Why are my views frozen on TikTok

TikTok is one of the top social media apps, with around 800 million active users. According to Statista, in 2019, more than 1 billion videos were viewed every day. This shows how much people are addicted to the app. Getting views and increasing their followers is their ultimate goal. However, sometimes the views just freeze, and in that case, you don’t know what to do.

Have your TikTok views frozen? If yes, then you are annoyed and frustrated. No worries because we have a solution for you. TikTok account freeze doesn’t refer to hanging. Rather, it is when you are unable to get a considerable amount of views on your videos. Let’s proceed and check why your views freeze and how you can fix it.

Why My TikTok Account Has Frozen

The account can freeze due to several reasons. But the most important one is that you were posting copied content. If you upload a video that wasn’t owned by you, then TikTok has the right to freeze your account. TikTok examines all the videos posted on its platform, and copied content is strictly against the community guidelines. Initially, you might get likes, comments, and views, but as soon as TikTok realizes that it is a duplicated video, your account will freeze.

Besides this, posting sexually explicit content, violent graphics, promotion of illegal activities or objects representing dangerous organizations can get you in trouble. Since such videos also violate the community guidelines, TikTok reserves the right to freeze them or else ban your account.

Moreover, usage of a third-party application or website like auto likers is easily detected by the TikTok algorithm, and as a result, your video gets frozen. It can also happen if any user reports your account, and their excuse is found valid.

How To Unfreeze TikTok Views

A golden tip is always to keep following the community guidelines while uploading videos on TikTok. Posting original content eradicates the possibility of account freezing.

However, if your account has already been frozen, follow the below points to unfreeze it and attract the audience.

Clear all the data on the app.Logout from your TikTok account.Uninstall the application.Reboot your phone/device.Reinstall the app and log in to your account.

Post a video and wait for likes and followers. Suppose you can get at least 1 like, then congratulations because everything's good. In case the account is still frozen, try to contact the TikTok team or start fresh with a new account.

Instead of doing this, you could also try these options. The chances are low, but they might be effective in unfreezing the views.

Be creative and make original content. Check if the account is set to public or not. Try to engage with your followers as much as you can.Keep checking the analytics for reach on your videos from the For You Page.


TikTok strictly examines all the videos posted on its platform, and anyone violating their guidelines can suffer from account freeze. Therefore try to play safe and only post the original content. In case you have already got your views frozen, we hope that the above ways can help you unfreeze them.

Who doesn’t love TikTok?! It is the most fun social media app. You can make any content you want over there, and through the power of the internet, you will find like-minded people who relate to it. But does your TikTok stop getting views after an hour?

Don’t worry. We’ve got a solution for it. Read this article, and you will realize the mistakes you are making and how you can fix them. We believe that although there have been social media apps before, TikTok is a revolution.

Regardless of what you want to watch or make, finding an audience for it is not a problem. Yet if you are still struggling to increase your TikTok view count, we have listed reasons below why your TikTok stop getting views after an hour.

Reasons Your TikToks Stop Getting Views After an Hour

No one can claim to understand the way the TikTok post algorithm really works. There could be many reasons why you are not getting views of your post after an hour. Yet, to make your life easy, we believe that the following are the most common reasons you are not getting views.

You Are Not Posting at the Correct Time

The three golden rules of social media are where to post, what to post, and most importantly, when to post. This is why this rule is no different on the TikTok platform as well.

So we believe one of the reasons you are not getting views after an hour is because you are not respecting the TikTok post algorithm. Like every other social media, TikTok also has peak hours, and if you want maximum views, you must post between them. Which are 6 am, 10 am, or 10 pm.

Not Using the #FYP Tag

“For Your Preference”, more commonly known as FYP, is a hashtag that TikTok itself recommends you to use. It allows your videos to be discovered outside your followers, and if you don’t use it, you are bound to get fewer views.

Target Audience Is Not Defined

Target audience is one of the key factors regarding everything. You should always know that the product or the content you are making is targeted towards whom?

If you have a clear target audience, gaining views is not difficult. But if it is not defined, you can be in trouble, possibly not getting views.

Videos Are Not Shareable

TikTok is a family-friendly platform. Content that is friendly to this is more likely to trend and attract views. So whenever you are making content, ensure it is following the guidelines. If you do, you’ll get views. Otherwise, the TikTok post algorithm restricts raunchy, racy content to a limited audience.

Content Lacks Freshness

If you want views, you need to stay updated with the latest trends. So if you are making outdated content using non-trending sounds, you probably won’t get views. This is why you should always try to create content according to the latest trends to gain views easily.

How To Get Views on Your TikTok After an Hour

Now that we have discussed the mistakes you are making due to which you are not getting views. We would like to now focus on the ways you can use to get views on your TikTok.

Find a Niche & Make Videos Targeted to Them

One of the most wonderful things about TikTok is that it has a target audience for anything you want to make. Comedy skits, cooking videos, dance, political, how-to, DIY, and sports are just a few of many topics that you can cover here with a dedicated target audience.

So find a niche you want to target and start creating content for them. Remember to use relevant hashtags to attract them to your videos.

Use Trending Sounds

Sounds are one of the critical factors in how your video performs. So whatever video you are making, remember to ensure that you are using relevant, trending music for it. If you make this a regular practice, getting views will no longer be a problem.

Use Your Other Social Media Accounts for Promotion

TikTok has terrific synergy with other social media platforms because they believe in inclusivity. This very reason also allows you to seamlessly promote your TikTok on other platforms.

This is exactly what you should do to get views on your TikTok. The more places people will see your content, the more they are likely to engage with it. Plus, once the engagement is there, then views skyrockets, as these videos will then be recommended to their friends, friends of friends.

Make Short & Quick Videos

Now you can even make a 10-minute long TikTok but remember that an average human’s attention span is less than 8.25 seconds. So if you want more views on your videos and want them to trend, you should make as short and fast-paced videos as you can. These videos have been proven successful by research.

Use the #FYP Tag

The FYP hashtag is recommended by TikTok itself. So if you want to get views, remember to use it in all of your videos with other niche tags to reach its target audience.

Wrapping It Up

Lastly, we would like to conclude by stating that getting views on TikTok is not hard as it is one of the most user-friendly platforms. All you need to do is know what to do and what to avoid; as long as you do that, you will be fine.

We hope this article was helpful to you. If it was, then remember to let us know in the comment section. Plus, if you know a better tip, let us know about it.


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