What is the percent by volume of isopropyl alcohol in a solution that contains 50ml of isopropyl alcohol in 2.2 of water?

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We don’t have your requested question, but here is a suggested video that might help.

'what is the percent by volume of a solution formed by mixing 25mL of isopropanol with 45mL water?.Give solution please po Problem #1: What is the percent by volume of a solution formed by mixing 2smL of isopropanol with 4SmL water?'

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Indiana University Bloomington

We don’t have your requested question, but here is a suggested video that might help.

rubbing alcohol is sold as a 70% (v/v) solution of isopropyl alcohol in water.what volume of isopropyl alcohol is used to make 500ml of rubbing alcohol?

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. What is the percent by volume of isopropyl alcohol in a solution that contains 35 mL of isopropyl alcohol in 2.2 L of water? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take the ratio of the isopropyl alcohol volume to the total volume of the solution, which is 2200 mL + 35 mL, and multiply by 100 to get the percentage:


It is 1.566%.

Kendall R.

asked • 03/18/20

What is the percent by volume of isopropyl alcohol in a solution that contains 25 mL of isopropyl alcohol in 2.2 L of water?

1 Expert Answer

The question is a little vague. Is the isopropyl alcohol added to 2.2 liters of water, or is the FINAL volume of solution 2.2 liters? I'll assume the latter since we don't know if the volumes would be additive.

Percent by volume means mls of solute per 100 mls of solution

mls of solute = 25 ml isopropyl alcohol

mls of solution = 2.2 L x 1000 ml/L = 2200 ml

Percent by volume = 25 ml/2200 ml x 100 = 1.1 percent by volume

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Hence, percent by volume of isopropyl alcohol in the given solution is - 95.78%.

yrainakeaikim yrainakeaikim


 percent by volume of isopropyl alcohol in the given solution is - 95.78%.



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