When preparing the patient for a vaginal examination you would position them in the position?

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Patients with severe obesity examined in lateral decubitus position

Subject NumberRace/
EthnicityBMIParaMenopausalCesarean historyIndicationCervix visualizedProcedures performedSample(s) adequate
1White58.13YesNoEndometrial hyperplasiaYesEndometrial biopsyYes

Office hysteroscopy

Endometrial biopsy


Office hysteroscopy

Endometrial biopsy

4White60.12YesYesVaginal dischargeYesPap testYes

Pap test

Office hysteroscopy

Endometrial biopsy

6White59.70NoNoIrregular menstrual bleedingYes

Office hysteroscopy

Endometrial biopsy

7Latino57.73NoYesHeavy menstrual bleedingYesEndometrial biopsyYes
8White62.13YesNoPMBYesEndometrial biopsyYes
9White60.82YesYesPMBNoOffice hysteroscopy Endometrial biopsyYes
10White63.33YesNoEndometrial hyperplasiaYesIUD insertionN/A

Office hysteroscopy

Endometrial biopsy



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