What is the name of the software that can impact a computer without user allowing it to do?

Malware, being one of the common causes of data breaches, is something every IT and security expert should be concerned about. It’s a fact that many businesses will install anti-virus and forget about it, not knowing that malware can still bypass anti-virus software and firewalls.

The truth is, no anti-virus or anti-malware will protect you from ALL malware. If an infection slips through, it means that your confidential information will be put at risk.

With that being said, it’s important to know the different types of malware and how to prevent them. Keep reading to learn more.

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What is malware?

Malware is an umbrella term for any piece of software that has malicious intent. There are several types of malware and each of them has a unique way of infiltrating your computer which may include attempts at gaining unauthorized control of your computer systems, stealing your personal information, encrypting your important files, or causing other harm to your computers. Sometimes the damage can be irrevocable.

Where does malware come from?

Some of the most common sources of malware are email attachments, malicious websites, torrents, and shared networks.

Phishing – Emails can be disguised to be coming from a fraudulent company for the sole purpose of getting you to reveal personal information

Malicious Websites – Some websites may attempt to install malware onto your computer, usually through popups or malicious links

Torrents – Files shared through BitTorrents are generally unsafe because you never know what to expect until they’re downloaded

Shared Networks – A malware-infected computer on the same shared network may spread malware onto your computer

7 Common Types of Malware

Here’s a list of the common types of malware and their malicious intent:

1. Trojans

A Trojan (or Trojan Horse) disguises itself as legitimate software with the purpose of tricking you into executing malicious software on your computer.

2. Spyware

Spyware invades your computer and attempts to steal your personal information such as credit card or banking information, web browsing data, and passwords to various accounts.

3. Adware

Adware is unwanted software that displays advertisements on your screen. Adware collects personal information from you to serve you with more personalized ads.

4. Rootkits

Rootkits enable unauthorized users to gain access to your computer without being detected.

5. Ransomware

Ransomware is designed to encrypt your files and block access to them until a ransom is paid.

6. Worms

A worm replicates itself by infecting other computers that are on the same network. They’re designed to consume bandwidth and interrupt networks.

7. Keyloggers

Keyloggers keep track of your keystrokes on your keyboard and record them on a log. This information is used to gain unauthorized access to your accounts.

How to prevent malware

Since malware is so widespread and hundreds of thousands of new malicious files are reported every day, there’s no single solution that will prevent all malware. For this reason, we recommend using multiple solutions to add more layers of protection to your computers.

Use Software

Here is a list of some malware prevention software we recommend:

  • BitDefender – BitDefender is a well-rounded anti-virus solution that is currently protecting over 500 million users worldwide. It offers unparalleled endpoint protection and virus protection.  Free BitDefender trial.
  • Malwarebytes – The most effective and widely-adopted anti-malware on the market. The scans are thorough and the program prevents you from executing malicious files and visiting malicious websites. Free Malwarebytes trial.
  • TitanFile – TitanFile is an easy-to-use, secure file-sharing platform that enables you to send and receive confidential files securely. TitanFile automatically scans the files for malware before they’re downloaded to your computer. Free TitanFile trial.
  • Spybots – Effectively protects you from spyware, protecting your private information and other data from being sent to third parties. Get access.

Be Cautious

A little common sense and caution can also prevent malware from infecting your computer. Here are some tips:

  • If an email looks suspicious or too good to be true, don’t open it
  • Don’t download files from non-reputable websites as they could contain malicious files
  • Don’t use your work laptop on public networks

Additional Tip: Always back up your files!

As mentioned earlier in this article, sometimes malware can cause irrevocable damage — such as file encryption and file loss. To save yourself a lot of trouble, it’s important to keep your files backed up so you can restore them in case something like this happens.

Malware is the term used to refer to any type of code or program that is used for a malicious purpose.

Cybercriminals use malware for many different reasons but common types of malware are used for stealing your confidential information, holding your computer to ransom or installing other programs without your knowledge.

Use this guidance to learn about malware and how to protect yourself.

Tip: You can protect yourself from malware by using anti-virus software and secure behaviour online.

Protect yourself from malware

Take the following steps to significantly reduce your risk of being affected by malware:

Prevent malware by installing applications securely

Malware is distributed in several ways:

  • By spam email or messages (either as a link or an attachment)
  • By malicious websites that attempt to install the malware when you visit, by exploiting weaknesses in your software
  • By masquerading as a good application you download and install yourself. Some malware even pretends to be anti-virus or security products.

Protect yourself by only installing the files you need and sourcing them from well known and legitimate app stores.

  • Don’t download applications from third-party download sites.
  • Don’t click on online ads to download applications and do use ad-blocking software.
  • Don’t download and install applications from peer to peer networks – you never know who has changed the files.
  • Don’t click on links in emails or instant messages, or execute attachments unless you are sure they are legitimate. Use a spam filter to protect yourself from malicious messages.
  • Don’t install applications received from contacts, say via email or USB sticks, without scanning them with your anti-virus application first.

Learn more about malware

There are many different types of malware but most are used to either steal your information, your computer’s resources or your money. This table lists some of the most common types of malware affecting people and businesses in the wild today.

TypeWhat it does
Trojans and backdoors

Traditionally trojans were programs that appear to serve a useful purpose but do something malicious when run. Trojans may steal information, download additional malicious files or even provide a ‘backdoor’ into your computer for a hacker – allowing them to do almost anything they like.


Malware that makes your computer or files unusable until you pay a fee. Essentially extortion by malware.


Logs every keystroke you make and then sends that information, including passwords, bank account numbers, and credit card numbers, to scammers for fraudulent use.

Viruses and Worms Viruses are malicious programs that infect files, inserting themselves into the file’s code and then running whenever the file is used. Worms are standalone malicious programs that spread themselves from computer to computer. Similar to trojans, viruses and worms can have many different payloads – for example, they can steal your information, download and install other malicious files, delete your files or even send spam.

The following signs may indicate there is malware on your computer:

  • your web browser starts on a different homepage than normal
  • your files are inaccessible
  • random error messages appear, or
  • new programs, toolbars and icons have been installed.

To check if your computer is infected run a full scan using your anti-virus software and follow the instructions to remove it. 

Read the UK NCSC guide on mitigating malware

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