When his girlfriend asks if he really loves her Ramon gives a vague ambiguous response what form of deception is he attempting?

14. When his girlfriend asks if he really loves her, Ramon gives her a vague, ambitiousresponse. What form of deception is he attempting?

When Ronaldo bought his new flat-screen television, he was surprised at the cost differences between some of the models. When he asked the salesperson for help, the salesperson assured him that the lower-end models could display the same high-definition channels as the more expensive ones. Since he was on a tight budget, Ronaldo took the salesperson's advice and bought a cheaper model. Only when he got his TV home did Ronaldo realize that he needed to purchase an expensive converter box in order to actually receive HD channels. Which of the following statements is true about this scenario?

When his girlfriend asks if he really loves her, Ramon gives her a vague, ambiguous response. What form of deception is he attempting?

In her diary study, communication scientist Sandra Metts found that almost half of people's deception attempts involved this form of deception:

According to deception research, which of the following behavioral changes is a reliable cue to deception?


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Which of the following would tend to increase your chances of detecting deception?


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Deception has several characteristics; which of the following is NOT among them?


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Research indicates that the average person can detect deception approximately what percentage of the time?


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What is meant by the phrase "deception can serve as a social lubricant?"


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Frank's grandfather loved to fish. Every time he came back from the lake, he described catching and releasing a bigger and bigger fish. We can infer from this story that Frank's grandfather likely engaged in:


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Research shows that men are more likely than women to lie about this characteristic in an online dating ad:


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When Tonya's boss asked her what time their meeting with the new client was, she replied that it was that afternoon at 3:30. She was so certain that she did not bother to check her calendar first. When Tonya and her boss arrived at the client's office, the client was very upset because she had been waiting for 30 minutes for their 3:00 meeting. Tonya then checked her calendar, and sure enough, the meeting had been scheduled for 3:00. Which of the following is true of this scenario?


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According to research, most people discover that they have been lied to when:


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Which of the following forms of deception is an act of dissimulation?


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Lying under oath is known as:


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Which of the following contributes to people's inability to detect deception accurately?


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According to your text, all of the following are common reasons for deception except:


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In a survey of college students, researchers determined that more than _______ of the statements made in a week involved some form of deception.


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How do researchers study deceptive behaviors in cross-cultural environments?


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Misrepresenting facts for the purpose of material gain is known as:


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According to research, an increase in which of the following nonverbal behaviors is indicative of deception?


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