What to major in to become a ceo bitlife

The CEO of a company seems so big in your real life and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. BitLife offers various career opportunities, including CEO in the virtual world. Based on your characteristics, it even suggests a career opportunity. But as long as you are into business studies, all you want is to become a company CEO. Well, BitLif will make you the CEO with some simple guidelines. It is a life simulator game and helps you become a CEO in the virtual world.

Quick Guide: Education in Business School > 15 years of work experience in a corporate company > Assistant Vice President > First VP > Senior VP > EXecutive VP > MD > CEO.

Becoming CEO is easy with BitLife, and the game will work as you want.

A character must be born smart to become a CEO. If not, the character must acquire smartness with education. You must have an 80+ score in smartness. If not, you should restart the game again.

Make sure to be in rich countries like the USA or UK. The next best thing is having wealthy parents and highly educated parents like doctors, lawyers, or CEOs. It is required for you to pay the business school fee. All these cannot be acquired in the first attempt itself. You might want to restart the game several times.

Select a school in your area, and make sure to visit the library and start reading books in the early stage of life. Once you become old, you can’t go to a college or university to continue your education. If you are not wealthy enough, you can even apply for scholarships to complete your education. Apart from the education, you need to keep your body and mind healthy so go to the gym, walk, meditate, etc.

You can go for any business major like Finance, Marketing, Economics. Once you complete Under Graduation, enter a business school to proceed with higher studies. If you can’t find any of the above majors, you need to start your life again. You can even work for part-time jobs to complete your studies.

To get a corporate job in BitLife, you must apply for one or more corporate companies. The game will help you find jobs once you’ve completed your education. Apply for any junior or entry-level corporate jobs to commence your corporate career. You can find jobs in the following menu:

Occupations > Jobs > Apply for Junior Level Corporate Sector Job.

Now, you must get a promotion to a higher level. To climb the ladder of CEO, you must work in the same company for at least 15 years. You can hit the Work Hard button every year. If you work so hard, you can get promoted to the next level quickly.

4. Become a CEO in BitLife

The first step in becoming Vice President is to apply for an Assitant Vice President Job. With 15 years of experience, you can get this job. As an assistant VP, you also need to attend all decision-making meetings, company tours, conferences, etc., with your boss and colleagues. So make sure to accept every meeting whenever you see the pop-up. Then, work hard to go for the next position in becoming a CEO. The hierarchy goes as:

  • Assistant Vice President
  • Vice President
  • First Vide President
  • Senior Vice President
  • Executive Vice President
  • Managing Director
  • The Chief Executive Officer

You can earn nearly $200000 to $250000 as a CEO and become one of the richest persons in BitLife. If you invest that income, you can even become a billionaire.

If you can’t find a corporate job, all you need to do is restart the app again. Also, make sure to work hard to get faster promotions and become CEO in a quick time.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What if I don’t get Promoted?

If you don’t get your promotion, you must work hard enough and attend all meetings or conferences to get those promotions.

2. What does a CEO do?

A CEO is the top head of any organization. They must make decisions and manage the overall activities of the company.

In contrast to real life, BitLife offers a few shortcuts to becoming whatever you want to be. Your character can be a famous author or a marine biologist and even a CEO. Enter the hard-headed corporate world with our guide on how to become a CEO in BitLife.

BitLife: CEO Guide

There are a few pre-requisites you need to achieve before becoming eligible for a CEO position.

Create your Character Smart and Rich

Let’s start from the very beginning. Once you create the character, make sure that it has at least 70 smarts or higher. As you age them up, make sure that their intelligence increases by going to the library and focusing on school. Also, make sure that they are born to wealthy and well-educated parents, such as doctors, lawyers, or even CEOs.

Graduate from Business School

Before they can a corporate career, they will need a Business School degree. Once your character has completed high school, search for a business school or university for further education. Go for a degree in Economics, Marketing, Finance, and other related areas.

Start Corporate Career

When they have their degree, click the ‘Occupation’ button, then go to “Jobs” > “Junior Level Job” > “Corporate Sector.”

Corporate jobs will say “CORPORATE” next to them so look out for that to figure out whether you’ve found the right one. Your character will start small and crawl through the ranks as the years pass.

From Assistant Vice President to CEO

As they work hard, they will get promoted to the Assistant Vice President position. From there, they will move on to the Vice President, Executive Vice President, and then Managing Director. However, after years and years of hard work, your character will be appointed new CEO.

Patience is the key here as there are multiple places in which your campaign might fail and you will need to start all over again.

For more BitLife content, check out our other guides – including How to Become a Street Hustler in BitLife – or you can click on the tag below the article.

It is simple to follow in order to become a CEO in BitLife you need to get a corporate job after you have graduated in business degree and got high marks.

Our Bitlife CEO Guide will walk you through all you need to know to obtain this profoundly pursued career in the game! Become a CEO in Bitlife isn’t as distressing as it very well may be in real life, however getting the position expects you to follow some exact strides in your schooling and occupation of decision. This isn’t always idiot proof, you may have to reset your game a couple of times because you may get unfortunate with your stats, or RNG will usually determine in case you were meant for an alternate career path.

So you want to be a major supervisor in BitLife? While it may not be the same as running a corporation in real life, it very well may be the following best thing for certain individuals. There is a path you ought to follow, including school and career choices, that influence your chances of making this happen. In this aide, we will explain everything you need to think about Become a CEO in Bitlife.

To become a CEO in BitLife, you should go down the Business/Graduate School path and find a Corporate line of work. When you graduate from High School you’ll be presented to go to University. Go to Business School and continue going to the library if your smart stat isn’t sufficiently high.

Would you like to be a Escape Prison in Bitlife? We will assist you with making your desire materialize. There are a few stages that you have to do to have the option to be a CEO in this game. To get this position, you may have to reset your game multiple times since it isn’t easy.

How to become a CEO in BitLife

Go to business school

Go to business school, and major in finance or any other subject relating to business.

Find a new line of work in business

One of the essential strides to becoming a CEO is by getting a corporate work. Find some work with “corporate” in the title.

Work in corporate for quite some time

After securing your corporate work, make sure to get fifteen years of involvement working there.

Ascend the corporate ladder to CEO

After fifteen years of involvement, you can find a new line of work as Assistant VP. From that point, move gradually up to Vice President, Executive Vice President, Managing Directly, and finally CEO.

How to become a CEO in BitLife

With regards to creating your character and setting them up for the Become a CEO in Bitlife, make sure to start with high smarts. Go to class and concentrate as much as conceivable to increase your smarts. The high level leaders are typically smart individuals, and this is valid in BitLife. Maintain a decent relationship with your parents, and make sure to do activities while in school to get a scholarship.

Keep your body as healthy as your mind, which means working out at the exercise center sooner rather than later. Keep your health and smarts above 90%. Early on in your life, you can start getting freelance positions or part-time responsibilities to start earning cash as an afterthought. Having cash is always valuable in BitLife.

To become a CEO in BitLife, you need to go to business school and find yourself a corporate line of work. Continue studying and going to the library to get your smarts high. After graduating from school, you ought to go to graduate school.

After graduation, find a corporate line of work to begin your move to the highest point of the corporate ladder. Work there for a long time and then, at that point, get elevated to Assistant Vice President. From that point, you can become VP, Executive VP, Managing Directly, and CEO.

How to have Twins in BitLife

Above all else, the best way to have any power over the hereditary qualities of your children in BitLife is in case you’re playing a female character. In the event that you’re playing a person, it ain’t really dependent upon you, presently is it. However, any male and female couple could, Become a CEO in Bitlife, bring forth twins by complete chance (2% chances), yet in case you’re playing a lady and want to shift the chances, the most ideal way to do as such is through artificial insemination, or “IVF.” There are a couple of essentials to this:

  • You have to be more youthful than 50
  • You need to have an agreement to do it with your companion
  • Your need to have attempted to have a baby normally a couple of times already
  • You can just attempt it one time per year

In the event that you and your mate are having inconvenience getting a bun into the stove, you’ll get a brief offering IVF as an alternative. The issue is that going for IVF requires the two parents to be in agreement, and chances are acceptable that you will not be. You’ll have to have several conversations with your life partner to sway them to the idea, however it bears mentioning that these arguments are easier in same-sex couples.

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