What should a preparation outline include in addition to the main points Subpoints and sub Subpoints?

Preparation Outline Preparation outlines are written using full-sentences, citations, and are designed to help you write and organize your speech. B. Your preparation outline should include your specific purpose statement and your thesis statement at the top, directly above the title

Which may be included in your preparation outline quizlet?

Terms in this set (11)

  • the preparation outline should include the speaker’s specific purpose statement.
  • the preparation outline should include the speaker’s central idea.
  • the preparation outline should clearly label the introduction, body, and conclusion of the speech.

When creating your preparation outline you should?

When writing the preparation outline, you should focus on finalizing the purpose and thesis statements, logically ordering your main points, deciding where supporting material should be included, and refining the overall organizational pattern of your speech.

What is preparation outline format?

Preparation outlines includes full sentences, making up a full script of an entire speech. However, the preparation outline is for planning purposes only and should be translated into a shorter, more succinct presentation/speaking outline before the speech is delivered.

What are the eight guidelines for writing a preparation outline?

The eight guidelines are that the preparation outline should include the speaker’s specific purpose statement, include the central idea, clearly label the introduction, body, and conclusion, have a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation, state the main points and sub points in complete sentences, label

How are the main points in a preparation outline identified?

Preparation outlines includes full sentences, making up a full script of an entire speech. However, the preparation outline is for planning purposes only and should be translated into a shorter, more succinct presentation/speaking outline before the speech is delivered.

What are the three main points of an outline?

In a preparation outline, main points are identified by capital letters. In a preparation outline, main points and subpoints should be written as full sentences. Even though a speaking outline should be kept as brief as possible, you should usually write out quotations in full.

Which may be included in your preparation outline?

Preparation outlines are written using full-sentences, citations, and are designed to help you write and organize your speech. B. Your preparation outline should include your specific purpose statement and your thesis statement at the top, directly above the title.

What is a preparation outline quizlet?

preparation outline. a detailed outline developed during the process of speech preparation that includes the title, specific purpose, central idea, introduction, main points, subpoints, connectives, conclusion, and bibliography of a speech. speaking outline.

When creating your preparation outline you should quizlet?

When making a preparation outline, you should state your main points and sub-points in full sentences to ensure that you develop your ideas fully. The introduction, body and conclusion should all be labeled in a speech preparation outline.

Which of the following are guidelines for preparing the preparation outline quizlet?

Which of the following are guidelines for preparing the speaking outline? –Follow the visual framework of the preparation outline. -Be certain the speaking outline is legible. -Include cues for how to deliver the speech.

What should a preparation outline include?

Preparation Outline Preparation outlines are written using full-sentences, citations, and are designed to help you write and organize your speech. B. Your preparation outline should include your specific purpose statement and your thesis statement at the top, directly above the title

When preparing a speaking outline you should quizlet?

The eight guidelines are that the preparation outline should include the speaker’s specific purpose statement, include the central idea, clearly label the introduction, body, and conclusion, have a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation, state the main points and sub points in complete sentences, label

What should not be in a preparation outline?

When creating your preparation outline, make sure you are writing a full sentence outline, not word-for-word paragraphs of your speech. When putting together your speaking outline, omit full sentences, except for quotes and other tools used to create your speech

Which of the following is a guideline for constructing an informative preparation outline?

Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a guideline for a preparation outline? Label the introduction, body, and conclusion. In a preparation outline, the specific purpose is usually stated after the introduction. Stating main points in a word or two is usually sufficient for a preparation outline.

What is preparation outline?

The Preparation Outline An outline is a list of items organized according to a consistent principle. Each item may be divided into additional sub-items or sub-points. A preparation outline consists of three main sections, which includes the introduction, body, and conclusion. It also includes the title of the speech.

Why is preparation outline important?

Outlining will help construct and organize ideas in a sequential manner and thoughtful flow. Doing so allows you to pick relevant information or quotes from sources early on, giving writers steady foundation and groundwork when beginning the writing process.

How do you write an outline?

How do I write an outline?

  • Identify your topic or thesis statement.
  • Decide what points you would like to discuss during your paper.
  • Put your points in logical, numerical order so that each point connects back to your main point.
  • Write possible transitions between paragraphs.
  • What are the four guidelines for a speaking outline?

    Preparation Outline Preparation outlines are written using full-sentences, citations, and are designed to help you write and organize your speech. B. Your preparation outline should include your specific purpose statement and your thesis statement at the top, directly above the title

    When creating your preparation outline you should use?

    The 4 guidelines are:

    • Follow the same visual framework used in the preparation outline.
    • Make the outline plainly legible.
    • Make the outline as brief as possible.
    • Include cues for delivering the speech.

    What is a main point in an outline?

    The main points of your outline are the items you are comparing and/or contrasting while your subpoints are the supporting details. Thesis: College students should take a class on finances during their first two years rather than their last two years. II.

    When making a preparation outline you should state your main points?

    Preparation Outline Preparation outlines are written using full-sentences, citations, and are designed to help you write and organize your speech. B. Your preparation outline should include your specific purpose statement and your thesis statement at the top, directly above the title

    What supports the main points in a speech outline?

    Terms in this set (10) When making a preparation outline, you should state your main points and sub-points in full sentences to ensure that you develop your ideas fully. The introduction, body and conclusion should all be labeled in a speech preparation outline.

    What are the 3 main parts to an outline?


    • The background.
    • The thesis statement.

    What is the main point in an outline?

    An outline is a tool used to organize written ideas about a topic or thesis into a logical order. Outlines arrange major topics, subtopics, and supporting details. Writers use outlines when writing their papers in order to know which topic to cover in what order.


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