What is the calendar for October 2022?

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Lending Indicators August 2022  - 11:30am

New borrower-accepted finance commitments for housing, personal and business loans

Building Approvals, Australia August 2022  - 11:30am

Provides the number of dwelling units and value of buildings approved

Updated information Retail Trade, Australia August 2022  - 11:30am

Additional information for estimates of Australian retail business turnover. Includes detailed monthly estimates, quarterly estimates of turnover volumes, and online sales.

Updated information Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3 July 2021 - June 2026  - 11:30am

Release of Urban Centres and Localities, Section of State, Section of State Range and Significant Urban Areas

International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia August 2022  - 11:30am

Statistics about international trade in goods and services, on a balance of payments and international trade basis

How Australians Use Their Time 2020-21 financial year  - 11:30am First release

Key findings on how people use their time in Australia

Monthly Business Turnover Indicator August 2022  - 11:30am

Experimental indicator of business turnover derived from monthly Business Activity Statements

Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia August 2022  - 11:30am

Statistics on international travel, including tourism trips, arriving in and departing from Australia. Focusing on short-term trips (less than 1 year)

Monthly Household Spending Indicator August 2022  - 11:30am

Experimental indicator of household spending using banks transaction data

Updated information Building Approvals, Australia August 2022  - 11:30am

These data cubes present Building Approvals data for small geographic areas.

2021 Census second release 2021  - 11:30am First release

2021 Census October release

Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia Week ending 17 September 2022  - 11:30am

Payroll jobs and wages estimates, sourced from Single Touch Payroll (STP) data

Labour Force Status of Families June 2022  - 11:30am

Explores how families engage with the labour market

Building Activity, Australia June 2022  - 11:30am

Provides estimates of value of building work and number of dwellings commenced, completed, under construction and in the pipeline

Causes of Death, Australia 2021  - 11:30am

This publication presents statistics on deaths, for reference year by state or territory of Australia, sex, selected age groups, and cause of death

Water Account, Australia 2020-21 financial year  - 11:30am

Presents estimates of physical and monetary supply and use of water across the Australian economy

Labour Force, Australia September 2022  - 11:30am

Headline estimates of employment, unemployment, underemployment, participation and hours worked from the monthly Labour Force Survey

Births, Australia 2021  - 11:30am

Statistics about births and fertility rates for Australia, states and territories, and sub-state regions

Language Statistics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 2021  - 11:30am

Statistics from ABS collections on the speaking and learning of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.

Consumer Price Index, Australia September Quarter 2022  - 11:30am

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures price inflation of goods and services purchased by Australian households in each capital city.

Labour Force, Australia, Detailed September 2022  - 11:30am

Labour Force related timeseries Excel spreadsheets with seasonally adjusted and trend estimates and detailed original data in Excel pivot tables.

International Trade Price Indexes, Australia September 2022  - 11:30am

Indexes measuring changes in prices of merchandise landed in Australia (Import Price Index) and shipped from Australia (Export Price Index)

Australian System of National Accounts 2021-22 financial year  - 11:30am

Annual estimates of key economic measures, including GDP, consumption, investment, income, capital stock, productivity and balance sheets

Producer Price Indexes, Australia September 2022  - 11:30am

Contains a range of producer price indexes in the Australian economy, comprising mining, manufacturing, construction and service industries

Australian National Accounts: Supply Use Tables 2020-21 financial year  - 11:30am

The Supply-Use tables are compiled to balance the three measures of Gross Domestic Product, and to provide benchmarks for the quarterly estimates.

Retail Trade, Australia September 2022  - 11:30am

Monthly and quarterly estimates of turnover and volumes for retail businesses. Includes store and online sales by Australian retail businesses

Foreign Currency Exposure, Australia March Quarter 2022  - 11:30am

Information on Australian foreign currency exposure and the hedging activity undertaken to mitigate the risk associated with this exposure

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