What is the first thing you need to do after entering the vehicle and before starting to drive?

Question 732 from category Safety for Israeli license grades B, 1, C1, C, D

  1. Make sure the hand-brake is applied and adjust the driver’s seat.
  2. Start the engine and adjust the seat for safe driving.
  3. Adjust the seat besides the driver to allow the passenger coming-in from the right an easy entrance.
  4. Make sure you have an extra set of keys (reserve set) for the vehicle.

Dose anyone, perchance, know what are the first 8 things one does when you enter a car.
Like seat-belt, mirror etc.... I can't find them anywhere.

Are you talking about what people here do themselves, or some list that someone came up with for safety? I usually do something like this...boiled down to 8 steps I guess... 1) Lean in and stick the key in. 2) Sit down and adjust seat if necessary. 3) Check mirrors. 4) Clutch and brake in. 5) Parking brake off. 6) Neutral 7) Start the car.

8) Select tunes.

Are you talking about what people here do themselves, or some list that someone came up with for safety?

This would be a "safety" list.

1st thing is probably the seat, then seat belt, then the 3 mirrors to see if they are all in place, and I'm off. If anything is off (like the mirrors) I adjust on the way off the my street.

That's only 3 things before I start moving.

Let's take a guess at this. 1. Adjust seat 2. Fasten Seatbelt 3. Adjust Rear-view mirror 4. Adjust driver-side mirror 5. Adjust passenger-side mirror 6. Check emergency break 7. Put car into drive/reverse

8. Run into something

According to the rules, NEVER EVER turn the car on without making sure that the driver and all passengers are secured. Personally, I get in, start the car, then buckle, as it gives time for the engine fluids to get where they need to be, and up to a minimal operating temperature. I don't usually have to adjust the seat, since I'm the only one who drives my car most of the time. If I drive either of my parents cars, I start the car, then adjust the seat, then mirrors (why do the mirrors before you're sitting where you will be while driving?), then buckle.

May 25, 2004 9,538 821 NY

start the car get comfy in my seat put my seat belt on press i agree on the nav. screen. turn the radar detector on put the radio on

shift into gear

Apr 16, 2005 2,497 1 Seattle, WA

Even though I can't drive, (yet) this is my list: 1. Close door. 2. Adjust Seat. 3. Adjust Mirrors. 4. Buckle up 5. Insert Key 6. Turn Key 7. Go into [R] 8. Check rear-view mirror 9. DRIVE I probably forgot something, but w/e

edit: Parking break! doh!

Aug 1, 2004 15,024 2,967 St. Louis, MO

Get in car Start car Seatbelt on Find a Sirius station playing something I like Release Ebrake Reverse


hmm my first 8 things after I get in my car and assuming I just shut the door 1. Buckle seat belt 2.Lets see hit the shifter to check to see it is in netreul. 3. put key in and push in clutch to start the car. 4. Glance that the fuel gauge 5. Check the review mirror and adjust if needed 6. Put car in rev. 7. Look behind me 8. Back out.

Checking seat it my car dont really have to. Besides if it not my car I just move the seat all the way back. No really checking required. Then adjust the mirror. I hate driving cars with out powered mirrors so those few cars that dont have them bug me but then again that is few and very far between (lets see last car I drove with out them was my sisters new car. Before that is been like..... 8 years ago when I drove the drivers ed car no it was 3-4 years ago when we took a friends of my car to the movies and I drove. Her car does not have power mirriors.

Jul 11, 2003 27,397 12,514

1. Press button to unlock doors. Mirrors and seats automatically set to pre-set positions. 2. Start car 3. Seat belt on 4. Set station on XM radio

5. There is no step 5

The three S's (in Norwegian). Sete - (Seat) Speil - (Mirrors)

Sele - (Seat belt)

1. Check for witnesses 2. Check glovebox for valuables/keys 3. Check visor for keys 4. Ram screwdriver into steering column 5. Start engine 6. Select forward gear 7. Ram through shop front

8. Fill holdall and flee scene

press i agree on the nav. screen.

Please tell me you don't need to click "I agree" just to start your car these days ....

And what on earth are you agreeing to?

I wonder how/if they actually ENFORCE that though.

every state is a bit different about that it depends on if it is a 'primary law' or not- for most states- if they pull you for something.... and notice the seatbelt isn't on- they'll tack on an extra something for ya- other states they do road side checks (like the Drunk Driving checkpoints) they'll have a handful of cops hanging out in the middle of the road w/ a roadblock- they will just have u slow down enough to check that it is on then let you go- or pull you to the side & issue citation-

i've seen a few of these - moral- if you see cops ahead- make sure you are following most of the laws (throw the joint out the window)

Jan 20, 2005 1,494 0 Rockford MI

1. Adjust seat (if needed) 1.5 If its late a night check to see if a murderer is in my back seat(because im paranoid to see if someone's in my car) 2. Turn on car 3. Typically turn down volume/ get music 4. Seat belt 5. Mirror check 6. Push down bread 7. Go either in reverse/drive

8. And im off

Jul 3, 2004 5,490 1 Mac since 7.5

1. Keys in ignition and fire it up 2. Put coffee/drink in cup holder 3. Make sure I'm as comfortable as possible (adjust seat and steering column as needed) 4. Adjust mirrors as needed 5. Fasten seat belt 6. Connect iPod to cassette adapter and get some tunes/audiobook flowing 7. Put in/turn on Bluetooth headset for my mobile, in case I get a call 8. Look around to see if there is anything moving nearby

After that, it's time for bumper cars.

"Floor it!!!" (somebody had to)


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