What is square root of -1

To square a number, you simply multiply the number by itself. With that being said, the square root of a number a is the number y that can be multiplied by itself to result in a formulated with y2 = a.

The square root symbol, known as the radical sign or radix, is √. Every number that is a non-negative number has a unique non-negative square root. Square roots are frequently used in algebra but are also featured in other various branches of math.

To calculate the square root of a number, you need to figure out what other number can be multiplied by itself to result in your number. Let’s say you’re calculating the square root of 81. You need to determine what number can be multiplied by itself to result in 81. The square root of the number 81 is 9 because multiplying 9 by itself results in the number 81 (9×9 = 81).

A square number, also commonly known as a perfect square, is a number which has a whole number as a square root. For example, the square root of the number 9 is 3 (3×3 = 9), so 9 is a perfect square. However, the square root of the number 14 is 3.74 (3.74×3.74 = 14), so 14 is not a perfect square.

Our square root calculator is extremely fast and simple to use. To calculate the square root of any number, simply input any positive real number in the Number field and click Calculate. Negative numbers have square roots that are known as imaginary numbers but this calculator doesn’t cover these. Our square root calculator will do all of the hard work for you and will make your square root calculation easy.

A divisor of a quantity that when squared gives the quantity. For example, the square roots of 25 are 5 and −5 because 5 × 5 = 25 and (−5) × (−5) = 25.

The number or quantity which when squared will produce a given number or quantity.

3 is the square root of 9

A number that, when squared, yields a given number. For example, since 5 × 5 = 25, the square root of 25 (written √25) is 5.

(mathematics) Of a number, another number which, when squared, yields the original number; sometimes constrained to be the positive number when two solutions exist.

Every complex number has two square roots; for example, the square roots of −4 are 2i and −2i.

Attributive form of square root.

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