When there is a 20 percent decrease in the price of sugar What percentage increase in consumption should the expenditure remain unchanged?

The price of sugar is increased by 20%. By what percent must the consumption of sugar be decreased so that the expenditure on sugar may remain the same?

Let price of x kg of sugar = Rs. 100

Increase in price = 20%

∴ New price = 100 + 20 = Rs.120

∴ For Rs. 120, sugar obtained = x kg.

For Rs. 100, sugar obtained

= `x/(120) xx 100`

= `(5x)/(6)"kg"`

Original consumption = x kg

New consumption = `(5x)/(6)"kg"`

Decrease in consumption 

= `x - (5x)/(6)`

= `(x)/(6)`

Required % decrease in consumption

= `(x/6)/x xx 100`

= `(x)/(6x)xx 100`

 = `(100)/(6)`

= `(50)/(3) = 16(2)/(3)`%

Concept: Concept of Percent and Percentage

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