Why is my temple twitching

Hi, I need some advice. I have been experiencing a twitching/bubbling feeling in my left temple. Well, actually it is back a little, and happens in no particular spot just in the general area. I have had this since April, and it seems to be happening more often now. Sometimes I will go all day without it happening but it usually occurs twice a day. It feels like a twitching, but not like when your nervous and your temple twitches, it is a different feeling more like a bubbling feeling. And a lot of the time I can feel it sort of down through my sinus cavity and ear. Most of the time afterwards I have pressure from my temple to my ear to my sinus cavity. I have had my family doctor look at it and he looked at my ear and eye and said their was no swelling anywhere. And also asked my dentist about it, thinking that since I have had a lot of problems with my teeth maybe they had something to do with it, but he didn't think so. I'm am really starting to worry because I can't pinpoint a time that this occurs, and believe me I have been trying to do so, because I would like to be able to associate with something so I can find out what it is. There isn't really any pain, its just a really wierd annoying, scary feeling. My mom has even felt it by putting her finger on my temple, and sometimes I can see it if its really acting up. Please help! I'm really worried about this, and because I don't have any insurance no one seems to want to run any tests. But if it could be something serious I want some kind of tests done! Thanks,

I'm really worried

maybe just a little gas pressure also when you feel this do you have the urge to lean forward ? if so relax just gas so walk it off

Gas? In your head? Walk it off?

hi, about a year ago i started getting the twitching in my temple. it started first in my left foot arche,,( the same feeling anyway) then it was my left temple constantly. Now its my right temple,, right now. and all day.You can feel it if you put your fingers on the area and my mom has felt mine too. they told me its muscle spasms? I used to clench my teeth alot and I dooo chew gum all the time,, The dentist told me to stop chewing it. But he didnt say why. I get really scared sometimes because like today it just doesnt stop. i can count to myself and it does it every 10 seconds. it makes me think its a blood clot or something,, but the doctors say no when ive asked. sometimes its not so obvious on days or maybe just once or twice. a inch behind my ear and up and inch is usually the area. today its up near my eye but in the temple more and MY head feels full and my eye hurt earlier. maybe it is a sinus thing? or the gas thing sounds silly but it makes you wonder sometimes.. they say everything is connected so maybe ? If you ever get any answers Im all ears. I actually just got on the computer because it has twitched so bad all day long <<< I put in temple twitching to read on it. ( for peace of mind) thats where i found this.


I have same thing in my right temple. did a search and found you two.............I have seen a doctor yet, and the only thing I have changed lately is I quit smoking about a month ago, and starting jogging. It only happens a few times a day, but is scary!!!!

Like you 3 I googled it and found you guys, I get it next to my right temple about 5 times a day at the moment. It scares me a bit because I do not know what it is, but I don't know wether to go to my doctor about it.

Did anyone find an answer?

I have pressure in my right temple as well. It is there all the time, sometimes will turn into a head aches. When it all started my temples swelled up and than I had a poping sensation and I have had the pressure eversince. I have had a ex ray and many other tests and they can't find anything. The doctors just give me a bunch of perscriptions for the headaches. Its been months and yes it is very scary! Stress does make it worse, I just can't imagine what it could be, however it is very hard to work. Im not as young as the 3 of you. I just turned 45 and I work as a real estate agent so there is defently stress in my life.

I sure wish we can resolve this issue.

Just stumbled on your thread. I was researching the same symptoms. I found this other thread which put me at ease that it's mainly environmental (major sinus irritants at the moment) and stress related. Thought I'd share it with you guys.

I have the same problem with twitching in my temples on both sides , i just came back from hospital and the doctor said it culd be arteritis but she said im way to young to have it, i asked if it culd be bcuz of my wisdom teeth and she said no. I dont understand whats going on! please help!

I just started having twitching on the left side of my head a week ago. The day it started it was almost constant. I put an ice pack on my head, thinking it was a type of headache and that it would help. The entire left side of my face went numb for 30 minutes and I feared I was having a stroke but the numbness wore off and the twitching continued. We were having a family party, so after the dinner I went to the ER. I did notice though that after I ate the twitching subsided for a short bit. I had a CT scan and blood work at the hospital. CT scan was clear (which was good since at least I knew it was not a stroke or aneurysm. The blood work showed I was low on potassium so I was put on a potassium supplement and will see my family doctor early next week. I have also been trying to eat more potassium enriched foods. Usually the prescription and foods will help subside the twitching for several hours at a time, then I need to eat more. Today. however, the twitching is back to full time just like how it started last Saturday. I, too, can feel it if I put my finger/hand on my head. I still worry the CT scan missed something. Either way, this twitching is getting very disturbing as it's all I can think about. I do feel ear pressure at times, but the ER doctor said my ear was clear. The odd thing is I also have a disc/nerve problem on the left side of my back and was wondering if the two are connected since this is on the left side of my head. I am getting a spinal injection on Monday for my back, so I guess if it's connected I will soon know. I just hope the twitching goes away soon, it is getting on my nerves!

Google TMJ (temporomandibular joint syndrome) and see if you have any other symptoms. 

After 8 months of almost constant, debilitating pain and scary symptoms, I finally found out what was causing it. It can be different for everyone, depending on what triggered it (teeth grinding, jaw clenching, trauma to the jaw, teeth misalignment, arthritis, etc.). For me, it was misalignment and clenching when stressed or angry. Most likely, there is some stress on your jaw that is causing the muscle to twitch. Although it feels like it may be a vein, clot, or tumour, it is really just the muscle (I was very relieved to discover this, because, even though a previous CT scan came back normal, I still had my doubts and was very angry that doctors weren't doing much to help). Put your fingers over the spot where it's sore and bite down a few times or open your jaw as wide as you can. You'll feel a muscle contract, which is where the problem generally occurs. 

It can also cause pain/numbing in your shoulders, neck, face, ears (fullness/ringing as well), and scalp. I experienced ALL of these symptoms, and after many trips to the ER and my GP, the doctors still didn't believe what I was telling them. It was only after doing extensive research, that I learned about TMJ and realized I had all of the symptoms. This was later confirmed by my dentist. Unfortunately, there are not many options for treatment. I still experience symptoms sometimes, but I'm relieved to know that it's nothing potentially fatal. Try resting your jaw, and not eating anything tough or chewy. I was prescribed apo-ketorolac at 10mg 3 times daily, or when needed (which slowly decreased from the maximum daily dosage, to once every few days when I would experience symptoms). This is really the only thing that worked for me. I tried Robax, when I first thought it was just a pulled muscle in my neck, and that worked for about a week. This is the most confusing thing that has ever happened to me! I can't tell you how many nights I cried myself to sleep over the amount of pain I was in and the stress over no one believing me, and not knowing what was happening.

It's very stressful and annoying to deal with these symptoms, and can definitely make you panic. But stress WILL make it worse! Please, make an appointment with your DENTIST (NOT doctor), as they know more about this area than a GP or family doctor would. Even if you only have one or a few of the symptoms, it could just be starting to set in. I had no pain in my jaw at first---it was all in my neck, shoulders and temples. Only about 5 months after did it start to set in to my jaw and become even worse. This condition is best treated if caught early, to reduce the damage to the joint, and may be reversed simply with rest and a soft diet.

P.S. It's definitely NOT gas! Lol. And as for being environmental... there is a difference between sinus pressure due to allergies, and the twitching/bubbling in your temples caused by TMJ. My mom tried to convince me for months that I just had allergies and was under a lot of stress. I'm glad I didn't listen to her!

I hope this helps. I know how worried you must be, but hopefully this will give you some answers. Good luck! :-D

Hi, I am having some of the same symptoms as you guys, about two months ago I had spasm/twitching in my left temple, lasted about a weak and then went away. now for about two weeks I have had little sharp pains all over my head and around my temples and pressure all over and in jaws. Almost feels like sinus headache in forehead and sometimes I have a cool tingly feeling. I always think the worst when things are not right and I was thinking about brain tumors or clot , just hate not knowing I would appreciate any help.

I'm having the same things happening to me. I tried telling my family doctor, I think he thinks I'm a nut job. So has anyone found out the cause r what can be done. I really don't like this feeling at all it makes me thong it's something horrible and no one is hearing me... :-(

Soooo... I am having the same issue as most of you, its a "spasm" just above and slightly forward my ear. I just wanted to know how many of you are still alive??? LOL I am going crazy worried just like most of you that it is a blood clot or stroke maybe even an aneurysm. Funny how we always fear the worst. Thanks for the posts they helped calm my nerves maybe I can sleep now. 

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Very detailed description of your symptoms. I appreciate this very much, as I have experienced everything you mentioned. Doctors also think I'm going crazy. There's a ton of tension in my neck and shoulders. I also do yoga once or twice a week to help out. I try not to resort to medication, but it seems like its going to be the only thing to improve my condition. Thank you again.

I've had headaches for almost 10 years now. It evolved into muscle spasms in my temple about a year ago, which prompted me to ask a headache specialist, she prescribed me Gabapentine, and the spasms decreased significantly, but not entirely, thus my being on this thread today.

I am 19 and have it all the time it irritates me like crazy! I think the fact it happens to so many of us is a pretty good sign. I worry about it a lot and my neck is pretty tight from playing sports so maybe a bad neck can cause it

Hi All,

I have recently been suffering from temple twitching which sometimes can last up to 24 hours and it is very unnerving. I have had initial temporal artitis diagnosis also which proved incorrect as bloods came back clear. I have also had a CT scan which came back clear along with several visits to doctor and ER. Breakthrough came when I researched TMJ disorder. Anyone suffering these symptoms of temple spasms have a look on YouTube ;  TMJ and Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Animation posted by Alila medical media.......and if you think it describes your symptoms book a appointment with your DENTIST not your doctor.

Good Luck and God Bless.

I have this too, left temple, a few seconds or less, minutes or hours apart. Weird, scary, but less so after reading all the "all clears" in this thread. I had my statin increased a few months before this began and suspect that is it since it gives me spasms and cramps elsewhere. Hoping at least this is muscle related, not circulatory related. I have TMJ but dentist doesn't think this is related and I agree.

Twitching in my right temple. This follows a 12-hour right-side headache from yesterday, which I have frequently gotten since junior high school. The headaches seem to stem from knots in my right shoulder and neck. as when I feel around there I find certain spots that seem to exacerbate the core of the pain in my head. I was told I had scoliosis when I was a teenager. For sure neck vertebrae are messed up and I have to pop them by bending it to the left many times a day. I suspect the misalignment causes the muscle knots and maybe pressure on nerves and blood vessels and interrupts bloodflow to my head.

Hey guys just came across this thread and having a similar issue. I'm fairly sure it's TMJ and I was just wondering if anyone had made any progress with treating it?


I have Lyme and several co infections and I have the bubbling and twitching in my temples too and it’s very irritating


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