Why do you love me Yahoo answers

The thing about us humans is, we can’t quite believe our luck when we find an amazing person, who thinks we’re equally as amazing as they are. We might start to question why they love us, or we might simply be curious about what it is that they love about us.

So when your partner asks you the question, “Why do you love me?” you want to say something that truly expresses how you feel. You want it to come from your heart.

Don’t worry if you’re not great at showing your feelings, or speaking eloquently. Here are some heartfelt ways to answer the question, and show your partner just how much you adore them.

Because I can be 100% myself when I’m with you.
How many times have you changed who you really are, pretended you liked something when you didn’t, agreed with something when your heart didn’t; just to be accepted or liked?

I think we’ve all been there—especially in our school days. And if we don’t develop a strong enough sense of self-confidence and self-worth, we can continue to struggle with this as adults.

The truth is, it’s hard to find someone who you can reveal all of yourself to, and not only be fully accepted, but also be loved for it.

Because you encourage me to be the best version of myself.
It’s on us to wake up each day and be the kind of people that we desire to be, and make ourselves proud. But, when you find a partner who challenges you to go even further, to step up, and to be even greater each day than you were the day before; that’s rare. And it’s beautiful.

We could all do with someone like that in our life.

Because my days are better with you in them.
All of us should feel happy and whole on our own, but when you find your soulmate, you’ll find that happiness just expands. You probably know what I mean.

You’re content and happy when you’re on your own doing your thing or hanging with your friends, but when you’re together, it’s just better. So tell them.

Because we can do nothing together and it’s still amazing.
Most people have plenty of people in their lives they can do things with, or at least, it’s pretty easy to find someone to do things with. But most of us struggle to find someone to do nothing with.

You know, when you’re sitting on the sofa reading a book, and they’re eating a sandwich, and you’re not even talking; but it’s a total breath of fresh air? And, if you both happen to fancy each other too—that’s love right there.

Because you give unconditionally to me, and I never knew what that looked like until I met you.
When you find real love, you’ll understand what it truly means to be selfless—to give unconditionally, without keeping score, or expecting anything in return. Not that you don’t want to receive (it’s great to receive too) but that’s not your motive.

When someone shows you this kind of love, it’s life changing. It shows you the kindness of someone’s heart, and their true nature. It shows you they’re not in it for what they can gain, but for what they can give. That changes the your life, in a wonderful way.

Because you love me for who I am, and my humanness.
None of us are perfect. We all have our own messiness, our own flaws and quirks, and that’s what makes us so beautifully human.

Yet someone still loves us. Someone accepts us for who we are—flaws and all. They don’t try to change us, or fix us. They just love us for who we are today.

Because you make it so damn easy to love you.
If you’re in a relationship where love feels easy (on most days), then you’ve found what most of us are still searching for. When love flows freely from your heart and from theirs, with beauty and with grace—that’s when you know it’s real.

“Why do you love me?” is one of those questions that is deceptively hard to answer, and with all such questions, the inquirer usually demands that it be answered not soon after asking, and in a fashion that satisfies their burning desire to know.

A Hard Question To Answer

Image: Shutterstock

What makes a question like “Why do you love me” that much harder to answer is that even if you rattle off several lines of the most beautiful prose, or if you quote Shakespearean poetry or verse of your own creation, your answer will still not satisfy if the listener construes it as insincere. Therefore, any attempts to learn by heart the answer to this question would be useless.

So what do you do? Tell the truth.

How To Be Sincere?

Image: Shutterstock

“Why do you love me?” is a question that presumes that you do love the person who is asking, and such a big assumption is usually never made by anyone on a whim. Indeed, it is likely that you have said to the other person that you love them, and they, overcome with joy or slightly taken aback (but interested) have asked why you have said such a thing. In such a scenario, it becomes easy to be sincere, but we’ll get to that in a bit, for there is one more scenario to cover.

Suppose that you have said those 3 words that we all want to hear so much to someone on a whim, maybe once or maybe even thrice, and they have called you out on it. No amount of racking your brains for an honest sounding answer will work here, and you may be able to buy a little time with your pre-learned answers, but upon being asked again (it will happen) you will eventually give your insincerity away.

Answering The Question

Like we have just discussed, the most likely time that such a question would arise is right after you have said the three most significant words in the English language. And when asked back, “Why do you love me?” don’t panic, but just focus on the emotions and conviction that made you say I love you in the first place. To make your life easier for the next time you are asked, here are 20 things you can focus on:

1. Because you have so much fun with them.

2. Because they always make you laugh.

3. Because you both are so compatible.

4. Because they’re so easy to talk to.

5. Because they always listen to whatever it is you want to say.

6. Because they try to understand you, even if they don’t personally relate.

7. Because you love the way they look, touch and feel you.

8. Because of the little things they do for you that make you feel special.

9. Because coming back home and talking to them is the highlight of your day.

10. Because even when you’re in a bad mood, them being near makes your mood better.

11. Because they stay up late to talk to you and be with you even though they have an early day tomorrow.

12. Because they’re not afraid and do not back away when you talk about your future and how it includes them.

13. Because you know all of your secrets will be safe with them.

14. Because they still love you and want you even after all of the mistakes you have made.

15. Because the thought and knowledge that they are in your life makes you happy.

16. Because no matter how bad things get, you know the two of you will patch things up and become normal again.

17. Because they accept you just the way you are, even if you yourself don’t.

18. Because you can trust that they are being honest with you.

19. Because you feel safe around them.

20. Because they are respectful and considerate to not only you, but everyone around them.

So there you have it, the reasons why you love someone can be various and diverse, but being able to tell them exactly what it is you love about them is so rewarding for the both of you. Did we miss something? Add on to the comments and share your take.


Last updated on August 1st, 2022 at 07:06 pm

When you are truly in love with someone, you don’t care for any reason why to love them.

You just love them, without thinking much.

That’s why it’s sometimes hard to answer ‘why do you love me’ type-questions from your girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse. When asked, you might feel anxiety.

Don’t take it to your head, they aren’t interrogating you, they just want to know why you love them.

That’s why in this post, we will share with you some of the best romantic, cute, funny responses and the perfect answers to ‘Why you love me’… to make your partner feel admired in the end.

(Or, keep these good replies handy, at least you’ve some reasons to share.)

How Do You Answer Why Do You Love Me?

Like it’s hard to tell someone that I love them, is equally hard to explain ‘why’.

As long as they don’t ask you this question when you propose, you’re in luck. 

Once you finally get together and have been together for a while, you will sometimes be asked by your partner, ‘why do you love me? ‘

By asking the same questions, a person wants to make sure whether you are both thinking the same way.

They actually want to hear something praising and special about them. 

And that’s why they ask Why do you love me?

The reason you love someone cannot be the only one.

But, when this question comes up, like what makes you love me... you have no choice but to give just ‘one reason’. 

As a partner, this might seem like a trap.

Especially when your answer may not be as exciting or what they want to hear.

When you find yourself in this situation, you should know what are some romantic, funny, and special things to say to them to make your relationship even stronger.

And, when you’re still at the edge of starting a relationship. Be ready with these Best answers to “What are you looking for in a relationship?”.

When your Girlfriend asks, Why do you love me

When this question appears out of nowhere, it will catch you by surprise.

What does the partner mean, does she doubt your feelings or are you being investigated? 

Well, relax, such are some good replies you can share when your girlfriend asks ‘why do you love me’, next time. Don’t overthink, these are the sweetest answers.

1. Because that’s the best thing I can do for you. 

2. Because I’m happy that you’re part of my life. 

3. Because you are my pride and I am grateful for you. 

4. Because you are just perfect to me. 

5. Because you deserve my love and respect, that’s it. 

6. Because I want to. 

7. Because you make me feel complete. 

8. Because you are my everything from ‘morning’ to ‘night’.

9. Because with you, I feel at home. 

10. Because your love to me is purely unconditional.

11. Because of the way I connect with you, I feel with no one else. 

12. Because you’re not just a beautiful lady but also a kind person. 

13. Because you listen to me when I share, speak or suggest something. 

14. Because you always surprise me and make me happy

15. Because we both look so great together. 

16. Because you are the reason for so many good things in my life. 

17. Because you are just my type. 

18. Because with just your goodnight to morning wishes you make me feel special. 

19. Because I love almost everything about you. 

20. Because you work hard, are a genuine person, and treat me well.

21. Because you make me feel heard, I find comfort in your presence.

22. Because that’s my right. Am i doing anything wrong? 

Looking for some unique ways to say I love to someone? Read this one: 143 Creative Ways to Say I LOVE YOU

It’s not just about the girlfriend, sometimes the boyfriend might ask you ‘why are you in love with me’.

This is actually your chance to thank him for loving you so much.

Additionally, you can also point out his best unique qualities that make you fall in love with him. 

1. Because you have a pure heart and I just respect you. 

2. Because you are the cutest person I ever met. 

3. Because every small gesture from you makes me feel great. 

4. Because I care for you. 

5. Because you’re a very responsible and understandable person. 

6. Because we know almost everything about each other and still haven’t judged.

7. Because you’re the best at everything. 

8. Because you are my ‘that one’.

9. Because you make me feel relaxed and confident. 

10. Because my mom told me that you’re a good person

11. Because I know everything about you and I just love them all. 

12. Because I can see you in my future. 

13. Because you’re a passionate person. 

14. Because you take good care of yourself, so the others. 

15. Because when I see you I see my future. 

16. Because when I’m with you I forget about the others. 

17. Because you never fall behind from impressing me.

18. Because you’re working so hard for our family and supporting us. 

19. Because you never get bored and I enjoy doing new things with you. 

20. Because you have a cute pet dog.

21. Because you’re the most caring, charming, and handsome person I know. 

22. Because you always keep your promise, just like a caring partner.

Read next: Flirty Responses To Why Are You Single

Cute Why Do You Love Me Answer for Her

Be sure to know in which context your wife or girlfriend is asking this question.

And, being silent, taking more than 30 seconds to answer is also not a good solution. To break the awkward silence, you can take some good ideas from the given list. 

And these answers are a clever, and lovely response to make her feel great. 

1. Because you care and respect yourself. 

2. Because I want to marry you one day. 

3. Because you care for me and are afraid of losing me. 

4. Because your touch makes me feel something. 

5. Because there’s something special about you.

6. Because we are not perfect and still we complete each other well. 

7. Because you’re not a selfish person. 

8. Because around you, I feel the special vibe. 

9. Because you are my inspiration. 

10. Because it’s my responsibility, we’re married. Do you forget that?

11. Because you’re not so different than me. 

12. Because you’re a romantic person and I love to do a good thing for you. 

13. Because with you I never feel alone or bored sound you. 

14. Because you completely changed my whole perspective. 

15. Because you’re a cute girl, I’m your guy. 

16. Because I have never met someone like you before. 

17. Because my parents choose you for me. 

18. Because that’s what god ordered me to do. 

19. Because you’re the only person that I rely on

20. Because I love the way you’re.

21. Because that’s the only job I have. 

If you are looking for special ways to say I love you, too… these are 134 Alternative Responses to I Love You

Romantic Why Do You Love Me Answer for Him

Whether you’re in a fresh relationship or the long-lasting one, such questions will come there anyway.

And if you answer without looking into why they asked, you may regret it later. Answer in such a way that increases the level of intimacy between you two.

Let them know that you not only just love them but also cherish them dearly.

1. Because you’re not just handsome but also a good guy. 

2. Because you’re the one I want to share my everything. 

3. Because I feel great seeing you smile because of me. 

4. Because you’re making my life a lot better every day. 

5. Because you’re a caring, lovable and honest person. 

6. Because you help me to be myself.

7. Because you’re the good thing that happened to me. 

8. Because you’re the sweetest person I’ve ever been with. 

9. Because you make me something which I never without you.

10. Because you taught me how to love.

11. Because I’m your woman and you’re my man. 

12. Because you accept me for whoever I am.

13. Because you invest in our connection equally and genuinely. 

14. Because I want to know how it feels when you’re in love.

15. Because I enjoy spending time with you. 

16. Because that’s what I can do the best. 

17. Because you are a whole different person in this world.

18. Because I’m sure no one has ever loved you this way.

19. Because you are my lucky charm and a charming person, too.

20. Because you’re my crush.

21. Because when I can pretend you and me like a husband and a wife.

22. Because it is only you who made me realize what it is like to be loved.

Read next: 81 Ultimate Pros and Cons of Dating Me Ideas

Funny Answers to Why Do You Love Me

Now, before we move on with this list, you need to be sure about their moods.

Also, why they are asking this. Whenever they ask in a relaxed mood, you can use these witty responses to answer why you love them.

However, this is not the best option when they expect a romantic, serious, and honest response on why you love me.

This response may break their heart because you’re making it fun, not taking it seriously. So, go ahead wisely. 

1. Because I have no other option. 

2. Wait a minute, who said that?

3. Because you’re my girlfriend/boyfriend. Should I stop it?

4. Because you love me, I guess. Don’t you love me?

5. Because my parents and family love you and see you as a good person. 

6. Because there’s no one else I can make love to.

7. Because that’s my right. 

8. Because you need my Love.

9. I never know that I love you, I just do what I want to do for you. 

10. Oh, do you have any problem with that? Sorry, I won’t do it again. 

11. Because you always share the last slice of the pizza with me.

12. Because I can’t hate you. 

13. Because I feel comfortable farting around you. 

14. Because you laugh at my lame jokes. 

15. Because that’s the only thing I’m good at.

16. How can you forget that?

17. Because no one loves you. And I can’t be that no one.

18. Because I am on a mission to make you feel happy and smile every day.

19. Because it’s very easy for me to make love to you.

20. Hold on. Are you filming us?

21. Because around you, I have nothing to hide. 

22. Because you do homework for me. 

23. Because you earn a lot of money for me. 

24. Because you enjoy shopping just like me. 

25. Because you and I look all great together. 

26. Because I am afraid of losing you to someone else. 

27. Because you allowed me to. 

28. Because you are a wifey/husband material. 

29. Because you pay for my bills.

30. Because I don’t know anything else to do. 

31. Because I don’t think anybody can do this. 

32. Because you’re a lookalike of my celebrity crush. I can’t have her, but you. 

When you want to make your approval or agreement in a completely new way, you can take some ideas from these, 125 Funny and Creative Ways to Say YES.

Final thoughts

So far we have shared some interesting and perfect responses to why do you love me. 

Instead of being panicked, confused, or scared while answering…

It is best to check the situation, their mood, and the feelings behind their asking. 

Due to varying situations, your partner may ask questions to clarify it or to know how much you care for them. 

So, anytime when your partner, boyfriend, or girlfriend asks- ‘Why do you love me’, make sure you answer in a way that makes them feel special and appreciated. 

And if she doesn’t convince, she might ask how much. In such a case we also have something for you. Those are some sweet and cute replies to how much do you love me, to save your relationship. 

Of course, with your unique approach to routine conversation, you add excitement and a little spice to your relationship. Next, that keeps increasing your respect and love for each other every day. 


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