What is the pay of a member of the Texas legislature taking into account salary and per diem compensation in a 2 year term?

State lawmakers in Texas now draw a base annual salary of $7,200, in addition to mileage or travel outlays of 58 cents per mile, according to a recent study by the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Texas legislators receive per-diem payments consisting of $221 per day during sessions.

Lawmakers’ salaries can be set by statute, legislatures or compensation commissions, according to the NCSL, which collects information yearly on state lawmaker pay and per diems in the 50 states.

In addition to this compensation, legislators may also receive insurance and retirement benefits, as well as office and staffing allowances.


Legislator Salaries by State in 2019

StateBase SalaryMileage in Cents per Mile Session Per Diem Rate
Alabama$48,12358/mileUp to $100/day depending on length of trip.
Arizona$24,00058/mile$35/day for the first 120 days of the regular session and for special sessions and $10/day thereafter. Members living outside Maricopa County get additional compensation.
Arkansas$41,39458/mileCurrent per diem rate for legislators who live more than 50 miles from the capitol in Little Rock is $149. Members who live within 50 miles of the Capitol are eligible to receive a reduced per diem (meals and incidentals, no lodging) of $55.
California$110,45953/mile$201/day for each day in session.
Colorado$40,242 for members whose terms began in January 2019; $30,000 for others.52/mileUp to $171 for members who live more than 50 miles from the capitol; $45/day for members who live 50 or fewer miles from the capitol.
Connecticut$28,00058/mileNo per diem is paid.
Delaware$46,29140/mileNo per diem is paid.
Florida$29,69744.5/mile$163/day based on the number of days in Tallahassee (V).
Georgia$17,34258/mile$173/day (U). Set by the Legislative Services Committee.
Hawaii$62,604Varies depending on distances and circumstances.$225/day for members who don't live on Oahu.
Idaho$17,87958/mile; one round trip per week.$139/day for members whose primary residence is over 50 miles from the statehouse; $55/day for members whose primary residence is less than 50 miles from the statehouse. (U)
Illinois$65,83639/mile$111/session day.
Indiana$26,49058/mile$181/day (U).
Iowa$25,00039/mile$169/day; $126.75/day for Polk County lawmakers.
Kansas$88.66/day (C)58/mile$149/day.
Kentucky$188.22/day (C)58/mile$163.90/day.
Louisiana$16,800 Senate; $22,800 House58/mile$161/day.
Maine$10,13144/mile$38/day lodging (or mileage and tolls up to $38/day in lieu of housing). $32/day for meals. Set by statute.
Maryland$50,33058/mile$47/day, meals. $106/day, lodging.
Massachusetts$66,257Members receive stipends based on distance.No per diem is paid.
Michigan$71,68558/mile$10,800/year expense allowance for session and interim (V). Set by the compensation commission.
Minnesota$45,00058/mile$86/d for senators; $66/d for representatives.
Montana$92.46/day (L)58/mile$120.11/day.
Nebraska$12,00058/mile$149/day for members residing 50 miles or more from the capitol; $55/day for members residing inside the 50-mile radius.
Nevada$150.71/day for legislators elected in 2016, $146.29/day for midterm legislatorsTravel allowances vary$149/day.
New Hampshire$200/2-year term.Varies depending on distances.No per diem is paid.
New Jersey$49,000NoneNo per diem is paid.
New MexicoNone58/mile$161/day or $184/day depending on month.
New York$110,00058/mile$174/day (including overnight) or $61/day (no overnight).
North Carolina$13,95129/mile$104/day (U). Set by statute.
North Dakota$495/month54/mile; one round trip per week.$177/day.
Ohio$63,00752/mileNo per diem is paid.
Rhode Island$15,95954.5/mileNo per diem is paid.
South Carolina$10,40058/mile$170/day.
South Dakota$11,379up to 42/mile$149/day (L) (U).
Tennessee$24,31647/mile$240/day for members residing more than 50 miles from capitol.
Texas$7,20058/mile$221/day. Set by ethics commission.
Utah$285/day (C)54/mileUp to $100 plus tax/day for members who live more than 100 miles round trip from capitol.
Vermont733.04/week during session.58/mile$126/day lodging (including overnight) or $69/day (no overnight).
Virginia$18,000/year Senate; $17,640/year House.58/mile$213/day.
Washington$52,766/ year as of July 1, 2019.58/mile$120/day.
West Virginia$20,00048.5/mile$131/day (U). Set by compensation commission.
Wisconsin$52,99951/mileSenate: up to $115/day; Assembly: up to $162/day. The maximum number of days per year that per diem
can be claimed is 153 days. 
Wyoming$150/day58/mile$109/day (V). Set by legislature.

Abbreviations: C – Calendar day; L – Legislative day; (U) – Unvouchered; (V) – Vouchered

Source: National Conference of State Legislatures


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