What is the most common pointing device on a laptop?

If you own a laptop, then you’re likely used to using its built-in pointing device. This is the small area on your keyboard that allows you to move your cursor around the screen. But what exactly is this device called? It’s called a touchpad, and it’s also known as a trackpad or trackball previously (depending on whether it has buttons). This article will explain how these devices work when they came into use, and how they compare to each other.

Pexels / Pixabay

If you want to use an external keyboard or trackpad, make sure it’s compatible with your laptop.


A touchpad, also known as a trackpad, is a flat surface that you use to control the pointer on your laptop screen. The touchpad is located in the middle of your keyboard, usually below the spacebar and above the number keys. You can move it around by using your finger or stylus (a pen-like tool). In addition to moving around by touching it with your fingers or stylus, you can also click buttons on it by tapping them twice with two fingers.

Skitterphoto / Pixabay

Some people prefer using their fingers to control their computers because they find it easier than using a mouse or trackball; others like having both options available so they can use whichever feels more comfortable at any given moment.

stokpic / Pixabay

Regardless of what method you’re most comfortable with just remember that if someone asks how they should get started learning how computers work then tell them not only do they need an internet connection but also some type of device such as a touchpad.


One of the most common pointing devices on laptops is the mouse.

The reason for this is that a mouse is more compact and easier to use than an external mouse. It also has features like scroll wheels, which makes it easier for users who are new to computers to navigate through the different windows or programs that are open.

LUM3N / Pixabay

You can find a wide variety of mice from different manufacturers, each designed with a different purpose in mind. Some examples include gaming mice, which have programmable buttons and software features that enhance their user experience; optical mice, which are designed for use on glass surfaces; and ergonomic mice, which are designed to help you keep your wrist straight while using them.

A mouse is a device that allows you to control a computer by moving your finger across the screen. They come in many shapes and sizes and can be used on their own or as part of a keyboard/mouse combo.

An external mouse is just an extra mouse that plugs into your laptop via USB. You can use it on its own or with your keyboard/mouse combo.


A joystick is a small controller that you move with your thumb. It’s used for the control of the cursor arrow.

superanton / Pixabay

A joystick is also known as an analog stick or gamepad. When you press down on it, it sends signals to your computer that can be translated into instructions for applications like games and spreadsheets. Joysticks are more commonly used for gaming on laptops as they are more convenient for gaming.


Trackballs are a type of pointing device. Trackballs are not common on laptop computers, as they allow you to move the cursor without moving your hands away from the keyboard. Trackballs also appear in arcade games and some video game consoles.

This works like an old-school mouse but up and down inverted. Trackball used to be a common pointing device a few years back.

A touchpad is the most common pointing device on laptops.

The most common pointing device on laptops is a touchpad. It’s a touch-sensitive surface that you use to control the cursor on the screen. You can move it with your finger or thumb, and scroll by moving two fingers up or down along the pad.

The cursor will often change when you hover over certain items or areas of content—like clicking options in menus, links on webpages, and text boxes where you’d like to enter text. The same goes for selecting photos and other objects that appear while browsing through images or media files on your computer.


The point of this post was to walk through the most common pointing devices on laptops. We hope you learned something new!

Common questions

What is the most common pointing device used in PC?

Mouse is the commonest pointing device in personal computers.

What is the most commonly used pointing device and why?

Mouse is the most commonest on PC and Touchpad is common among laptop users.

What is the pointing device in computer?

Mouse in PCs and Touchpad in Laptops.

Which are popular pointing devices?

Mouse, Touchpad, Joystick, and Trackball are some of them.

Is a touchpad a pointing device?

Yes. The touchpad is the most commonly used pointing device in laptops.

What are two common input devices found on laptops choose three?

Mouse and the Touchpad.

Is keyboard a pointing device?

The keyboard directly is not a pointing device. But with accessibility settings keyboard can be used to move the cursor/ pointer so that it can work as a pointing device.

Which device can move pointer in laptops?

A touchpad is used. But you can plug in an external mouse or use a Bluetooth mouse.

Which device is similar to a mouse?

A similar pointing device in the laptop is the touchpad.

Which input device can point and select an object on screen?

Mouse in PCs and Touchpad in laptops are used as the main pointing device commonly.

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