What is the comparison of classical and operant conditioning?

Learning can happen in numerous ways, but all fall under the category of being either classical conditioning or operant conditioning when we are dealing with Psychology terms. These two habituation methods are very comparable in nature, but do possess very specific distinctions in their differences. The major difference between classical and operant conditioning is the type of behaviors being conditioned. Classical is focused more on reflex and automatic actions whereas operant deals more with voluntary actions. Classical and operant conditioning are also different in the way they are taught. Classical conditioning involves introducing the subject to a neutral signal before reaction. Classical conditioning has four basic principles…show more content…
This is called the unconditioned stimulus because it is a stimulus that is initially neutral and produces no reliable response. The conditioned response in this situation would be the child becoming hungry after smelling the food that is the conditioned response.
“‘Conditioning’ simply means learning, and the term ‘operant’ refers to something that acts upon something else. Operant conditioning, then, is a form of testing in which an animal learns that a response, such as pressing a lever, results in a consequence, such as a food pellet being delivered to the animal (Pritchett & Mulder, 2004).” In operant conditioning, there are two categories: reinforcement and punishment. Both can be utilized using either positive or negative strategies. In reinforcement tactics, the behavior is attempted to be increased. A positive example of this would be praising a child if they say something that resembles mama or dada for their first words. A negative example would be the parents not responding or even chiding the child for mumbling or not being very coherent. Each action is strengthened by the parents reinforcement of praise when saying the correct words or their disregard when the child does not sound coherent. In the positive example, praise is being offered so the child is receiving something, therefore making the reinforcement positive. When the parents ignore the wrong words that the child speaks, we describe

Learning can be understood as the fairly long-lasting change in the behaviour, arising out of the experience. It is useful for us to adapt ourselves according to the environment. The simplest form of learning is called conditioning, which can be of two kinds, i.e. classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical Conditioning is one in which the organism learns something through association, i.e. Conditioned Stimuli and Unconditioned Stimuli.

Operant Conditioning is the type of learning in which the organism learns by way of modification in behaviour or pattern through reinforcement or punishment. Take a read of this article to get the understanding of the differences between Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning.

Content: Classical Conditioning Vs Operant Conditioning

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

Basis for ComparisonClassical ConditioningOperant Conditioning
MeaningClassical conditioning is a process in which learning is possible by forming association between two stimuli.Operant Conditioning, refers to the learning in which the organism studies the relation between responses and its consequences.
Stresses onWhat precedes response?What follows response?
Based onInvoluntary or reflexive behavior.Voluntary behavior.
ResponsesUnder control of stimulusUnder control of organism
StimulusConditioned and Unconditioned stimulus are well defined.Conditioned stimulus is not defined.
Occurrence of unconditioned stimulusControlled by experimenter.Controlled by organism.

Definition of Classical Conditioning

Classical Conditioning or say respondent conditioning is a learning technique in which the experimenter learns the relation between two stimuli, that precedes the natural response. It indicates that the occurrence of one stimulus signals the possible occurrence of another.

Classical conditioning was coined by Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, who was a Russian Physiologist. It assumes that an organism learns something, through his/her interaction with the environment, that tends to mould the behaviour and the state of mind. The components of classical conditioning are:

  1. US or Unconditioned Stimulus: The stimulus that causes the organism to react unconditionally or naturally.
  2. UR or Unconditioned Response: Occurs naturally when the unconditioned stimulus is offered or displayed.
  3. CS or Conditioned Stimulus: The stimulus that causes one to react to something as it is associated with something else.
  4. CR or Conditioned Response: It is a learned response, to a neutral stimulus.

Classical conditioning is based on certain factors which are:

  • Time relations between stimuli.
  • Type of unconditioned stimuli, i.e. aversive or appetitive.
  • Intensity of conditioned stimuli.

Definition of Operant Conditioning

Operant refers to the controlled, voluntary response or behaviour of the living organism. Learning through operant is called operant conditioning. Here, the response of an individual relies on the consequence that occurs subsequently. In other words, it is a simple process of learning in which the likelihood of response is increased by manipulating the outcome. It is commonly used the theory of workforce motivation.

Otherwise called as instrumental conditioning, it was propounded in the year 1938 by B.F. Skinner, (an American Psychologist). It posits that the frequency of the response increases, if it has a favourable consequence, whereas the frequency will decrease if it has an undesirable consequence. In this, the experimenter learns to understand the behaviour of the organism and effects of such behaviour.

The determinants of operant conditioning are as under:

  • Reinforcer, i.e. the consequence
  • Nature of response or behaviour
  • Time interval between the occurrence of response and reinforcement.

The differences between classical conditioning and operant conditioning are explained in the points hereunder:

  1. Classical Conditioning is a type of learning, that generalizes association between two stimuli, i.e. one signifies the occurrence of another. Conversely, Operant Conditioning states that living organisms learn to behave in a particular manner, due to the consequences that followed their past behaviour.
  2. In classical conditioning, the conditioning process in which the experimenter, learns to associate two stimuli, on the basis of involuntary responses that occurs before it. As against, In operant conditioning, the behaviour of the organism will be modified as per the consequences that arise afterwards.
  3. Classical conditioning relies on involuntary or reflexive behaviour, in essence, physiological and emotional responses of the organism such as thoughts, emotions and feelings. On the other extreme, operant conditioning is one that is based on voluntary behaviour, i.e. active responses of the organism.
  4. In classical conditioning, the responses of the organism, are under the control of the stimulus, whereas in operant conditioning, the responses are controlled by the organism.
  5. Classical Conditioning, defines the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus, but, operant conditioning, does not defines conditioned stimulus, i.e. it can only be generalised.
  6. When it comes to the occurrence of the unconditioned stimulus, it is controlled by the experimenter, and so the organism plays a passive role. Contrary to this, the occurrence of the reinforcer is under the control of organism and thus, the organism acts actively.


To sum up, classical conditioning is one in which you associate two stimuli, but there is no involvement of behaviour. On the contrary, operant conditioning is a type of conditioning in which the behaviour is learned, maintained or modified, as per the consequences, it produces.


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