What is the mother sick with in totoro

Trivia (24) The film is partially autobiographical. When Hayao Miyazaki and his brothers were children, his mother suffered from spinal tuberculosis for nine years, and spent much of her time hospitalized. It is implied, yet never revealed in the film, that Satsuki and Mei’s mother also suffers from tuberculosis.

What spirit is Totoro?

Totoro is thought to be a mystical “rabbit-like” or “raccoon-like” creature. However, there are a variety of interpretations that the creature seems to also have expressions which resemble a large cat with whiskers. Totoro, as supported by a number of accounts, is said to be a spirit of the forest.

Does My Neighbor Totoro have a happy ending?

Fortunately, the girls end up adapting well and eventually make new friends. Having said that, whether the audience finds Totoro real or not, his existence in the film definitely alleviates some of the heavy stuff that Satsuki and Mei are going through.

Who died in Neighbor Totoro?

7. Studio Ghibli has debunked some of the darker fan theories. According to different variations of the same fan theory, Mei is actually dead in the movie and Totoro is the God of Death.

What does the dad do in My Neighbor Totoro?

Tatsuo Kusakabe is the father of the two protagonists, Mei and Satsuki Kusakabe, in the Studio Ghibli film, My Neighbor Totoro. He is a secondary character, and is married to Yasuko Kusakabe. He works in a college as a professor of Archaeology, and is seen working a lot at home and leaving Mei to play on her own.

Can adults see Totoro?

No adult ever even sees Totoro or the Catbus, though they may feel their presence in the lilt of strange music on the air or a gust of wind (this may even extend to viewers; I’d seen Totoro countless times, but it was my 3-year-old son Liam who pointed out to me that the gust of wind that blows the firewood out of …

Is Totoro a Kodama?

A kodama from “Princess Mononoke” and the soot spirits from “Spirited Away.” Probably the most famous yokai in Miyazaki films are the soot spirits in Sprited Away and My Neighbor Totoro or the “kodama” in Princess Mononoke or, again, Totoro. There are literally thousands of kinds of yokai, and just as many kami.

Trivia (25) The film is partially autobiographical. When Hayao Miyazaki and his brothers were children, his mother suffered from spinal tuberculosis for nine years, and spent much of her time hospitalized. It is implied, yet never revealed in the film, that Satsuki and Mei's mother also suffers from tuberculosis.

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Why is Mom hospital in Totoro?

It was implied that her illness was tuberculosis. In the novelized version of "Totoro" (illustrated by Miyazaki), it was stated that Mom was suffering from TB. Shichikokuyama Hospital, where she was staying, had a good reputation for treating TB, and that's why they moved there.

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Why is Mrs Kusakabe in the hospital?

Presumably, she suffers from Tuberculosis; her sickness being the reason why she and her family moved to the rural country side. She was admitted to the local hospital which offered the best care for the illness, and the family decided it would be best for her to recuperate in a more fresh and sunny environment.

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Is Totoro a death god?

The dark side supports that Mei dies when she gets lost, and Satsuki, not being able to live with this, opens the death's door in order to reunite with her. Totoro is a Death God who came in order to take them. By the end of the film both girls are dead and, sadly, their mom will join them soon.

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Why does Totoro have a leaf on his head?

Totoro has only a leaf on his head for protection against the rain, so Satsuki offers him the umbrella she had taken for her father.

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Grave of the fireflies most sad scene

What do the acorns mean in Totoro?

They're seeds for trees, and food for animals. Miyazaki doesn't tell us that, but we know it, and so do Satsuki and Mei. The acorns lead to the soot sprites. They're NOT natural objects, at least not in the REAL world. They're creatures of fantasy, the first ones we see in the film.

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What does Totoro symbolize?

Totoro exists as a metaphor to explain some of the mysteries of the world through the eyes of a child. Totoro, the king of the forest. Totoro is far and away the film's most interesting — and adorable — device: he is nature personified in a giant, fuzzy, cat/rabbit-like Snorlax.

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Is the mom dead in My Neighbor Totoro?

After Mei ran away, she got lost in the woods and Satsuki never found her little sister (ever again). In other words, Mei never returned home, as she died. In addition, Yasuko was suffering from a terminal illness instead of a minor cold as shown in the film. Satsuki was going to eventually lose her mother as well.

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What is Totoro God of?

The legend goes as follows: Totoro is the God of Death, and anyone who can see him is either dead or close to dying. The affirmation is strong enough on its own. We know Miyazaki looooves metaphors, and Studio Ghibli seems to have a weak spot for gods and spirits.

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What animal is Totoro?

A well-known cartoon character around the globe, Totoro, is an adorable chinchilla in Hayao Miyazaki's animated movie "My Neighbor Totoro". In the movie, Totoro is a gentle, gray and giant rat; however, in reality, the chinchilla is a furry little creature that you can hold in one palm.

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Do they find Mei in Totoro?

She takes it upon herself to go to the hospital and ends up getting lost. Only with the efforts of Satsuki, Kanta, Totoro and Catbus do they find her unharmed.

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Is Totoro in spirited away?

There is no concrete evidence that all the films exist in the same world, though minor characters do cross over. For example, the soot sprites who appear in the first act of My Neighbor Totoro, later appear in Spirited Away.

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What does the dad do in My Neighbor Totoro?

Tatsuo Kusakabe is the father of the two protagonists, Mei and Satsuki Kusakabe, in the Studio Ghibli film, My Neighbor Totoro. He is a secondary character, and is married to Yasuko Kusakabe. He works in a college as a professor of Archaeology, and is seen working a lot at home and leaving Mei to play on her own.

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Is Totoro in Toy Story 3?

“Totoro has a cameo appearance in “Toy Story 3,” he acknowledged. “We do little homages in our films, and we thought it was a very appropriate homage to let [Miyazaki and his film company] Studio Ghibli know how much they mean to us.”

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How old is Mei in Totoro?

In MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO, it's 1958 Japan, and 10-year-old Satsuki (voiced by Dakota Fanning for the English-dubbed version), 4-year-old Mei (Elle Fanning), and their father (Tim Daly) move to the countryside where their mother is hospitalized with a long-term illness.

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Is there a My Neighbor Totoro 2?


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Can adults see Totoro?

No adult ever even sees Totoro or the Catbus, though they may feel their presence in the lilt of strange music on the air or a gust of wind (this may even extend to viewers; I'd seen Totoro countless times, but it was my 3-year-old son Liam who pointed out to me that the gust of wind that blows the firewood out of ...

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Who is Blue Totoro?

Chu Totoro is blue, and has a muddy grey belly with three arrowheads, similar to the big totoro. He is the medium Totoro and is usually seen carrying a bag of acorns. He is less than a foot tall in height. He has no whiskers and he has a worried and/or neutral expression.

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What yokai is Totoro based on?

Some claim Totoro is based off of specific Japanese folk creatures like Koropokkuru. And a few years ago, a wild conspiracy theory categorized him as a 'god of death.

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Is Totoro a raccoon?

For what it's worth, Miyazaki defines Totoro as a woodland creature who eats acorns. Neither a bear nor a giant racoon, Totoro is a kind of loveable blunderbuss that gives the girls magic and love when they are missing their invalid mother. He's the kind of imaginary friend we all wished we had.

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Is Totoro a goblin?

Sometimes Miyazaki refers to Totoros using a Japanese word translated as “goblins,” although he clarifies that they have an “easygoing, carefree” attitude and don't try to frighten people. Sometimes he denies they're spirits and insists they're “animals,” pointing out the resemblance to owls, cats, badgers, or bears.

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What are Totoro powers?

Apparently a popular household character in Japan, Totoro is a furry forest sprite with magical powers ranging from the mystical to the superhuman. He also can only be seen by children, though adults recall his memory fondly.

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What are the little creatures in Totoro?

Soot Sprites (My Neighbor Totoro/Spirited Away)

The small, fuzzy creatures that run in a line and work their tiny hearts away in Studio Ghibli films are called “Susuwatari,” or soot sprites. And they are always a good judge of character.

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Is the Totoro tree real?

Kosugi no Osugi (Totoro tree)

This large cedar tree called “Kosugi no Osugi” is around 30-minute drive from Shinjo Station. It has a big root circumference of 6.3m, the tree height is around 20m and the branch is a whooping 17m. Yes! It is a massive, this is a spot where you can truly enjoy the beauty of nature.

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