What is the greatest number which will be divide 110 and 128 leaving a remainder 2 in each case?

Answered by Guest on 2018-01-20 03:46:23 | Votes 3 | #

Its very simple question 18 is the correct answer.

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Answered by Guest on 2018-04-09 21:18:18 | Votes 1 | #

Required number = HCF of (110 – 2) and (128 – 2) = HCF of 108 and 126 = 18

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4. Let xbe the least number, which when divided by 5,6, 7 and 8 leaves a remainder 3 in each case but when divided by 9 leaves no remainder. The sum of digits of x is

5. The greatest number, by which 1657 and 2037 are divided to give remainders 6and 5 respectively, is

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10. The largest number of five digits which, when divided by 10, 24, 30, or 36 leaves the same remainder 10 in each case, is :

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Home » Aptitude » LCM and HCF » Question

  1. What is the greatest number which will divide 110 and 128 leaving a remainder 2 in each case ?

As we know that the largest number which when divide the numbers a, b and c give remainders as p, q, r respectively is given by H.C.F. of (a – p), (b – q) and (c – r). Required number = HCF of (110 – 2) and (128 – 2)

Required number = HCF of 108 and 126 = 18


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