What should a correct sentence look like they took me to the hospital

  1) Which sentence is written correctly?

     a) I have never forgotten my mother's advise. 

  b) I have never forgotten my mothers advise.

  c) I have never forgotten my mother's advice.

  d) I have never forgot my mother advice.

2) I ___ a freelancer

    a) am

    b) wore

 c) be 

 d) is

3) If there is a sound of laughter made not by the speaker but by other people, should, if at all, it be included in the transcription? Full Verbatim.

 a) It should always be written on a separate line and in the format of [laughter].

 b) It should always be written on a separate line in the format of {laughter}. 

c) It should always be on the same line in the format of (laughter).

d) It should always be written on the same line and in the format of [LAUGHTER].

e) It should always be written on a separate line and in the format of [laughter].

f) It should always be written on a separate line in the format of [LAUGHTER].

4) What do you have to do when a person agrees on something by saying, “Yep” or “Ok”? Clean Verbatim

a) “Yep”, “Aha”, “Mm-hmm” must be written as “Yes”. “Ok” must be written as “Okay”.

b) Spell it the way it sounds.

5) What is a correct format of the website links?

 a) www dot facebook dot com slash groups slash gotranscript

 b) www.facebook.com/groups/gotranscript

6) Full Verbatim does not include:

 a) ___

b) Repetitions 

c) Speech Errors

d) Filler words

e) False Starts

f) Slang words

g) Stutters

7) Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

a) In the first place modern communicators, have made it possible for many people to work from home. 

b) In the first place modern communicators have made it possible for many people to work from home. 

c) In the first place modern communicators have made it possible, for many people, to work from home.

d) In the first place, modern communicators have made it possible for many people to work from home.   

8) If there is a comment next to the audio le saying, “Please use the embedded time” or “burned-in time”, what do you have to do?

a) Putting the correct form of timestamping IS an essential part of a transcriber’s job. Please download a file and follow the time on the screen in order to correctly put the burned-in timestamps. 

b) Timestamping will be done automatically on the GoTranscript tool, so you do not have to do anything extra.

9) Which sentence/sentences is/are correctly capitalized and punctuated?

 a) jack tried a new diet, but he still gained weight. 

b) jack tried a new diet, but still gained weight. 

c) Jack tried a new diet, but he still gained weight. 

d) Jack tried a new diet but still gained weight.                 

10) Longer speeches should be separated into the paragraphs of:

a) About 300 words or 9-12 lines in the transcription tool. 

b) About 100 words or 3-4 lines in the transcription tool.

c) About 200 words or 6-8 lines in the transcription tool. 

d) About 50 words or 1-3 lines in the transcription tool.

11) If the quality of audio or video Úles is horrible, what do you have to do?

a) Just do your best and try to work on it regardless.

b) If the audio is inaudible, let the support know about this case. GoTranscript will contact the client and provide him with the refund.

c) If many parts are simply unintelligible due to the accents or topic, leave the file for other people who may provide quality work.

a) one US dollar, 10 British pounds.

c) one US dollar, ten British pounds.

d) 1 US dollar, ten British pounds.

15) FV Stutter: Why is this ____?

16) Which tags should be bolded?

a) Does not matter. You can bold anything you wish.

b) It depends on the context.

d) Everything with the timecodes: [00:00:15]; [unintelligible 01:01:27]; [inaudible 00:03:13]; [pause 00:02:07].

17) What is the correct way to mark False Starts in Full Verbatim?

a) I went to bed--- and slept well last night.

b) There is no need to mark a false start in a full verbatim file.

c) I went to-- I slept well last night.

18) What is the rule about ''()'' in GT guidelines?

a) ''()'' should never be used for the timestamps. For instance, [ 00:01:00] is a

correct form of time-stamping, and (00:00:00) isn't.

b) There is no rule about it.

19) What should you do with curse words?

a) Leave the curse words out.

b) Transcribe it word for word.

20) What is the correct format of timestamping (Change of a Speaker)?

f) {00:00:00:00:}Speaker.

21) Which form is the correct one when showing affirmation? Full Verbatim

22) What is the rule about slang words in Clean Verbatim?

a) Slang words should be transcribed the way it is said in the audio.

b) Examples of slang words are: gonna, wanna, kinda. It has to be written respectively as going to, want to, kind of.

c) You don't have to transcribe slang words.

23) If the audio has no sound:

a) Think like a client. If audio isn't playing for technical reasons, report this file and

b) Put a tag of [silence] and finish the job.

24) What are the basic rules to apply while transcribing an audio Úle? Clean Verbatim

a) The beginning of a sentence should always be capitalized.

b) Longer speeches should be separated into smaller paragraphs. Paragraphs

shouldn't be longer than 500 symbols.

c) Punctuation is not a part of the transcriber’s work.

25) How should you transcribe a spelled word?

a) It is transcription. T.R.A.N.S.C.R.I.P.T.I.O.N.

b) It is transcription. T-R-A-N-S-C-R-I-P-T-I-O-N.

c) It is transcription. TRANSCRIPTION.

d) It is transcription. T_R_A_N_S_C_R_I_P_T_I_O_N.

26) How do repetitions look in Full Verbatim?

b) I sang – I sang a song.

c) I sang- I sang a song.

d) I sang -I sang a song.

27) A Full Verbatim file contains:

a) False starts

b) Stutters

c) Speech errors


  1. a) They took me to the hospital 2 4 weeks ago.
  2. b) They took me to the hospital 2 weeks 4 weeks ago.
  3. c) They took me to the hospital 2- 4 weeks ago.
  4. d) They took me to the hospital 2 weeks ago– no, 4 weeks ago.

GoTranscript MCQS Test Questions with Answers


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