When you change the central line dressing?

Central venous catheters are used when people need medical treatment over a long period.

  • You may need antibiotics or other medicines for weeks to months.
  • You may need extra nutrition because your bowels are not working correctly.
  • You may be receiving kidney dialysis.
  • You may be receiving cancer drugs.

You'll need to change your dressing often, so that germs don't get into your catheter and make you sick. Follow your health care provider's instructions on changing your dressing. Use this sheet to help remind you of the steps.

You should change the dressing about once a week. You will need to change it sooner if it becomes loose or gets wet or dirty. After some practice, it will get easier. A friend, family member, caregiver, or your doctor may be able to help you.

Your provider will tell you when you can shower or bathe after surgery. When you do, make sure the dressings are secure and your catheter site is staying dry. Do not let the catheter site go under water if you are soaking in the bathtub.


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