Which of the following best describes a set of conditions under which Archaeoastronomers would conclude that an ancient structure was used for astronomical purposes?

2 pointsQUESTION 31.Which of the following best describes a set of conditions under whicharchaeoastronomers would conclude that an ancient structure was used forastronomical purposes?The structure has holes in the ceiling that allow viewing the passage ofconstellations that figure prominently in the culture's folklore, and manyother structures built by the same culture have ceiling holes placed inthe same way.They find that, looking out from the center of the building, there are twowindows that align with the rise and set points of two bright stars.The structure has 29 straight lines pointing out from a center, just likethere are 29 days in the lunar cycle.The structure has the same dome shape as modern astronomicalobservatories.


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