Why does my female dog mount my cat

You’re taking your dog for a walk, and you decide to stop at the dog park and let your Golden Retriever play with other dogs. Then you see her humping another dog. You might have thought that only male dogs do this and that it had to do with hormones. So why do female dogs hump, too?

Is It Normal for Female Dogs to Hump?

All dogs can and do hump on occasion, whether they are male or female. This is considered a very normal behavior, although it can be embarrassing or annoying, or it could cause injury if your dog mounts a smaller dog or a child. It is important to recognize, however, that humping behavior is not just sexual and is considered a normal play behavior in dogs. Female dogs may hump just as commonly as male dogs.

Why Female Dogs Hump

There are several reasons why male or female dogs will hump, including:

  • Social dominance

  • Developmental stage (puppies)

  • Engaging in play

  • Sexual behaviors

  • Stress

  • Compulsive disorders

  • Excitement

  • Looking for attention

  • Health problems

Perhaps the most common reason dogs hump is to demonstrate social dominance. Humping another dog or a person is an effective way of declaring that they are in charge.

Puppies that are just learning to explore the world and discovering appropriate behavior may hump quite frequently. Humping is a natural form of play—another reason it is commonly shown by puppies.

When dogs hump as part of a sexual behavior, you may also notice “flirtatious” behavior such as play bows and pawing.

For some dogs, humping is a natural response to stress or excitement. Dogs that have other mechanisms to deal with stress and social dominance may not hump as often as dogs that don’t.

Many dogs will respond to meeting a new dog or person by humping them or a nearby piece of furniture or toy. Under-socialized dogs may mount other dogs excessively, since they have not learned how to play well with others and can become over-aroused. Unfortunately, in some animals, this can lead to a compulsive behavior that can interfere with other normal routines.

Many dogs will hump as an attention-seeking behavior, especially if they don’t get enough exercise or affection. Negative attention is better than no attention at all and generally, most people are not able to ignore being humped by a dog. Therefore, humping is a guaranteed form of attention, from a dog’s perspective.

Humping can also indicate potential medical issues, particularly if the humping started up suddenly. Urinary tract infections, allergies, and incontinence can cause humping—anything that causes discomfort or licking in the genital area. If a dog starts humping suddenly, a trip to the vet is probably warranted.

Why Do Female Dogs Hump After Being Spayed?

Dogs that hump after being spayed are probably showing one of the other forms of humping behavior, such as attention seeking or social dominance. A little detective work with the help of your vet will help to determine the root of the issue.

Why Do Female Dogs Hump Specific Things or People?

Dogs will often pick specific things that they enjoy humping. These items can include toys, the arm of a sofa, or the leg of a person. Sometimes the choice is targeted for attention, like in humping a person. Other times, dogs just choose something nearby that is favored, or something soft. Usually, humping is just a release of pent-up energy.

Why Do Female Dogs Hump Another Female Dog?

A female dog humping another female dog is likely doing it out of excitement, stress, or social dominance. These tend to settle with time.

Why Does My Female Dog Hump Male Dogs?

Again, they may be showing signs of social dominance, or they are demonstrating some excitement or stress at meeting a new dog.

Why Does My Female Dog Hump Me?

Female dogs will often hump their pet parents to seek attention. After all, they are very likely to get attention every time they do it. They may also hump you out of excitement, particularly when you first come home and greet them. Some dogs may also be trying to establish their social rank in the household, and choose to hump someone to show dominance.

Why Do Female Dogs Hump Certain People?

Often, dogs will hump the people that give them the biggest reaction. Some dogs that hump for attention will pick the person(s) that responds the most, effectively rewarding the behavior. Other dogs will hump due to social dominance, choosing to show a person that they are “lower” on the social totem pole than the dog.

When Should You Worry About Female Dogs Humping?

In most cases, humping in female dogs is a normal behavior. However, if it starts suddenly in an adult dog, it may be an indication of a health problem that should be checked out by a veterinarian, particularly if the dog is also licking excessively in their private areas.

If the behavior is extremely frequent, it may have become compulsive. However, some dogs will appear to hump out of boredom, and this indicates that perhaps more playtime is needed. Other dogs will hump more if they are stressed. Looking closely at your dog’s lifestyle for indications of stress may help identify the problem.

Should You Try to Stop Your Female Dog From Humping?

Therefore, even though humping is a normal behavior in female dogs, it is something that most people wish to stop. There are multiple ways to discourage your dog from humping.

First, have your female dog spayed. Not only does this have several health benefits, but it may also have the behavioral benefit of discouraging humping.

Next, watch your dog closely when they are getting ready to mount someone/something. They generally will show signals such as panting, whining, or pawing. As soon as you see these warning signs, distract your dog with a toy or a training cue (such as sit, shake, lie down, etc.).

Teaching a cue to “leave it” is very helpful in these types of circumstances. When your dog tries to mount something, giving the cue “leave it” can break the cycle.

If your dog is mounting to get attention, do not reward them with any attention—ignore them entirely in that moment. For dogs that are very persistent, working with an animal behaviorist may help.

Featured image: iStock.com/RobertPetrovic

Dogs hump cats. It’s a fact of life. But why do they do it? There are a number of reasons that your dog might be humping your cat, but most of them boil down to one thing: dominance. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why dogs hump cats and what you can do to stop it from happening.

 It is possible that humping is a way to show dominance even when it is not for mating. Dog behaviorists aren’t really sure what purpose humping serves when it is not for mating. You could equally argue that it is a way to expel some excess energy and over-excitement and has nothing to do with dominance displays at all. It could also be compulsive behavior created by anxiety.

By paying attention to what happens when this behavior occurs, you can understand why he engages in this behavior with the cat. Is your dog anxious? Are you playing with him? Is another dog nearby? How does your cat react when this happens? Does it seem to stress him or does he ignore it? Does your pup only target the cat, or does he mount and hump other animals or objects? You may be able to see a pattern in the circumstances if you pay close attention.

What Does My Female Dog Hump My Cat?

Female dogs hump cats for the same reasons that male dogs hump cats: dominance and excitement. If your female dog is humping your cat, it’s important to keep in mind that she may be trying to assert her dominance over him. You’ll need to be sure to reinforce your cat’s dominant status in the home and make sure he knows who’s boss. Cats are very independent creatures, and they don’t always take kindly to being dominated by a dog.

Is It Normal for a Dog to Hump a Cat?

Yes, it is normal for a dog to hump a cat. However, if your dog is humping your cat to the point of causing him distress, then it’s not normal and you should seek help from a professional trainer or behaviorist.

You can also ask yourself if there are any situations in the home that could cause your dog to become overexcited. Is this cat a new member of the home or have the two animals grown up together? Has there been another major change in the home recently, like a new baby or moving to another home? If so, your dog may be trying to re-establish his dominance in the face of all these changes.

Support your pup by giving him attention, exercise, and consistency in the face of these large changes. As your dog begins to stabilize in a new environment, the humping behavior should calm down.

How to Get My Dog to Stop Humping My Cat?

If you can’t seem to stop your dog from humping your cat, there are a number of things you can do to make the situation more tolerable for both of them.

Crate Train Your Pup

Crate training can be helpful if your dog is humping out of excitement or anxiety. This will give him a safe place to calm down and reset. When he exhibits humping or mounting behavior, you simply put him in his crate for a short time-out. Don’t make this look like a punishment, or your dog will get more anxious from some crate time. Instead, try to crate him when he’s already calm, so he associates the crate with good things. Make sure to be pleasant and affectionate with him throughout the whole process and reward him when you let him out. 5 to 10 minutes should be enough time for him to calm down.

Exercise Your Dog More

A tired dog is a good dog. If your pup is full of energy, he’s more likely to engage in behavior like humping. Be sure to give him plenty of exercise. Try for at least one hour per day. You can also get him toys that will keep him more active or let him out into the backyard to explore more often. This will help to burn off some of that excess energy and hopefully make the humping behavior less likely.

Make a Calming Atmosphere

Some dogs hump because they’re anxious. If you think this may be the case with your pup, try to create a more calming atmosphere in your home. This could mean playing soft music, diffusing essential oils like lavender or chamomile, or providing your dog with a snug den-like bed. You can also try training him using positive reinforcement methods to lessen his anxiety.

Distract Your Pup

The moment you notice the humping behavior, try to distract your pup with a toy or treat. You can also let your dog out for a potty break every time you see it starting to mount the cat. This will help to refocus his attention and hopefully stop the behavior in its tracks. If he’s about to mount another animal or person, you can also try to gently guide him away with a leash.

Work With a Trainer or Behaviorist

If you’ve tried all of these things and your dog is still humping your cat, it’s time to seek professional help. A trainer or behaviorist will be able to help you figure out why your dog is engaging in this behavior and how to stop it. They may notice patterns or triggers that you haven’t been able to see and can help you create a plan to address the issue.

Be Consistent

It’s important to be consistent with any type of training you’re doing with your dog. If you only enforce the humping behavior when it’s with your cat versus other people or objects, your pup will quickly learn that this is an acceptable way to get attention. Be sure to consistently correct the behavior no matter who’s watching – even if it’s just you and your dog at home.

Neuter or Spay Your Pup

One of the best ways to help stop humping behavior is to have your pup neutered or spayed. This will help to reduce their hormones and make them less likely to engage in this type of behavior. It’s important to note that not all dogs hump because of hormones, but it can be a contributing factor for some.

Talk to Your Vet

If all else fails, you may need to seek help from a professional trainer or behaviorist. Your dog’s humping could be stemming from a more serious issue such as a medical condition, so it’s always best to rule that out first. Your vet can give you a full check-up and help to determine if there’s a bigger issue at play.


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