What is one difference between the artistic conventions of Mannerist painters and High Renaissance?










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Art History

Mannerist painters departed from High Renaissance painting conventions by breaking the principles of design and color that had been put in place during the High Renaissance. Mannerist paintings often feature elongations of the human figure.

How did the art style change from Renaissance to Mannerism?

Exaggerated Figures A primary way that Mannerist artists took High Renaissance techniques “a step further” is through exaggeration. Pioneered by Parmigianino, an Italian artist, Mannerists rejected realistic proportions and instead rendered figures with impossibly elongated limbs and oddly positioned bodies.

How is the High Renaissance different from the early Renaissance?

During the Early Renaissance, theories on art were developed, new advancements in painting and architecture were made, and the style was defined. The High Renaissance denotes a period that is seen as the culmination of the Renaissance period.

Why do works of art from the High Renaissance continue to be understood as the most famous art in the Western world?

A: Works of art from the High Renaissance continue to be understood as the most famous art in the western world due to the fact that the High Renaissance brought with it the perfection of Renaissance art. As aesthetics were mastered, some of the most famous works of art come from the High Renaissance.

What is the main focus of mannerism?

The term mannerism describes the style of the paintings and bronze sculpture on this tour. Derived from the Italian maniera, meaning simply “style,” mannerism is sometimes defined as the “stylish style” for its emphasis on self-conscious artifice over realistic depiction.

What is one difference between the artistic conventions of mannerist painters in High Renaissance painters?

What is one difference between the artistic conventions of Mannerist painters and High Renaissance painters? Mannerists created complex compositions instead of orderly, rational compositions. Both artists used chiaroscuro, or contrast between light and dark. You just studied 3 terms!

What caused mannerism art?

Mannerism originated as a reaction to the harmonious classicism and the idealized naturalism of High Renaissance art as practiced by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael in the first two decades of the 16th century.

What are the characteristics of the high Renaissance?

The High Renaissance of painting was the culmination of the varied means of expression and various advances in painting technique, such as linear perspective, the realistic depiction of both physical and psychological features, and the manipulation of light and darkness, including tone contrast, sfumato (softening the …

How did the High Renaissance influence art history?

High Renaissance artists were influenced by the linear perspective, shading, and naturalistic figurative treatment launched by Early Renaissance artists like Masaccio and Mantegna. But they mastered those techniques in order to convey a new aesthetic ideal that primarily valued beauty.

Why is mannerism important?

Mannerist painting encompasses a variety of approaches influenced by, and reacting to, the harmonious ideals and restrained naturalism associated with High Renaissance artists. Mannerism is notable for its intellectual sophistication as well as its artificial (as opposed to naturalistic) qualities.

What is the main focus of Mannerism?

Which is a key feature of Renaissance paintings?

Certain characteristic elements of Renaissance painting evolved a great deal during the period. These include perspective, both in terms of how it was achieved and the effect to which it was applied, and realism, particularly in the depiction of humanity, either as symbolic, portrait or narrative element.

What did Mannerism art focus on?

What qualities of style are characteristic of High Renaissance painting from Venice?

High Renaissance Painting: Characteristics (c.1490-1530) It is characterized above all by the qualities of harmony and balance. Although movement is both necessary and important, it is always dignified and calm, and the viewer’s eye is always provided with a point of focus.


History, 31.01.2020 00:52, reyescoralys


The correct answer was given: Champion1841

For the answer to the question, What is one difference between the artistic conventions of Mannerist painters and High Renaissance painters?  the answer is Mannerists created complex compositions instead of orderly, rational compositions.

I hope my answer helped you. Have a nice day!

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The main difference between High Renaissance and Mannerism is that the High Renaissance is known for naturalism and harmonious compositions while Mannerism is known for artificial and sophisticated qualities.

Mannerism and High Renaissance are two distinct styles of European art during the 16th century. Legendary artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael are artists of the High Renaissance period. Mannerism is the art style that came after the High Renaissance but before the Baroque period. In fact, Mannerism was a reaction to the harmonious classicism and naturalism of High Renaissance art.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is High Renaissance
     – Definition, Features
2. What is Mannerism
     – Definition, Features 
3. Difference Between High Renaissance and Mannerism
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

High Renaissance, Mannerism, Art, Sculpture

What is High Renaissance

The High Renaissance was a brief period (nearly two decades) at the beginning of the 16th century that resulted in exquisite artistic production in Italy. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Bramante, and Raphael were notable artists of this period. In fact, this period began with the masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci, especially his painting of The Last Supper (the 1490s), and ended with the death of Raphael in 1520.

Figure 1: The Last Supper By Leonardo Da Vinci

High Renaissance used more monumental forms and produced unified and harmonious compositions, rejecting the decorative elements of 15th-century art. Artists of the High Renaissance were greatly influenced by shading, linear perspective, as well as the naturalistic figurative treatment started by artists of the Early Renaissance. Moreover, High Renaissance artists mastered these techniques to bring out a new aesthetic ideal valuing beauty. They used new techniques like oil paintings to portray human movement and used gradation of color and tone to convey psychological depth. Some of the notable characteristics in paintings of this period involve linear perspective, realistic portrayal of physical and psychological features, manipulation of light and darkness, which includes chiaroscuro (the contrast between light and dark), sfumato (softening the transition between colours), and tone contrast.

Furthermore, High Renaissance artists saw the human figure as embodying the divine and gained inspiration from Classical and Roman styles to convey anatomical correctness and precise proportions of the body. Michelangelo’s Pietà and David are two iconic sculptures from this period.

What is Mannerism

Mannerism is the style of art in Europe from 1520 to 1600, which came after the period of the High Renaissance but before the Baroque. However, it’s important to know that not every artist painting from this period is a Mannerist artist. Art from Mannerism included a variety of styles influenced by and reacting to the harmonious ideals and naturalism of High Renaissance art. Mannerism is also notable for its artificial (as opposed to the naturalist style of the High Renaissance) and sophisticated qualities.

Figure 2: Deposition from the Cross By Jacopo da Pontormo

Art scholars divide this style into two periods. Early mannerism paintings included a collapsed perspective, elongated forms, irrational settings, theatrical lighting, and precariously balanced poses. Jacopo da Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino are two artists from this period. Some also describe this as an anti-classical phase. The second period in Mannerism is called the “Maniera Greca.” Artists in this period were inspired by Byzantine art and stressed intellectual conceits and artistic virtuosity. When considering Mannerism sculpture, they too are known for elongated forms, twisting poses, spiral angles, and aloof subject gazes.

Difference Between High Renaissance and Mannerism


High Renaissance is an artistic style at the beginning of the 16th century that resulted in exquisite artistic production in Italy, while Mannerism is the style of art in Europe from 1520 to 1600, which came after the period of the High Renaissance but before the Baroque period.


Linear perspective, realistic portrayal of physical and psychological features, ideal forms, and harmonious compositions are some notable features of High Renaissance paintings. In contrast, collapsed perspective, elongated forms, irrational settings, theatrical lighting, precariously balanced poses, intellectual conceits, and artistic virtuosity are the features of Mannerist paintings.


High Renaissance sculpture is known for forms with perfect proportions and restrained beauty, while Mannerism sculpture is known for elongated forms, twisted poses, spiral angels,  and aloof subject gazes.


Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Bramante, and Raphael were notable artists of High Renaissance while Jacopo da Pontormo, Rosso Fiorentino, Giulio Romano, Perino del Vaga, and Polidoro da Caravaggio are some Mannerist artists.


Mannerism and High Renaissance are two distinct styles of European art during the 16th century. The main difference between High Renaissance and Mannerism is that the High Renaissance is known for harmonious classicism and naturalism, while Mannerism is known for artificial and sophisticated qualities.


1. “High Renaissance Art – History and Concepts.” The Art Story.
2. “Mannerism.” Lumen | Boundless Art History.

Image Courtesy:

1. “The Last Supper Leonardo Da Vinci – High Resolution” By Leonardo da Vinci – online (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Jacopo Pontormo 004” By Pontormo – The Yorck Project (2002) 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei (DVD-ROM), distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. ISBN: 3936122202. (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia


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