paint is generally light due to the titanium white pigments present in the base and is used to achieve bright and medium between light and dark colors.

Medium Base Paint

That being said, medium base paints, like the name implies, generally have a medium amount of white pigments. It is not more than the base to maintain its color still and not significantly lesser than the base to give the base color a lighter and brighter look.

Medium base painting is a painting of slightly dark shades.  This is a painting of dark tones that will not produce light tones regardless of the number of colorants added.

Medium base is a base paint you can use to get a shade between lighter and darker hues.  Hence, paint stores can’t have every paint color. But, thanks to base paints you can have your favorite colors of paint mixed.

Medium base paints should not be confused with a neutral base or white, but they are in the middle between light and dark. They are paints commonly used in homes, businesses, and the like.

What Is A Medium Base Paint Used For?

Typically, paints of brighter colors are usually used in open areas such as kitchen spaces, living rooms, building walls, and bedrooms. However, it all boils down to what the homeowner or painter plans to achieve because this is a major factor that affects paint selection in the first place.

Since medium base paint has white pigment and lighter tones, It’s fair to say that most house paints are medium base as they tend to be lighter colors. But, this does not rule out the use of the deep bases in houses, and it’s just not as often used.

If you wanted to paint a room with light paint, you would probably choose medium base paint with white pigment. Likewise, if you wanted to paint a room with dark paint, you would probably choose deep base paint as it has white pigment.

Most people prefer to use medium base paint for kitchens and bathrooms because spots and stains can easily be seen.

Medium Base Paint Price List

It is important to note that the major factor affecting the price of paint is the amount of titanium dioxide present. The varying amount of titanium oxide in paint helps determine how much the paint can conceal the surface underneath and how light or dark the paint shade will be.

That said, medium base paints cost around $60 for about 5 liters. This price may vary based on location, market demand, and other factors.

When To Use Medium Base Paints?

As explained earlier, medium base paints can be used in open areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, building walls, and bedrooms.

Generally, this is because medium base paints are brightly colored and help in these spaces in various functions such as spotting stains for cleaning, improving environmental ambiance, etc.

Medium base paints are also used to generally improve the outlook of a room, space, or building. Pale colors usually look like they are moving away from you —, a receding illusion. Therefore when you use lighter colors for your floor and walls, your areas and spaces tend to appear larger than they are.

Can Medium Base Paint Be Used Without Tinting?

Without a doubt, you can use medium base paint without tinting or without adding colorant. However, you will not achieve an excellent result. Whenever you use the untainted base to paint it will not give you your expected hue.

Adding colorant to medium base paint brings out your desired color and the perfect result when used.

Technically, if you are painting over a darker-toned wall, you cannot use an untainted medium base paint. This is because the shade underneath might bleed and the outcome will be bad.

Hence, whenever you want to use medium base paint, it needs additional colorants. Whether you are painting over a dark wall or a light-colored wall.

What to Choose Between Deep Base And Medium Base?

Now that you know the differences between deep base and medium base paint, which is best for your needs? That will largely depend on the paint’s color and the maintenance you are willing to do, like the lighter the base, the less resistant it is to dirt and stains.

This means that surfaces painted with brother-colored paints, since they are more susceptible to stains and spots, will require consistent cleaning to maintain surface beauty and the paint’s durability.

You should start with where the project will take place and the coverage needed. Keep in mind that you can use base paint that does not have tint, and there is nothing wrong with it.

This means the paint lacks a tint that conveys the various tones of different colors. These will still contain neutral pigments and can be used as a white base paint, although it is not popular as paint that includes tinting.


Knowing the constituents of deep base vs medium base paint makes it easier to make worthwhile decisions regarding the choice of paint for your project.

Randy CharlesProfessional Painter


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