Why isnt my property renting

Want to know what real estate professionals know about renting a home?  Successful advertising campaigns don’t just happen. Property managers and real estate agents supply their clients with information to prepare the home for the market with targeted advice to ensure that their home rents as high and as fast as possible.  

You can entice well-qualified renters by following the tips below and by having reasonable expectations of what shoppers want and don’t want.  Not everyone can update their home for the rental market, but there are certain expectations that can’t be ignored if you want to compete and be successful.

#1 Price

Even if it’s not price, it’s still price.  The truth is, there could be a multitude of reasons why your home isn’t renting, but if you drop your price low enough, it will go in spite of those things!  People will make exceptions to location, style, and many other must-haves if the price is low. 

Don’t price yourself out of the market with unreasonable costs other than rent either.  Have standards, but don’t be unreasonable by requiring large sums of money that many renters won’t have.  Maybe your rent price is fine, but you are requiring 1st and last month’s rent plus a deposit and pet deposit.  People rent because it’s a lower commitment.  Always check out the competition and remember vacancy loss adds up fast.    

#2 Photography

No photos – No photos in real estate = something is wrong with the home.  No ifs, ands, or buts.  When I see a listing without pictures, I skip on to the next one. 

Bad photos – Taking quality photos that highlight the best attributes of the home is key to getting shoppers in the door.  If your pictures are awesome, but no one is calling, see #1.

Home not prepared for photos – Preparing the home for photos before actually taking the photos is pretty important.  Examples – clear surfaces, polish stainless steel, have working bulbs, put away toiletries, arrange furniture, etc. Remember the importance of curb appeal.  That first photo is of the utmost importance. 

#3 Showings

If your photos are great and the price is right, you will get showings.  If you have showings but no one is moving forward to rent, it may be the product.  You must prepare for your showings.  Ask for feedback and maybe a 2nd opinion from someone who isn’t worried about hurting your feelings. 

One thing people don’t like is a dingy home or a home with obvious repair needs. If you think prospects will know you plan to address certain repairs or upgrades before they move in, think again.  Let them know the carpet will be replaced or the home will be painted prior to move-in.  Neighbors with unsightly homes and yards will also affect your home’s interest.  If this is the case, it will likely come down to price – again.  Consider staging!

#4 Pet Acceptance

Pet owners make up 50%-75% of the shopping public at any given moment.  If you are stipulating that your rental is a no-pet home, then you should know that your home is not coming up in 50%-75% of active search engines.   Changing this in your listing will open your home up to a MUCH larger tenant pool.

#5 Search Engine Errors & Omissions

If you have missed inputting important information in your advertisements you may have inadvertently ruled out some traffic. Important features like a stove, air conditioning, pet acceptance, or garage must be selected in the listing software for maximum search engine success.  Look over your listings with care to make sure you haven’t left out an important detail. 

#6 Description

Check the tone of your listing – Do you sound like a tyrant?  If you are firing off requirements and stipulations about what YOU are looking for, you may be turning people off.  No one wants to live under martial law.  Your description should paint an inviting picture.  Describe the lifestyle that someone living in the home will enjoy. 

What features are going to appeal to renters the most?  FYI – tenants don’t care that your roof is 2 years old.  They are renting, not buying.  Don’t waste your listing verbiage on things that don’t matter to a tenant.   If your home isn’t all that great, talk about the community, proximity to the highway, bases, shopping, and dining.  What do YOU like about the area around the home?  Have a special hangout?  Tell them about it. 

If your home isn’t all that special, talk about the community, proximity to the highway, bases, shopping, and dining.  What do YOU like about the area around the home?  Have a special hangout?  Tell them about it.

#7 Amenities – Community & Home

Your home and community amenities will entice renters to choose your home over others and may even encourage them to pay a higher rate for conveniences that other homes don’t offer.  Leave those important tidbits out at your peril.  Included extras like utilities are awesome and rare – be sure to highlight that if applicable to your rental. Other examples:  Nearby fun, pet-friendly, certain appliances, screened porch, fenced yard, wet bar, pool, etc.  Add photos of community amenities to your listing – not everyone will read your description.   

# 8 Fencing Matters to Many

Homes without a fenced yard can be harder to rent. Shoppers with pets and children like a fenced yard, and many won’t rent a home without one.  Consider adding fencing of some sort if you plan to be a long-term landlord.  Remember it’s an investment property.    

#9 Smoking/Non-Smoking

Obviously, no one wants smoking inside their home, but smoking outside doesn’t hurt anything.  If you have advertised your home only to non-smokers, you are ruling out people who may smoke outside or enjoy the occasional cigar on the patio.  If it doesn’t damage your home, don’t rule those shoppers out. 

#10 Color Schemes & Updating

By and large rentals should have neutral paint colors.  Shoppers sometimes rule out homes if they are going to have to change their décor and furnishings to be able to live with your interior color scheme for the lease term.  Consider neutralizing at least the common areas of the home and the master suite.  When I was shopping for a 4-bedroom home in 2009 from out of state, I ruled out all homes with blue interiors.  Dated interiors matter to a lot of shoppers.  If you haven’t updated your home, consider that you may not be able to continue renting at the higher rates that more updated homes nearby are getting. 

#11 Garages

Homes with garages rent faster than homes without garages.  However, a garage without a garage door opener can be a deal-breaker.  Consider investing in this affordable update. 

#12 Maintenance

If your home has obvious repair needs during marketing periods, you are presenting as a landlord who cannot afford or is unwilling to take care of the home, even at a time when you are trying to entice tenants and impress them with the home’s attributes.   If your home has a large amount of noticeable needed general maintenance, tenants cannot trust you to handle future important repair needs like air conditioning, appliance repairs, and maybe even safety concerns. 

#13 Size Matters

If you have a larger home with 3+ bedrooms, it may be best served by marketing and turning over during the months that school is out of session.  Many folks with school-age children plan moves during the summer when school is out.  If you can rent your larger home when school is out, you will likely experience shorter market periods. 

Mary – PROperty Manager for Stephanie Clark Property Management

Tags: Home, Marketing, Photography, Renting

These days the prospect of home ownership is slipping further out of reach for many Australians, and not just those on lower incomes.

The growing ranks of renters face a shortage of properties, high rents, low quality rental stock, and the likelihood of having to find a new place to live on a regular basis.

In short, it's ugly out there and getting uglier. Now more than ever, Australian renters need to be across their rights and be willing to exercise them. 

"Renting can, and should, be a legitimate long-term housing option for those who want it," says Yaelle Caspi from the Tenants Union of Victoria.

"Unfortunately, tenants are often unaware of their rights or are reluctant to enforce the rights they do have for fear of possible reprisal, particularly given the shortage of affordable rental properties."

With the outbreak of the coronavirus at hand, renters in Australia now have some new rights, although they're only temporary.

The federal government has agreed to a moratorium on evictions over the next six months for residential tenancies "in financial distress who are unable to meet their commitments due to the impact of coronavirus".

Tenants will also be able to terminate leases and/or seek mediation or conciliation on the grounds of financial distress. 

How all this will play out remains to be seen, but CHOICE welcomes the move. 

Aside from special measures rolled out to help Australians get through the pandemic, we outline your rights around some critical and longstanding issues.

On this page:

How often can your rent be increased and by how much?

While you're on a fixed-term tenancy agreement of two years or less your rent generally can't be increased unless it's written into the agreement.

But once the term is up you'll move onto a periodic agreement or rolling lease, unless you sign another agreement. 

On these types of agreements the rent can be increased, but generally only once every six to 12 months (depending on your state or territory).

While you're on a fixed-term tenancy agreement of two years or less your rent generally can't be increased unless it's written into the agreement

This right is notably absent in NSW, where there's no limit to how often your rent can be increased.

But you are entitled to a notice period of around 60 days around the country for any rent increase (except in the NT where it's only 30 days).

State/territory How often can rent be increased on a periodic lease? Notice period?
NSW No limit 60 days
Qld, Vic, WA and NT Once every six months 60 days/two months 30 days (NT)
ACT, Tas and SA Once every 12 months 60 days/eight weeks

Excessive rental increases

While there are no official limits, a landlord cannot increase your rent "excessively".

If you believe the increase is excessive, you can try disputing it through your state's appropriate service – in most cases its civil and administrative tribunal.

If deemed excessive, the tribunal can issue an enforceable order preventing all or part of the increase and set a period of time during which no further increases can be applied.

How can you know if the increase is excessive?

Nothing is written in stone, but the tribunal may consider things such as:

  • the range of market rents charged for similar properties in the area
  • the condition of the property
  • the level of repairs the landlord has done and the amount they've had to spend
  • how long it's been since the last increase
  • if you've paid for any work to be done
  • the proposed increase compared to the current rent

While there's no uniform definition of "excessive", ACT legislation, for instance, specifies that an increase of 20% more than the average increase in rents in a given area is excessive.

With home ownership out of reach for many families in Australia, long-term renting is often the only option.

Fee-free rent payments

When we looked into third-party rent collection (such as rent cards), we found a lack of regulation that opened the door for renters to be charged fees to pay their rent.

While the situation has improved in some states, many renters are still unprotected.

In NSW, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland you're entitled to at least one fee-free way to pay your rent. The other states and territories don't provide such protections.

When you're entitled to repairs

There's generally a distinction in tenancy legislation between urgent or emergency repairs and those that are less urgent. 

Urgent repairs are generally specified as posing a danger or likely to cause undue inconvenience, such as a dangerous electrical fault or a blocked or broken toilet.

Beyond these types of repairs, each state and territory – in theory – requires landlords to conduct repairs to maintain the property in a reasonable condition, but in practice this doesn't always happen.

In NSW, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland you're entitled to at least one fee-free way to pay your rent. The other states and territories don't provide such protections

Research by Consumer Affairs Victoria found that 53% of tenants had experienced problems in getting repairs completed, and only 40% who had requested non-urgent repairs reported that they were completed promptly and to an acceptable standard.  

You can't stop paying your rent if your landlord doesn't do the repairs. But you may be entitled to apply to your tenancy tribunal to have your rent paid into a special account until the repairs are done.

What sort of repairs and maintenance are covered? For non-urgent repairs, the standard of repairs you can expect will differ depending on:

  • the state of the property when you moved in
  • the age of the property and its prospective life, and
  • the price you pay for the property (potentially).

Many renters have to deal with properties in need of repair, but are afraid to complain for fear of not having their lease renewed.

Excessive mould as a result of structural issues or broken elements on a stove top are common, non-urgent issues where tenants should be entitled to repairs, according to the Tenants' Union of Victoria.

But many tenants are too scared to ask for repairs for fear of being kicked out.

A survey by the Tenants' Union of NSW found 77% of respondents had put up with a problem because they were worried it would adversely affect their tenancy if they asked to get it fixed.

Protection against retaliatory evictions

It's pointless to provide protections for tenants if they're too afraid to assert them for fear of retaliation from their landlord, but such is the sorry state of today's rental market.

If you're on a fixed-term agreement a landlord can't kick you out without good cause (such as violating the terms of the lease), but for renters on a periodic lease it's a different story.

In most states and territories (with the exception of the ACT and Tasmania) a tenant on a periodic lease can be given a 'no grounds' eviction notice as long as it's within the notification period.

Research from the Tenants' Union of Queensland found no-grounds evictions were the most common form of eviction, and in many of these cases tenants felt they were a form of retaliation.

It's pointless to provide protections for tenants if they're too afraid to assert them for fear of retaliation from their landlord, but such is the sorry state of today's rental market

Thankfully, some states and territories provide some sort of protection against retaliatory evictions or at least give you the right to challenge the reason for a termination decision.

In one case, three tenants on the NSW Central Coast had each written to their estate agent requesting a review of rent increases that were for varying amounts up to $130.

Two days later, the tenants each received no-grounds eviction notices. The Central Coast Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service (CCTAAS) helped the tenants apply for orders deeming the rent increase excessive and the eviction notice retaliatory.

"The matter was settled before it reached the tribunal, with the notice of terminations not being acted on and the rent increases being reviewed to a more reasonable increase," says Sidonie Gnauck from CCTAAS.

Tenancy database blacklisting

Tenancy databases such as the National Tenancy Database provide lists of problem tenants that real estate agents can review when conducting tenant history checks.

According to our research, around 50% of renters are fearful of being "blacklisted" on such databases because it would make it harder to find a place to rent in the future (although only three percent of renters actually reported this happening to them).

There are only two scenarios in which your name can be put on a tenancy database, and you can only be listed once your tenancy has ended

While you may think exercising your rights will tarnish your rental record, there's regulation across Australia around how these databases can be used (with the NT somewhat of an outlier).

There are only two scenarios in which your name can be put on a tenancy database, and you can only be listed once your tenancy has ended:

  • your rent is in arrears by an amount in excess of the bond, or
  • you've breached your tenancy agreement.

You can't be listed simply because you exercised your rights.

Also, the agent or landlord is required to tell you if they intend to list you so you have time to consider and dispute the information.

You must also be told if the agent finds a listing on you when they make their checks. And listings older than three years must be removed.

Getting your bond back

In most states and territories you're required to lodge your bond with the relevant bond authority. If there's a dispute at the end of your lease, the money is held with a third party – out of reach from an agent or landlord who may not be playing fair. 

The arrangement also means you can apply to get your bond back independently if the landlord doesn't authorise its release in a timely fashion, or if there is a disagreement over the bond.

"The idea that your landlord won't give your bond back is a bit of a furphy," Ned Cutcher told us when he was a senior policy officer at the Tenants' Union of NSW. 

The landlord must then make a case to the bond board in a timely fashion if there's anything they want to complain about

As soon as your tenancy is over in NSW, you have the right to unilaterally apply to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) to get your bond back – that is, "you don't need to wait for your landlord to sign off", Cutcher says.

The landlord must then make a case to the bond board in a timely fashion if there's anything they want to complain about.

It's a similar story in Victoria. As a tenant you can apply directly to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) if you can't reach an agreement with the landlord on your application to the bond board.

If the landlord intends to make a claim on the bond, they must do so within 10 days of the tenancy agreement finishing.

The is no specific tenancy requirement in any state for renters to steam clean carpets before moving out.

Do you have to steam-clean the carpets when you move out?

You've scrubbed the house from top to toe, only to find your agent or landlord wants a receipt for carpet steam-cleaning before they'll give your bond back.

In New South Wales, the law is clear – it's prohibited to include a term in a lease requiring you to have the carpets professionally cleaned, unless you've agreed to it as a condition for keeping pets at the property.

Elsewhere, whether you have to steam clean the carpets or not is a little hazier. Legislation generally requires you to ensure the house is "reasonably clean" (the definition of "reasonably" will depend on the condition of the house when you moved in).

While no tenancy laws specifically require that the carpets be professionally cleaned, a landlord or agent may include it as a special term on a lease.

Some fair trading and consumer affairs bodies outside New South Wales say that if it's written into a lease (regardless of whether it was done prior to moving in) you need to honour it.

While no tenancy laws specifically require that the carpets be professionally cleaned, a landlord or agent may include it as a special term on a lease

However, some consumer affairs agencies and tenants' unions suggest that carpets should only need to be cleaned if the landlord/agent cleaned the carpets prior to you moving in (it's about leaving the house in the same condition as when you moved in).

For example, Caspi argues that, in Victoria, lease provisions requiring the carpets to be cleaned aren't automatically enforceable.

"Tenants are obliged to leave the premises reasonably clean, and if carpets meet this standard by normal cleaning then nothing further is legally required," Caspi says.

"The Tenants Union of Victoria has successfully argued these types of cases at VCAT; however, many tenants continue to pay for professional cleaning even in situations where it is not required or enforceable."

If you do decide to clean the carpets, it's worth keeping the receipt, and you shouldn't be forced to use a particular company.

Do you have to pay for water use?

When it comes to water bills, you're only liable for your water consumption charges, not other associated supply charges (unless you live in South Australia, where supply costs can be passed on).

But if you're on a shared meter (often in apartments) you can't be charged for your consumption or supply. This doesn't apply in South Australia or WA, where consumption on a shared meter can be charged provided the method of calculation is spelt out on your lease.

If you're on a shared water meter (often in apartments) you can't be charged for your consumption or supply

In New South Wales and Queensland you can't be charged for water consumption unless the correct water efficiency measures are installed (these vary slightly in each state).

This isn't a requirement in other states, although if a water fixture needs to be replaced in Victoria it must be done with a fixture with a minimum three-star water efficiency rating.

Renter's resources

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia



Western Australia

Stock images: Getty, unless otherwise stated.


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