Why did i get logged out of roblox

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Roblox also has a help page for “general connection problems,” which can be the result of firewalls, slow internet connections, large games, or bad scripts. The platform recommends making sure you’re using a supported browser, checking your browser’s security settings, checking your wireless connection, removing or disabling ad-blocking browser add-ons, making sure the right ports are open, configuring your firewall and router, or reinstalling Roblox.

Somebody keeps logging me out of my account. I have tried to stop this by signing out of other sessions, changing the password, and clearing my cookies and cache, but it still doesn't stop. What do I do?

Whats wrong with Roblox today? Roblox is such a great platform to enjoy your time but the thing can be different when you keep getting logged out of Roblox. Are you wondering why you keep getting logged out of Roblox? Well, you are not alone because a lot of people have experienced this issue.

A user on Reddit says that this error happened to him when Adopt Me got the fossil egg update. Another one says that the issue occurred when he went to someone’s group. Some other ones say that they got kicked when they were playing some games.

There are several opinions about the issue. According to a Youtube video shared by Shotis Otis, the issue happens because Roblox does it as a security measure. It is said that signing in back to your Roblox account should be easy. However, in case you cannot get back in, you can try to send an email to Roblox.

In order to send an email to Roblox, first of all, go to the official website of Roblox and go to the Support section. In the Contact Us page, you will have to enter your username. The second one to be entered is the email address that is associated with your Roblox account. In the next step, please enter your username for the second time. After that, choose the issue details, including the device that you are currently using and the type of help category. For the type of help category, please select “Account Hacked or Can’t Log In” and 2-Step Verification. Do not forget to also fill in the description of the issue. When everything is completed, please hit the Submit button.

Someone on a forum suggests that the issue can be solved by changing the password. If you want to change the password of your Roblox account, here is step by step to follow:

    1. The first thing that you need to do is to log into your account.
    2. Then, go to the account Settings. To go there, you can just find the gear icon that is located at the upper right corner of the site when you are on browser and find the three dots icon for More for those on mobile apps.
    3. Next, choose the Account Info tab.
    4. Another thing to be selected is the Change Password button, the one that looks like a pencil and paper.
    5. After that, enter your current Roblox password.
    6. Lastly, enter your new Roblox password twice to confirm it. When choosing the new password, make sure that the new one has not been used on the other websites.

Aside from these, there is also a possibility for you to keep getting logged out of Roblox due to the connection. There are some methods that you can try to fix the general connection issues, as follows:

    • Be sure that you are using the browser that is supported by Roblox

It is important to make sure that the browser that you are currently using to play Roblox is the most updated version. For the Roblox Studio, it is also needed to get the newest version of Internet Explorer. In case you are having a hard time playing with the current browser, you are encouraged to try playing on a different browser, such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

    • For Windows, reset the internet options

Sometimes, the issue can be fixed by just resetting your internet options. Remember that this method will require you to use the Internet Explorer, but it is effective to fix the other issues even for those who use the other browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

In order to reset your internet options, the first thing that should be done is to open the Internet Explorer. When you are there, open the gear icon and choose Internet options. Next, open the Advanced tab. After that, click the Reset button. After resetting, please close the Internet Explorer. In the end, you can try playing again.

    • Check the Security Settings of the browser

It is needed for you to make sure that the security settings on your browser allow for Roblox. Setting these settings too high can cause a lot of issues, including the ones that have been mentioned above and the website issues such as buttons or links not responding.

    • Check the wireless connection

If it is possible, you can use a wired connection instead of the wireless one. If the case is not related to the connection or if you cannot try the wired one, please check the settings of the firewall.

    • Remove or disable any ad-blocker browser add-ons

It has been known that browser add-ons or extensions can cause several issues. One of these issues is stopping a game from fully loading.

    • Be sure that the appropriate ports are open

Apparently, the ports that are used by Roblox rely on the operating system that is used. For your information, the port range is currently UDP 49152 – 65535. Please keep all these ports open to allow Roblox to connect to the router without getting interrupted.

    • Configure the firewall and or router

A number of antivirus or internet security software always act like a boss. They love to control the programs that can access the internet. In most cases, these programs make mistakes by making no program allowed to be accessed.

If no one of these methods work well, the last thing that you can try is to reinstall Roblox. If you want to reinstall Roblox, firstly, head over to the Settings. Then, choose Apps and uninstall Roblox. Another way to uninstall Roblox is to use uninstall software such as IOBit Uninstaller. This kind of tool will make sure that Roblox and all of its files and registry entries are completely removed from your device. After it is removed, do not forget to install it again.

Please try the first solution and then move to the second one and so on if the previous one is not working. it might also be a good idea to seek help from the communities or forums related to Roblox.


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The Issue
Greetings, as a Roblox developer and user it is currently inconvenient for me to get automatically logged-out of my Roblox account.

Reproduction Steps Currently, I’m unable to state what specific reproduction steps are done, but this only occurs when I notice the Roblox app’s performance is slow, and sometimes the upper top-bar is blue.

I’m currently also uncertain if this is somewhat connected with this bug.

App top-bar shows old blue theme color Mobile Bugs

Issue Greetings, I’ve actually been playing Roblox, and I’ve noticed something really different. The old blue color theme that used to be in Roblox, shows up, on-top of every page in the app I visit. How to Reproduce? Go to Roblox Based in my experience, I noticed this bug occurred when my wifi disconnected and my mobile data took connection. Visit other Roblox-based pages in the app (Except the catalog, avatar editor, or the main page) Time of occurrence 7:22 AM Philippine Time, Frida…

Date and time of occurrence

  • Bug was discovered on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 11:58PM Philippine Standard Time




As you watch the video, notice I logged-in and instantly got logged-out.

Aftermath of the Bug

I’ve experienced a glitch after the bug, and this minor glitch shows that when I press ‘chat’ it shows my avatar editor, but only my avatar.

Edit: I recently got the video of the bug, after testing in logging into Roblox via the App version of Apple.


Did you recently change your password on another device? If yes, you’ll automatically be logged out in any other device.



Did you recently change your password on another device?

No, I didn’t actually, this occurred to me again after I made this post.

Actually, the aftermath of the bug still also occurred.

Notice the time on this image.

Edit: I’ve now procured a video of the bug


I can confirm this is not just you. Happened to me twice today. Very frustrating. Hopefully we get a response soon.


Bug Report Update

As of Sunday, November 29, 2020, I’m still experiencing the bug, however, I’ve attempted to do a solution for the bug. I simply restarted my Roblox App, and I was automatically logged in.



Such bug happens to me as well. It is very frustrating to login everytime I open the Roblox app. I haven’t experienced this bug on Android, but on iOS, even in 2021, the bug is still there.

Happens to me all the time. It’s very annoying. I’ll get randomly logged out while I’m playing games. Hope this is fixed soon.


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